Saturday 12 June 2021

Another of Brent’s beautiful tile murals – in Neasden!

Guest post by Philip Grant 

Yes, this is another “guest blog” about tile murals with a heritage tale to tell, but this time they are not at Wembley Park.


1.Water sports on the Welsh Harp Reservoir, in colourful tiles.


The murals pictured in this article are in a pedestrian subway under the North Circular Road at Neasden. Although I have driven over them, and have visited Neasden a number of times in the past (to visit the former Grange Museum, and former Neasden Library on the site of the 1930s Ritz Cinema), I have never actually seen them myself! 


These photos were taken by Russell Cox, an Area Manager for Daniels Estate Agents, and sent to me by his colleague, Francis Henry, who knows of my interest in local history (the Bobby Moore Bridge tile murals). As soon as I saw them, I knew that I wanted to share them with you, and some of the stories they represent. Russell has kindly agreed that I can do that.


The first mural scene above clearly represents the nearby Welsh Harp Reservoir. Its history goes back to the 1830s (you can read about that here). You may think that water sports on the reservoir are a fairly modern addition, but you would be wrong. Although the canoeists in this mural may have been from the Youth Sailing Base (opened by Middlesex County Council in 1963, and closed by Barnet Council in 2004), a canoe was first tested on the Welsh Harp by “Rob Roy” Macgregor in the 1860s! The Royal Canoe Club he founded in 1866 met at the reservoir well into the 20th century.


2.Sailing dinghies racing on the Welsh Harp.


Since the Second World War, sailing rights on the reservoir have been leased from British Waterways (now the Canal & River Trust) by the Welsh Harp Sailing Association. It has around eight member clubs, mainly based at Birchen Grove. It is enjoyable watching the dinghies in action as you walk nearby, but the Wembley Sailing Club is offering families the chance to actually try out sailing, with a free lesson on Sunday 27 June (see the Kilburn Times article).


The Brent Reservoir (as it is officially known) was built to supply water to the Paddington Arm of the Grand Union Canal, which opened in 1801, so it’s no surprise that the murals also show scenes from the canal. “The Feeder”, which runs through Neasden (between the Railway Village and Quainton Street Open Space) and Stonebridge, to join the canal at Lower Place, was dug through Willesden’s fields in 1811. It first took water from a bend on the River Brent at Kingsbury, and since 1835 has provided the link between the Welsh Harp and the canal.


3.A narrow boat passing under a canal bridge.


4.A lock and lock-keeper’s cottage.


If you walk through this pedestrian subway, between the shopping centre and Neasden Lane North, it might encourage you to talk a stroll alongside the canal itself. There are a number of places in Brent where you can join the canal-side path, from Alperton in the west, past Acton Lane to Kensal Green / West Kilburn in the south-east.


5.A canal-side walk, in a Neasden subway.


How did these murals come to be here, and when were they installed? I don’t know, and I’m hoping that one of you reading this can add some information in a comment below, please. I do know that the Neasden Underpass, which takes Neasden Lane under the North Circular Road, was built in the early 1970s. The subway, which takes pedestrians under the main road, was probably built as part of the same scheme, and was certainly in use by the 1980s.


Were these tile murals part of that original scheme, or were they added later, to brighten up what could have been an uninviting passageway? The style of the murals looks similar to those at the Bobby Moore Bridge, which date from 1993. They were the work of the Langley (London) Architectural Art Service, and designed by their artist, Kathryn Digby. Were these murals also from the 1990s, or were they earlier. If you lived or worked in Neasden then, please share your memories of these murals.


6.A holiday narrow boat, moored beside the canal (and the North Circular Road!).


Even if you know nothing about their history, you can still enjoy these murals, either in person or just by looking at these photos. Imagine yourself on a bright early summer day, sailing out on the Welsh Harp, walking beside the Grand Union, or relaxing on a narrow boat. These beautiful and colourful pieces of public art can help you to be there!

Philip Grant.


Friday 11 June 2021

Brent Council asks residents to limit indoor mixing and get vaccinated as Delta variant rates rise in the borough on eve of Euros. Avoid booking Covid19 test at Civic Centre on match days.


Please do not travel to Wembley unless you have a ticket for Sunday’s game. We are asking residents to avoid booking COVID-19 testing at Brent Civic Centre on match day. Alternative testing sites can be found on our interactive map. Ticketholders should check the UEFA website for the latest information.

BBC information earlier this week: 


Thursday 10 June 2021

Raheem Sterling tells Wembley school students he is 'so proud of where I grew up' as they help open the Wembley Steps in time for Euro2020


Year 11 school students from Ark Elvin Academy today helped open the controversial Wembley Steps ahead of the first Euro2020 game at the stadium.

Raheem Sterling who attended Copland High School, the predecessor to Ark Elvin before an equally controversial decision to academise the school sent a message to the students.

 Growing up in Brent, I could see the arch of Wembley Stadium from my home. A short walk away and a lot of work later, I’ve got to do what I love in the stadium and representing everyone who calls Brent home. I am so proud of where I grew up – our community and the growing number of new, accessible spaces for younger members of the community to play and discover their skills and passions.





Wednesday 9 June 2021

GP data share delay 'a small step in the right direction' but Brent Patient Voice says opting out is still advisable

Reacting to the announcement of a delay in implementaion of the NHS Digital GP Data sharing scheme, Robin Sharp, Chair of Brent Patient Voice said:

This is a small step in the right direction but the plans need a radical overhaul if they are to maintain confidence in the GP/patient relationship. Opting out is still advisable.

Professor Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, responding to the news  of the pause that the college had campaigned for said:

We’re pleased that the Government has announced a delay to the GPDPR programme following the concerns that the College, the BMA and others have raised over the past few weeks.

It is essential that this time is used to properly communicate with the public and with clinicians so that patients and GPs have trust in the programme. In principle, improved and more secure sharing of data for healthcare planning and research purposes is a good thing. We have seen during the COVID-19 pandemic just how important the appropriate use of GP patient data is in responding to a health crisis, but it is also important in normal times to plan for better overall service provision and public health strategies, and enhanced understanding of diseases and treatments for serious illness.

We want to see a comprehensive campaign, led by NHS Digital and accessible to all members of the public, which should include every patient being communicated individually with, clearly articulating the benefits and risks of data sharing so that patients can make a genuinely informed decision about whether they are happy for their data to be shared - and if they are not, how they can opt out.

The safety and confidentiality of data in general practice is paramount to GPs and our teams. Surveys show that most patients are happy for their data to be used for legitimate planning and research purposes, but this must be built around trust. What data will be shared, with which organisations, how and why this will be done - and in particular, what safeguards that are in place to ensure data is not used inappropriately - must be communicated effectively with patients and healthcare professionals, so that they have trust in the programme.

Key EURO2020 dates for Wembley residents this summer



Euro 2020 signs are going up throughout the borough (The Paddocks) directing coaches to Fryent Way

An initial crowd limit of 22,500 at Wembley Stadium may well be increased for later dates depending on the progress of the Delta Covid19 variant and feedback from test events that were held over the last few weeks.


 Welcome mural at Wembley Park station

13 June 2021

Wembley Stadium event - England v Croatia


13 June 2021, Kick off: 2pm, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

England v Croatia will take place on Sunday 13 June 2021 at Wembley Stadium. Event day parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.

18 June 2021

Wembley Stadium event - England v Scotland


18 June 2021, 8pm, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

England v Scotland takes place on Friday 18 June 2021. Event day parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.

22 June 2021

Wembley Stadium event - England v Czech Republic


22 June 2021, 8pm to 12am, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

England v Czech Republic takes place on Tuesday 22 June 2021. Kick off is at 8pm and parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.

26 June 2021

Wembley Stadium event - Round of 16: 1A v 2C


26 June 2021, 8pm to 12am, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

Round of 16: 1A v 2C takes place on Saturday 26 June 2021. Kick off is at 8pm and parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.

29 June 2021

Wembley Stadium event - Round of 16: 1D v 2F


29 June 2021, Kick off: 5pm, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

Round of 16: 1D v 2F takes place on Tuesday 29 June 2021. Kick off is at 5pm and parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.

06 July 2021

Wembley Stadium event - Winner Quarter Final 2 v Winner Quarter Final 1


6 July 2021, 8pm to 12am, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

Winner Quarter Final 2 v Winner Quarter Final 1 takes place on Tuesday 6 July 2021. Kick off is 8pm and parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.

7 July 2021

Wembley Stadium event - Winner of Quarter Final 4 v Winner Quarter Final 3


7 July 2021, 8pm to 12am, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS

Winner of Quarter Final 4 v Winner Quarter Final 3 takes place on Wednesday 7 July 2021. Kick off is 8pm and parking restrictions will be in place until midnight.



Tuesday 8 June 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Wembley's famous football mural will remain on public view until at least August 2024 after Philip Grant's tenacious campaign wins public support


The mural beneath Bobby Moore Bridge, Olympic Way, Wembley Park

It  turned out that  Debra Norman's letter to Philip Grant LINK  cutting off any further correspondence about the campaign to keep the football mural on permanent public view  was not quite the last word. Following Philip's persistent correspondence and forensic analysis of Brent Council planning documentation. along with emails of support from residents, Brent Council Chief Executive, Carolyn Downs, has written to Philip. 

Although the email still claims to uphold the Council's view over advertisement consent, Ms Downs has now asked for, and received, Quintain's promise that they will not cover the "footballers" mural with adverts for the rest of their lease (up to August 2024).

Dear Mr Grant,

I have spoken to both the Leader of the Council and Councillor Nerva before responding to you, as you requested.

The Council has taken your representations on this matter very seriously. It is not just Brent’s lawyers but also external legal advice which aligns with that of the council regarding Quintain’s right to advertise over the football mural.

Because the Council values the mural very much and because we have requested of Quintain that it remain on view, and because they too value it, it has now been on display for a considerable period of time and has not been covered by advertising. Furthermore Quintain have confirmed to me in writing that they do not intend covering the mural for the remaining period of the lease. 

I concur with Ms Norman that we have spent enough time corresponding with you on this matter particularly given that the mural will remain on view and that is what you have sought to achieve.

Yours sincerely,

Carolyn Downs
Chief Executive

Congratulations Philip!


Kilburn Square battle against over-development part of a London-wide defence of residents' amenity space


Kilburn Square potest over over-development threat to green space


An article in last Wednesday's Guardian LINK on growing opposition to London council's plans to meet housing quota by building on green space and playgrounds rang a bell with campaigners opposing plans to increase the amount of housing on the Kilburn Square Co-op council estate by over 80% with the potential loss of  much valued green space.

Keith Anderson, Chair of Kilburn Village Residents' Association, was moved to write to the Guardian on how such proposals affected this corner of Brent close to the traffic laden polluted Kilburn High Road.

This is the letter that is awaiting publication:

Harriet Grant’s article (“London councils under fire for plans to build homes on play areas” June 2) struck a strong chord here in the South-Eastern corner of Brent.


I’m Chair of a Residents’ Association that includes the Kilburn Square Co-op – a mature, well-balanced, sociable estate with 246 flats. Council-owned, but managed by residents. Two-thirds Council tenants, one-third Leaseholders.


Last October, Brent announced to some residents a Plan for an extra 180 Council flats in an “Infill” development. Infill may be accepted jargon to housing insiders; but it’s a laughable euphemism in this case. Together with a new block completed last year, this Plan would increase the number of flats by over 80% compared with the original estate.

A 17-storey tower (right by the highly-polluted A5 Kilburn High Road), plus four further medium-rise blocks – removing green space and a number of mature trees, encroaching on a playground – does that sound familiar…?.


Our Association has been arguing that this would be serious over-development; the draft Local Plan had a suggestion, with limited elaboration, of a project on less than half this scale. This Plan would transform the Estate’s character and there’s no clear evidence that it would respect norms of amenity space per resident. We have so far been denied sight of any of the surveys and analyses on which the Plan is supposedly based. An extract from a pre-Covid parking survey showed it had wrongly assumed Brent residents can park in neighbouring Camden!


As elsewhere in London, Brent cites housing need and its ownership of this land – but how does that justify ignoring the wellbeing of all the current residents?


The project team’s attempts at pre-consultation on the estate have been ineffective: poor uptake for “Resident Panels” and a low response rate to a questionnaire; and questions merely about design details, with the overall scale a taboo subject.


Unlike the Southwark project, this one is not yet at formal Planning Application stage.  So is there a ray of hope? Brent’s Cabinet Housing Lead has assured a local paper that “no decisions have yet been made” and the Director of Housing told a recent Scrutiny Committee meeting that Brent “would not want to force homes on anyone”; but there’s no sign of a resident ballot. Consultation with the wider community has been postponed while the Project team “review the designs”. That hardly sounds like a major rethink on the project scale… 


Yours truly

Keith Anderson

Kilburn Village Residents’ Association


For full information about the Kilburn Square proposal see


Details of Brent's revised parliamentary constituencies: Brent Central, Kenton & Wembley, Hendon & Golders Green, West Hampstead & Kilburn


The first proposals from the Boundary Commission on revised parliamentary constituencies are published today. The constituencies that will cover parts of Brent are now Kenton and Wembley West, Hendon and Golders Green, Brent Central and West Hampstead and Kilburn. The red lines above are constituency boundaries and green the borough boundary. Only Brent Central is wholly in Brent. We would have four MPs rather than the present 3. A significant part of Kingsbury becomes part of the Hendon and Golders Green constituency. Harlesden becomes part of West Hampstead and Kilburn.

An 8 week consultation period ending on August 2nd starts today LINK

The proposals. Click bottom right square to enlarge. 


Follow these links for detailed zoomable maps:

Brent Central:


Kenton and Wembley West


Hendon and Golders Green


West Hampstead and Kilburn