Showing posts with label Brent Cabinet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brent Cabinet. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

LETTER: Council Tax Support - when is a Consultation NOT a Consultation?


 Segment of Brent Cabinet dealing with Council Tax Support (Apologies for poor sound quality on Brent Council recording)


Dear Wembley Matters

When is a Consultation NOT a Consultation?

When Labour Brent Council calls something a "Consultation", asks people to express their views and....then ignores them.

A few days ago Martin reported on the drastic CUTS in support to around 17,000 individuals and families in Brent currently receiving support with their Council Tax bills.

In simple terms the Labour Leadership is proposing to cut £8 million from the Council Tax Support Scheme and set up a £1.5 million hardship fund to help the people most impacted and facing the greatest hardship.

Hundreds (possibly thousands) of Brent residents now face having to pay up to £600 a year (£50 per month) more than before. 

At the same time the Brent element of the Council Tax is going up by another 5%  and in 2025/26 the Band D Council Tax will be £2,133.

Brent officers admit that even with the £1.5 million hardship fund in place many residents will not be able to pay, will fall into even greater debt and the Council will be forced to write off many of those debts. 

I went to the Cabinet on the Monday morning 10 February to argue for two changes to the Labour proposals:

  1. Doubling of the £1.5 million hardship fund to £3 million 
  2. Reject the proposal to use Universal Credit rules of only allowing backdating of Council Tax Support Scheme for just 1 month - for the simple reasons that Universal Credit is far too complicated and that most people are unaware of the Council Tax Support Scheme and will inevitably claim too late - and lose out on what they were entitled to.
I made the point that extra support was needed this year because the CUT was being rushed and the people impacted had very little time to get help, advice or an opportunity to take steps to manage their income or expenditure to be able to afford the extra cost that will hit them from 1 April 2025 just 7 weeks away.

Needless to say my suggestions were rejected out of hand after the usual Councillor Butt rant totally unrelated to the issue. 

Oh, yes Consultation?

In his previous article Martin also published a response to the consultation from the Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB). Their research and a number of case studies highlighted the hardship and impact the drastic Labour Cuts will have on real Brent residents.  The CAB also made some recommendations as to how the worst impact could be mitigated.

Paragraph 10.4 of the Council Report on the issue that went to Cabinet makes the intent of the Brent style "consultation" very clear:

"Given the scale of the budget challenge, the Council’s preferred option was to consult on the proposal which resulted in the saving level needed."

What exactly was the point of the 8 week consultation exercise? Was there any intention to listen to the CAB or anyone else? Of course NOT! 

This was another case of a SHAM Labour Consultation of which we have had many over the years.

So next time you hear a Labour politician shed crocodile tears over the cost of living crisis feel free to point out how much harder they have made things for thousands of Brent residents as a result of their decision.


Paul Lorber

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Queen's Park residents to present 1218 signature petition to Brent Cabinet on Monday calling on them to defer local traffic scheme after adverse impact of trial

A group of Queens Park residents will present a petition to Brent Cabinet tomorrow calling for the Council to withdraw the latest local traffic scheme proposed for the Queen's Park Healthy Neighbourhood. They want any formal consultation to be deferred pending a clear plan outlining the benefits

The petition is on the Brent Council website HERE

We the undersigned petition the council to register strong opposition from the residents and communities of Queen’s Park, Kensal Rise, Brondesbury Park, and surrounding areas, to Brent Council's hyper-local traffic scheme proposals in a limited area of Queen’s Park. We call on Brent Council to withdraw the latest proposals under the Queen’s Park Healthy Neighbourhood scheme and defer any formal Consultation until a plan is presented with clear benefits that prioritise the health, safety, equality, prosperity, and quality of life for the entire neighbourhood (in and around the designated ‘project zone’) based on strong community support, evidence-based planning, transparent decision-making, and value for money. 


The Queen’s Park Healthy Neighbourhood page on Brent Council’s website promises a scheme that “ensures the whole community can benefit from cleaner air and safer, quieter streets…”.

While we welcome and support that aspiration, the trial measures on the streets connecting Kingswood Avenue and Salusbury Road are diverting traffic unhelpfully, adversely impacting the broader community, and together with the new proposals developed by MP Smarter Travel, raise serious concerns regarding:


• Health and safety risks from displaced traffic increasing congestion and pollution within the project zone and on already dangerous and busy boundary roads, including Salusbury and Chamberlayne where thousands of children attend school.


• Failure to consider any impact on adjacent areas like Brondesbury Park, Kensal Rise and North Kilburn, and neglect of vulnerable populations such as the elderly, disabled, and families who cannot rely solely on walking or cycling.


• Unfair prioritisation of select streets at the expense of surrounding areas, imposed without broad community support, based on flawed engagement and inadequate impact assessment, exacerbating inequality and division.

• Unnecessary harm and disruption to residents and businesses in Queen’s Park and surrounding areas from restricted access.


 The Cabinet is at 10am on Monday December 9th and can be viewed online HERE.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Democracy in Brent – Council and Leader responses to my open email.

 Guest post by Philip Grant in a personal capacity

Martin reports Cabinet’s (in)action over my efforts to get 28 May minutes corrected.


If you have been following the saga over the Bobby Moore Bridge advertising lease, and what happened at the Brent Cabinet meeting on 28 May, you will know I feel strongly that the subsequent official minutes for item 7 are not a correct record.


On Sunday, Martin published a guest post from me, setting out the text of an open email which I had sent to the Council Leader, Cllr. Muhammed Butt, and all the members of his Cabinet. This forwarded an email I had sent to Brent’s Corporate Director (Law and Governance), which gave details of the changes I believe needed to be made to the minutes, to make them a correct record, which is what minutes of meetings are meant to be. I wrote: ‘I hope that you will approve those amendments at your meeting on Monday.’


In the hour before that meeting, there was an exchange of emails between the Corporate Director and myself, followed by an email from the Council Leader after the meeting. As Martin has published my views, I think it only fair that he should also publish the Council’s response to them.


Here are the full texts of the email exchanges on Monday 17 June, so that followers of “Wembley Matters” can read them if they wish to, and make up their own minds on the issues. All of the emails were copied to the Council Leader, Cabinet members and Brent’s Chief Executive. (As I am writing this, I will reserve the right to have the final word! You are welcome to agree or disagree with me in the comments section below.)


Monday 17 June at 9.15am, from Brent’s Corporate Director (Law and Governance):


Dear Mr Grant


Thank you for your emails relating to this matter and I note your main concerns identified in your email of 14 June 2024 (now copied to the Cabinet and Chief Executive) following your consideration of Mr *****’s email of earlier that day.


The main purpose of minutes of a Cabinet meeting is to establish a clear record of the decision(s) taken.  The minutes should also establish the reasons for the decision(s) including any alternative options which are placed before Cabinet but not agreed.  This can be done by reference to the report relating to the decision.


The minutes meet these requirements.


Other details of the meeting are not required to be included.  In respect of what is included I cannot see that the minutes are inaccurate.


In respect of the first section you wish to substitute, the decision and reasons are required to be recorded in the minutes.  The minutes refer to the potential options being presented in the report, they do not state that the Leader specifically presented these options himself. You had of course already spoken about the Options so there could be no doubt that the Cabinet was aware of them and of the views of those who supported the petition to take note of them.  In agreeing the recommendations in the report, the Cabinet was agreeing to note items as recommended as Mr ***** explained.


Cllr Donnelly-Jackson thanked you for your contribution, which was for the purpose of representing the residents who supported the petition, and I think recording that as Cabinet thanking residents is not inaccurate.


There is no general requirement for Cabinet members to vote by a show of hands or to formally state their support.  Cabinet members were given the opportunity to indicate that they did not agree the recommendations which the Leader had proposed be agreed, for example if they had thought Option A was the correct choice.  None of them chose to do so.


In respect of your second proposed substitution and your intervention to raise a point of order, the minute clearly captures the import of the Leader’s response.  As a member of the public observing a Cabinet meeting you would not have the formal right to raise a point of order.  However, given you stated the point you wish to raise anyway, had the Chief Executive or Head of Law considered there was a matter of concern to address I am sure they would have provided advice.


In summary, although I wasn’t at the meeting, I have watched the webcast and do not consider the minutes to be an incorrect representation of the decision or the reasons for it, including the options which were presented by the report.


Best wishes




Debra Norman
Corporate Director, Law & Governance


Monday 17 June at 9.35am, my reply to Ms Norman’s email:


Dear Ms Norman,


Thank you for yoùr detailed response to the concerns I raised.


I note what you have said, but still believe that the minute for item 7 of the 28 May Cabinet meeting is NOT a correct record, and should not be accepted by Cabinet as such.


I would be grateful if you would, please, publicly make clear at the meeting that a member of the public involved at that meeting does not accept that minute as being a correct record, and have that included in the minutes of today's meeting. Thank you. 


Best wishes,


Philip Grant.


Monday 17 June at 9.59am (meeting started at 10am!), reply to me from Ms Norman:


Dear Mr Grant


Thank you for your email.


This would be a matter for the Leader.


Best wishes




Monday 17 June at 11.08am, from Cllr. Muhammed Butt’s to me:


Thank you.


The minutes were accepted as a true reflection of the cabinet meeting held in May.





Cllr Muhammed Butt
Leader of Brent Council
Labour councillor for Tokyngton ward.


It is not often I agree with Cllr. Butt, but I think that what has happened over this matter, since the open email I wrote to him on 20 May (about the need for the voting on the Bobby Moore Bridge advertising lease to not only be fair, but to be seen to be fair) is a ‘true reflection’ of the state of Democracy in Brent under his Leadership.


I said above that I would have the final word. This is the reply I sent to the Council Leader, with copies to Cabinet members and Brent’s Chief Executive and Corporate Director … etc.:


Dear Councillor Butt,


Thank you for your email.


I will pass on your message to those who are interested.


I hope that you and your Cabinet colleagues will consider, along with the Chief Executive and Corporate Director (Law and Governance), the points I made in my email of 15 June, about the need for Cabinet decisions, and votes on them, to be more visibly seen to be considered and made, in the interests of open democracy.


That is also something where "Change" would be welcomed. Best wishes,


Philip Grant.


Brent residents deserve to be treated with more respect by our elected councillors*. The least we should expect in a democracy is that the decision-making body, Brent’s Cabinet, considers  decisions carefully and votes properly on them in its public meetings!


Philip Grant.


* They were democratically elected. Cllr. Butt topped the poll, receiving 1447 votes, when he was elected to represent Tokyngton Ward in 2022, and Labour councillors won 57.6% of the votes cast in Brent, on a 30.67% turnout. Under our first-past-the-post system, that gave Labour 49 out of 57 Council seats, and after such a victory it was unsurprising that Cllr. Butt’s councillors voted to give him four more years as Leader of the Council (a post he has held since May 2012).

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Cllr Muhammed Butt loses his cool when petitioner wants to make a point of order at Brent Cabinet. Bobby Moore Bridge Mural to be covered by advertising.

 Note: An earlier video has been replaced by this Brent Council video which has better sound quality.

Philip Grant, a regular contributor to Wembley Matters, who has no party political affiliation, presented a 100 signature plus petition to Brent Cabinet today setting out the case for the permanent display of the Bobby Moore Bridge tile mural. See LINK for details.

Council Leader Muhammed Butt made a brief response and then after asking for contributions  from Cabinet colleagues (there were none) put only one Option forward with no show of hands from Cabinet members. This was the option to cover the mural with advertising.

When Philip Grant tried to raise a point of order on this (4.20) above Cllr Butt refused to hear the point of order.

As it is hard to hear the point of order on the video I asked Philip what he had been attempting to say when shouted down: 

The point of order that I went to the public speaker's microphone to make was that the Leader had declared the Officer recommendation approved when not a single Cabinet member had put a hand up to show that they accepted the recommendation.

I then added the second point (which I'd already advised him of in my open email a week before), that the decision the Cabinet was meant to make was either Option A or Option B, and they had not been given the opportunity to vote on both options.


Monday, 20 May 2024

Wembley Tile Murals – Open email to Cllr. Butt about 28 May Cabinet vote

 Guest post by Philip Grant in a personal capacity

Wembley Tile Murals – Open email to Cllr. Butt about 28 May Cabinet vote

Earlier this month,
Martin published a reminder about the petition I had launched, calling on Brent’s Cabinet to award a new advertising lease only for the parapets of the Bobby Moore Bridge, which would allow the heritage tile murals in the subway to be put back on public display. The petition attracted 114 signatures (thank you!), more than enough to allow me to present it to the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 28 May.


The agenda for that meeting was published on the Council’s website last Friday, including the Officer Report for item 7, about the award of the new advertising lease. I will be writing more about this subject in the coming days, but there was one matter which I thought needed to be raised with the Cabinet Chair / Council Leader in advance of the meeting.


The opening section of the Report makes a clear statement:


‘It was agreed by the Chief Executive that the final award decision should be made by Cabinet.  This report explains the outcome of procurement for Bobby Moore Bridge Advertising and requests a decision between the two options below: 


Option A - Advertising on the parapet walls of the bridge only where the existing digital screens are located. This will not affect any of the tiled areas.   


Option B - Advertising on the parapet walls of the bridge, plus the underpass walls excluding the mural with plaque.’


I have, in the past, raised concerns about decisions that are meant to be made, openly and publicly, at Cabinet meetings (Democracy in Brent – are Cabinet Meetings a Charade?). How could I try to ensure that both options were considered at the meeting, and the decision between the two options made fairly?


This seemed particularly important because the key recommendation in the Officer Report is that Cabinet: ‘Approve the award of a contract for Bobby More Bridge Advertising on the basis of Option B to Quintain Ltd’, and the Report is heavily biased in favour of Option B.


This is the full text of the open email I sent to the Council Leader, with copies to the other members of Brent’s Cabinet, first thing on Monday morning, 20 May:



‘To: Cllr. Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council.


This is an open email

Dear Councillor Butt,


Cabinet meeting on 28 May - Voting on the new Bobby Moore Bridge advertising lease 


Last year, at an event in Olympic Way, you kindly and publicly thanked me for keeping Brent Council “on its toes” over heritage matters. That is what I will try to do when I present the public petition on the Bobby Moore Bridge tile murals to the Cabinet meeting on 28 May.


The relevant Officer Report to that meeting sets out that the Cabinet ‘is required to decide whether to award a contract for Bobby Moore Bridge Advertising on the basis of’ either Option A or Option B, as set out in the procurement process. 


You may already have thought how you will ensure that this decision is taken fairly, but I hope you will consider the request I am making below. This would ensure that not only is the decision fair, but that the wider public, interested in the tile murals at Wembley Park, can see that it is fair.


The Officer Report recommends that Cabinet approve the award of the contract under Option B, because that will provide a higher level of income to the Council. That is understandable, as it is their job to generate as much income as possible from Council-owned assets.


The petition I will present to the meeting urges the Cabinet to approve a new advertising lease under Option A, as although that would provide a slightly lower income, there would be added value in putting the heritage tile murals in the subway back on public display.


Individual Cabinet members may have different, yet both perfectly legitimate, views on which option should be approved. As this will be a Cabinet decision, each member should be entitled to vote according to their honestly held view.


From my previous experience of watching Cabinet meetings, you would usually ask members whether they agree with the recommendation(s) made by Officers in their Report. 


In this particular case, I am requesting that you invite individual votes for “those in favour of Option A” and for “those in favour of Option B”. In the event of an equal number of members voting for each option, you would, of course, have the casting vote as Council Leader and Chair of the meeting.


I look forward to seeing this form of voting used at the meeting on 28 May. Thank you. Best wishes,


Philip Grant.’


Regular readers may remember my recent correspondence with Brent’s Corporate Director for Law and Governance, about Cabinet Member Forewords in Officer Reports. Her view is that they ‘provide an opportunity for the council policy context of decisions to be made explicit in reports to Cabinet by the Cabinet Member who is accountable for initiating and implementing council policies within the relevant portfolio.’


The Cabinet member handling the award of the new Bobby Moore Bridge advertising lease is Cllr. Butt himself, and for your information, this is his Leader Foreword in the Report:-




Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Complaint over party political content of a Council report – Brent’s Final Word.

 Guest post by Philip Grant in a personal capacity


The opening paragraph of Cllr. Tatler’s Foreword in the SCIL request Officer Report to 8 April Cabinet.


For “Wembley Matters” readers who have been following my correspondence with Brent’s top Council Officer for Governance (and now with the extended title: Corporate Director, Governance and Law), since my initial guest post on 5 April, here is the final instalment.


When writing about the previous exchange (published on 18 April), I said that I felt ‘the Senior Officer was trying to create a smokescreen’, over the central issue of party political content in a Cabinet Member Foreword (see an example in the extract above, but with a ‘content and style’ of a political manifesto as well). That is why, when replying to her on 17 April, I wrote:


‘So that we can finalise this point, please let me have your straightforward answers to these two questions:


a) Do you accept that the Cabinet Member Foreword, in the SCIL Request Officer Report to the Cabinet meeting on 8 April, contained some political material, including at least one piece of Labour Party political material?


b) Do you agree that it is wrong for Officer Reports to Cabinet meetings to include material which ‘in whole or in part, appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party’ (irrespective of whether or not its publication breaches Section 2 of the Local Government Act 1986)?’


You can judge for yourselves how well (or not) these specific questions were answered in this final exchange of emails on this matter, set out in full below.

Email from Brent Council’s Corporate Director of Governance at 9.12 am on 23 April:


Dear Mr Grant


Thank you for your email,


My role is to advise the council in relation to the law and governance.  As a matter of governance, I do not consider there to be any good reason why reports to Cabinet should not contain a section for the relevant Cabinet Member to provide the council policy context of decisions to be made.  As indicated previously, it is my view that the Cabinet Member Foreword about which you are concerned did not contain any material covered by the legislation to which you refer.


The new report template, including the section for a Cabinet Member Foreword, was introduced at the request of the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive has considered your emails and does not consider there to be any need for the inclusion of the Cabinet Member Foreword in the template to be reviewed.


I recognise that you have a strong opinion in respect of this matter.  As a result of your emails, I have reminded officers of the purpose of the Cabinet Member Foreword and how it should be presented in reports.  However, our opinions differ as to the appropriateness of including the Cabinet Member Foreword in Cabinet reports.


Best wishes




Corporate Director, Law & Governance


My response to that email at 8.45am on 26 April:


This is an Open Email


Dear Ms Norman,


Thank you for your email of 23 April.


On point 2 of my email to you of 17 April (Are Cabinet Member Forewords appropriate in Officer Reports to Brent’s Cabinet?), our opinions do differ. You have my views on this, and the reasons for them, on record should the matter be raised again in future.


I am disappointed that you have failed to answer either of the two specific questions which I asked you at point 1 of my email of 17 April (Did Councillor Tatler’s Cabinet Member Foreword contain political material?). Instead of the straightforward answers I requested, you have repeated your earlier view that the Cabinet Member Foreword: ‘did not contain any material covered by the legislation to which’ I had previously referred.


I acknowledge and accept that your ‘role is to advise the council in relation to the law and governance.’ But, as Monitoring Officer, should you not also be showing leadership, by example, in answering questions objectively and honestly, rather than evading them?


I can only hope that, when you say you have: ‘reminded officers of the purpose of the Cabinet Member Foreword and how it should be presented in reports’, this means that you have advised them to ensure that there is no party political material included in them in future.


Best wishes,


Philip Grant.