Sunday 29 September 2024

UPDATE: Cllr Collymore suspended from Labour Party pending further Labour Party investigation into incident that led to her resignation as Deputy Mayor. Brent Labour Group apologises for her actions.

 Following Cllr Collymore's resignation as Deputy Mayor and from her committee positions, she has been suspended from the Labour Party pending further investigations by the party.

Her resignation followed a finding by the responsible Brent Officer that she has breached the Members Code of Conduct in an altercation with a parking warden. REPORT HERE

Cllr Collymore remains a councillor.

The Kilburn Times reported a statement by Brent Labour Group:

Following a breach of the councillors code of conduct, Cllr Collymore has been suspended, pending Labour Party investigation.

We unequivocally condemn the conduct displayed during this incident, which falls short of the high standards expected within the Labour Party. We have written to the member of staff to offer our apology on behalf of the entire Labour Group.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Cllr Collymore resigns as Deputy Mayor of Brent Council and resigns from other council positions

 Brent Audit and Standards Committee was told tonight that Cllr Collymore has resigned from her position as Deputy Mayor and from her other council positions. This follows the finding that she had breached the Members Code of Conduct in an altercation with a parking warden. See LINK

Members noted the outcome of the investigation bt Debra Norman, Corporate Director of Law and Governance and the sanctions imposed.

Cllr Janice Long remarked that the report made what appeared to be something nasty seem bland, and it was hard to judge without seeing the video footage referred to. Debra Norman said the video was private but had been made available to the leaders of the Labour Group. The complaint was serious but she could imagine worse. She did not want therefore to use the full range of sanctions available to her.

She confirmed that as the decsion had been made under  her delegated powers it would not go the Audit Committee.

I understand that at present Cllr Collymore remains a councillor and a member of the Labour Party.

This is a link to the Officer's Report on the incident. (Also availabe on the link in the first paragraph above).

Volunteering opportunities to help London's green transition

 From London National Park City

We’re excited to reveal that London National Park City has launched an interactive volunteer map and directory, highlighting volunteering opportunities across the city's 32 boroughs. The map - which has been co-created with the input of over 100 individuals and organisations (many in the charity space) - is still under development, and will receive regular updates and evolve over time. 

Volunteering is a crucial accelerator in the National Park City movement and London's transition to becoming a greener, healthier, wilder city. The map aims to serve as a go-to resource for those seeking to give back to local initiatives, fostering community engagement and supporting the important work of not-for-profit organisations across London.

We invite you to take a moment to explore the map and encourage you to share it with your network. The page includes a form to submit any new volunteering opportunities you may have.

If you take up a volunteer placement found via the map we’d love you to share your experience with us by tagging us on our socials or dropping us a line at

BREAKING: Wembley High Road reconstruction works delayed until January 2025


The controversial works that would have closed part of Wembley High Road from mid-October have been delayed until January 2025.

This is because TfL requested sufficient time to organise diversions and mitigations for the many bus routes affected by the closure. Brent Council also took into account loss of trade for local shopkeepers over the Christmas and Diwali festivals.

There will be full closure of the part of Wembley High Road and Wembley Triangle marked in red above. The works are expected to take 16 weeks and start on January 6th 2025.

Brent Council will place further details on its website.

The works will be complicated by the construction taking place at the Ujima House and Fairgate House sites, the green section of the High Road on the map above. How will construction lorries turn at what will now be a dead end?  Works are also getting underway on the Copland/Cecil Avenue site.

Although we can assume that the 83 and 182 buses will be able to divert along Park Lane it is unclear what will happen with the 18 route. This route between Harlesden and Wembley is much used by school pupils.

Brent opposition parties call in decisions made by Barham Park Trust Committee

Opposition parties on Brent Council have combined to call-in decisions made by Barham Park Trustees and Brent Officers regarding property in Barham Park. The Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee will consider the issue next week at a special meeting on Wednesday October 2nd. LINK

Call-in requires the setting out of concerns over a decision and suggestions for alternative action.

One of the central suggestions is:

Refer this decision back to the Trust Committee to reconsider with a recommendation that the Council should once again review the Governance arrangements for the Trust and appoint Trustees with sufficient knowledge, experience and interest who will manage the affairs of the Trust better than has been done in recent years.


Delegation to Council Officers should also be deferred until this has been done and until the losses made by the Trust, as a result of the delegation of powers to officers, have been identified and evaluated and a revised set of duties and responsibilities have been listed to avoid similar failures in the future.

The call-in request is embedded below: