Cllr Mothin Ali
Muslim Greens and Global Majority Greens a.k.a. Greens of Colour
Stand against Misinformation, Defamation and Hate
billionaire class will stop at nothing to protect their interests,
often exploiting figures like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (commonly known as
Tommy Robinson) to further their divisive agendas.
A video about
paedophile rings was uploaded to Twitter / X by Tommy Robinson on 3
January 2025. It features a clip of Green Party of England and Wales
Councillor Mothin Ali, who has no association with these horrendous
crimes. Retweeted by Elon Musk, the video has amassed over 31 million
views, 306,000 likes, and 70,000 shares to date.
The video is
both factually incorrect and designed to inflame tensions and stoke
racial hatred. We have seen the devastating impact of such rhetoric as
recently as this summer when racist riots led to violent attacks on
individuals based solely on their ethnicity.
By promoting these harmful narratives, individuals like Musk,
Robinson, and Nigel Farage scapegoat British Muslims and Asians,
endangering their safety and fostering a climate of hostility and
Targeting our councillor is defamatory to him
personally, his community, and the Green Party. Such actions are
irresponsible, harmful and undermine the values of equality, fairness
and respect that should define our society.
Issues such as grooming and sexual violence require serious, evidence-based solutions, not racist scapegoating.
The 2020 Home Office report showed the largest group of offenders are white, and no ethnicity is disproportionately represented. Facts matter. Hate does not solve problems.
We demand the immediate removal of this video by Elon Musk and Tommy Robinson and call on both to issue public apologies across all platforms where the content was shared.
We urge British political leaders to unequivocally condemn these divisive acts and stand in solidarity with all British people, including Muslims.
We stand firmly behind Councillor Mothin Ali and take pride in his
outstanding contributions to his ward and the Green Party. His
dedication to fostering inclusivity and improving the lives of his
constituents exemplifies the values we hold dear.
Jan 2025
The treatment of Cllr Mothin Ali by the media, for the second time (the first was following the riots) misrepresenting him is entirely unacceptable. Using his image in a video about paedophile rings, without evidence or context, is defamatory and risks causing unwarranted harm to his reputation. I hope Elon Musk receives a solicitors letter.
Whilst the 2020 Home Office report does say that the largest group of offenders overall are ‘white men’, reflecting broader demographics it also acknowledges that there are cultural and social factors within some communities that can influence specific patterns of offending. These patterns require open, evidence-based discussion, rather than dismissal or denial. We can’t ignore the anger in working class communities that Tommy Robinson and the far right are feeding from related to specific patterns of offending. If we as the progressive left can address that, rather than dismiss all working class concerns as far right, particularly around two tier policing, then we might avoid Nigel Farage as prime minister.
You may find this article by Carla Denyer co-leader of the Green Party on this subject of interest:
Above it says "Whilst the 2020 Home Office report does say that the largest group of offenders overall are ‘white men’, reflecting broader demographics" but how do we know this is true when so many thousands of such incidents go unreported through fear and intimidation or are just dismissed by the authorities because they do not believe the victims.
The expression "Live and let live" aptly encapsulates the principle of treating others with the respect and dignity one desires for oneself. In light of the treatment experienced by Councillor Mothin Ali, following a video allegedly "uploaded to Twitter/X by Tommy Robinson on January 3, 2025," and subsequently retweeted by Elon Musk, such actions cannot be condoned. Regrettably, slander propagated through these channels has been tolerated, leading to its increasing use by individuals intent on inciting hatred and unjust suspicion against others based on their religion and ethnicity. Nevertheless, this challenge can be addressed through humility and a commitment to altering one’s perspective towards others, regardless of differing religious beliefs.
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