Thursday 23 February 2023

Thames Water on River Brent pollution at last night's Scrutiny Committee



Readers who have followed with concern Wembley Matters coverage of raw sewage in the Wealdstone Brook and concerns over the River Brent, and who have been frustrated by what many saw as Thames Water's tardy response may be interested in the Thames representative's response to a question from Cllr Georgiou last night. Adequate?

1 comment:

David Walton said...

It would help if Brent mapped and existed all of its Rivers and tributaries, maybe then Thames Water would take this Lead Local Flood Authority seriously and as climate emergency for real?

The River Westbourne does not make it into the new Draft Brent Sustainable Environment and Development Supplementary Planning Document Feb 2023 (part of new Brent Local Plan).

I realise there is a political argument that it would put fluvial flood focus also onto South Kilburn Growth Tall Building Zone. But, climate emergency is climate emergency and the 'lost' Westbourne is permanently at full capacity and guarantees future floods.

If the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea maps the Westbourne risk in its Local Plan to work and engage Thames Water, how can it then conveniently disappear upstream in Brent? Corporatism is clearly Trumping common sense and the public good.