Tuesday 14 February 2023

Brent Council places Tree Preservation Order on trees at Reservoir Cottage, Welsh Harp


Reservoir Cottage after removal of vegetation


The cottage and surrounding trees (Google Earth)


Wembley Matters drew attention to what looked like possible preparations for development at the Georgian Reservoir Cottage back in December 2022. LINK Some vegetation had already been cleared. There was concern at the possible loss of green space and habitat at the site.

Earlier this month Brent Trees Officer, Julie Hughes, made a Tree Protection Order (TPO) on a number of trees on the site. The Order said:

  • We have made this order because the trees are of significant amenity value and:
  • Contribute to the attractiveness of the area adjacent to Welsh Harp Open Space and car park.
  • Are important for their contribution to biodiversity directly adjacent to Welsh Harp SSSI.
  • These trees should be retained in any future redevelopment of the site.
  • Enhance the value of the street scene of Birchen Grove, views from the Sailing Club and the Welsh Harp car park. 

The temporary order remains in force for 6 months during which the Council will decide whether it should be given permanent status.

The Order means that no one is allowed to cut down, top or lop without Brent's permission any of the trees described in the 1st schedule of the order and include a willow, yew tree and 9 oak trees.




Anonymous said...

Three cheers and many thanks from the residents of Brent for our new tree officer Julie Hughes

David Walton said...

Hope Julie can also pre-environmental crime tree protect South Kilburn Public Open Space park woodland area and its resident bat colony from business as usual More Land Brent?