Monday 20 February 2023

How to challenge developers' viability claims - On-line Webinar March 21st 5.30-6.30



From Community Planning Alliance

Councillors and campaigners in Brent fighting for more truly affordable housing may be interested in attending this on-line webinar on Tuesday 21st March 17.30-18.30 RESERVE PLACE.

Viability in development proposals – let’s level the playing field!

We are all familiar with stories of developers claiming that their development is not able to provide promised infrastructure or affordable housing, using 'viability' as the excuse. Communities lose out: the housing is built, but without the benefits promised at the outset. Please join us to find out about one of the least understood areas of planning: viability appraisals.

This is one of the most important webinars to attend to if we are to redress the balance in the system between developers (who deliberately ensure the system is complex), and communities/councils (who need to scrutinize proposals to ensure best outcomes are delivered.)

We are delighted that viability expert Murray Lloyd has agreed to talk to us and to answer your questions. He will tell us how developers game the system (and they most definitely do) and what the tricks of the trade are. Murray will demystify viability appraisals and tell us what we can challenge and how best to do it.

About Murray Lloyd

Murray is an experienced property professional with a 30-year track record of successfully helping to deliver development projects of all types across the UK, ranging from housing, leisure, and logistic parks, through to major commercial and residential mixed-use developments, to complex regeneration schemes and transformational integrated development ventures.

Murray focuses on providing bespoke development management and viability advice to Local Authorities. He is a leading practitioner in viability and is currently undertaking a PhD specialising in this subject matter and regularly acts as an expert witness in planning appeal cases. He is a Director with property consultancy Continuum DM.

As always, the event is free, but donations are appreciated to help with the running costs of the Community Planning Alliance. Thank you



Anonymous said...

Brent would pay the S106 themselves to gain extra Private Rental Properties

David Walton said...

Its also high quality public green open space, active travel routes and social infrastructure growing need unviable as well inside quintuple population car-free tall building red-line segregation zone Brent.

A nice link to UK socialism gone all in suburban duplicate?

It's amazing how 3-4 storey new build is viable for areas all around, yet not in South Kilburn. Clearly a bigger social engineering warehoused misery and precarity project is in full political consensus play.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the seminar when Brent Council explain their disregard for the local plan and overdevelop sites blighting existing communities - all in the name of CIL receipts and increased Council Tax revenues. It could include a 'contrite' (ok pigs will fly ) local Labour councillor on the planning committee giving the 'its not my fault I was only following orders' defence.

What's the difference between developers fiddling their viability and Brent Council fiddling the planning committee on their own developments?