Friday, 26 June 2020

Fryent Murders: Official statement from Metropolitan Police on 'inappropriate' photographs & Met's response to missing persons reports

Press Release from the Metropolitan Police Service

On Wednesday, 17 June the MPS’s Directorate of Professional Standards was informed of allegations that non-official and inappropriate photographs had been taken by police at the crime scene in place in Fryent Gardens, Wembley in relation to the murders of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman.

The MPS made a referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct which has launched an independent investigation.

Two MPS officers were arrested on Monday, 22 June by the IOPC on suspicion of misconduct in public office. They have since been bailed to return pending further enquiries.
Both officers – who are based on the North East Command – have been suspended from duty.

These are very serious allegations and the MPS has been and will continue to provide every possible support to the IOPC investigation team as they work to establish the facts.

Commander Paul Brogden said:

 “I am horrified and disgusted by the nature of these allegations; a sentiment which will be shared by colleagues throughout the organisation. If true, these actions are morally reprehensible and anyone involved will be robustly dealt with. I am limited in terms of being able to comment further about the matter at this time in order not to compromise the IOPC investigation.

“Senior representatives from the MPS and the IOPC visited the parents of Bibaa and Nicole to inform them of these serious allegations and confirm that it is now subject to an independent investigation with full co-operation from the MPS. This deeply disturbing information will no doubt have created additional trauma for a family who are already grieving the devastating loss of two loved ones. I can only start to imagine the impact of this; and I’d like to sincerely apologise to them for this further burden.

“I know that the wider community will share our shock and repulsion at these allegations and whilst our focus remains with Bibaa and Nicole’s family we are also listening to the concerns our communities and key stakeholders will want to raise about these allegations.”

Detectives investigating the murders believe that Bibaa and Nicole were killed in the early hours of Saturday 6 June. Later that day, they were reported as missing to police when they did not return home. Their bodies were discovered on Sunday 7 June.

As a result of their murder, a mandatory referral was made to the IOPC by officers from the DPS to consider the actions of police between the time a number of reports were made to police by family and friends that Bibaa and Nicole were missing and the time they were found. The IOPC have taken the decision to independently investigate, and the MPS is providing full support to that investigation.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

1 Morland Gardens planning application – how significant is “significance”?

Guest blog by Philip Grant, in a personal capacity

Back in February, I first wrote about the 1 Morland Gardens planning application (Housing or Heritage? Or both?), under which Brent Council propose to demolish a locally listed Victorian villa in Stonebridge, to build a new adult education college and 65 affordable homes on the site.

2 Morland Gardens (not No. 1) - this is the "twin" Victorian villa. (Photo by Harry Brown)

Because of some defects in the original application, identified from “consultee comments”, a new batch of plans and documents has recently been submitted. Public consultation is now open again on application 20/0345, until Thursday 16 July. One of the new documents is a Heritage Impact Assessment (“HIA”) [see copy below], and this is what raises the important question in my title.

Locally listed buildings are those which have been identified by a Council as “heritage assets”.  “Significance” for planning purposes is defined as: “The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. That interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic.”

Brent’s planning policies (like national ones, and the London Plan), acknowledge the importance of heritage assets, and set out how they should be protected when there are any proposals affecting them. The policy states: ‘The council will resist significant harm to or loss of heritage assets.’ Anyone considering a development should start with ‘an understanding of the architectural or historic significance of the heritage asset and its wider context.’
Brent Council is capable of doing this, as the current application for the locally listed Clock Cottage at Kenton Grange shows. Those plans conserve the old cottage, while building assisted-living flats for disabled people around a courtyard (former stables) behind it. Unfortunately, whoever was giving planning advice, to the Council Officers / Lead Member for the 1 Morland Gardens scheme, either did not understand the policies over heritage assets, or thought they could be ignored (because it was a Council scheme, Planning Committee would “rubber stamp” it?).

When the original application was submitted in February, Brent's planning agents claimed that the locally listed Victorian villa had 'minimal significance', without providing much evidence to support that, and ignoring existing evidence (such as Brent's existing local listing assessment, which gave it a significance score of 8 out of 12). Local historians knew this was nonsense, and launched a campaign to save the building (originally known as “Altamira”)’. Their petition, asking the Council not to demolish the building, achieved 368 signatures.

Cutting from the "Brent & Kilburn Times", 5 March 2020.

I submitted my objection comments in early March, explaining in detail why the application’s assessment of heritage significance was false, and recommending that Planning Officers should advise their Council colleagues to withdraw the application. This appeared to have no effect.

In April, a copy of the comments on the application by Brent's Principal Heritage Officer was obtained. He said that 1 Morland Gardens 'should be considered an important local heritage asset of high significance.' He also pointed out that the applicants (Brent Council) had not provided a proper appraisal of the heritage asset, and the impact of their proposals on it, as required by Brent's own planning policies, and said 'the applicants should seek further advice from a heritage specialist to gather further evidence in support of this application.'

The June 2020 HIA is in response to the Principal Heritage Officer’s comments. The document was prepared on the Council's behalf by Messrs Lichfields, who describe themselves as 'the pre-eminent planning and development consultancy in the UK.' Lichfields report was prepared by heritage specialists, but they were aware why their client (planning agents, acting on behalf of Brent Council) needed that report, at such a late stage in the planning process - to support their planned demolition of the building!

In the introduction to their report, Lichfields make clear that: 'The overview of the significance of the heritage assets has been undertaken using a combination of desk-based study and archival research.' They go on to say that: 'Fieldwork was not possible due to the current Covid-19 situation.' In other words, they only looked at a limited number of documents, and did not come to look at the building, its setting or the surrounding area. 

Despite the limited material available to them, they reached the conclusion: 'the building is of low significance’. Explaining how they reached this conclusion, their report says: ‘The methodology for our assessment of significance draws from the NPPF, HE’s Conservation Principles and the DMRB.’ The table they show for the criteria used is taken from the DMRB, and their conclusion is also: ‘In summary and according to DMRB significance criteria (set out in Section 1), the building is of low significance as it is of low historic and architectural importance and of local interest only.’ 

DMRB? No, I hadn’t heard of it either. It is actually the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, issued by Highways England in 2019, as guidance for designing national infrastructure projects such as trunk roads and motorways. Your guess, as to why the HIA used those criteria, may be similar to mine – to get the “right” result for their client! Why not use Brent’s own significance scoring criteria for locally listed buildings, which was adopted by the Council’s Planning Committee in July 2015?

The HIA does refer to that system, claiming that the significance score for 1 Morland Gardens should be 6 out of 12, rather than the 8 out of 12 given to it for its entry in Brent’s local list. I will explain why I believe they are wrong.

One of the “sources” their desk-based assessment used for considering the historic development of the area was a “Brief History of Stonebridge”, produced by the Grange Museum and Brent Archives. The author of that booklet has already submitted an objection comment, pointing out that a quotation used from it was taken out of context. The HIA had used ‘it was never as grandiose as its planners had originally intended’ to play down the importance of the 1876 Stonebridge Park development. The author had actually compared the smart villas built to the scene originally envisaged in a lithograph by the architect.

H.E. Kendall Junior's lithograph of his proposed estate development, c.1872. (Brent Archives image 1776)

The HIA devotes just eight lines to assessing the historic significance of 1 Morland Gardens, before marking down its score to just 1 out of 3. The author of the booklet, who became an expert on the local history of Brent in his 17 years at our Museum and Archives, has made clear that this assessment is totally flawed. Its key statements are that Stonebridge Park ‘was typical of the late-19th century suburban expansion of London,’ and that ‘1 Morland Gardens is not a rare survival, but typical of the eclectic late-Victorian villas seen across Brent. Therefore, the historic significance of the building is considered to be lower than originally assessed, scoring 1/3.' 

The entrance to Stonebridge Park from Hillside, c.1905. (Brent Archives online image 7914)

The 1876 development, was the first housing development in this part of Willesden, and gave its name to the Stonebridge Park area. It was built when Willesden’s population was around 25,000, before the massive late-Victorian influx that saw most of the area’s mainly working-class housing constructed, and the population rise to 114,000 by 1901. Added to this, 1 and 2 Morland Gardens are the only two surviving Italianate-style villas in Brent, so they are rare survivals. Any change to the existing historic significance score should be up to 3/3, not down to 1/3.

 1 and 2 Morland Gardens from Hillside, February 2020.

The other significance criteria that the HIA seeks to mark the building down on is its authenticity.

Because it ceased to be a private house 100 years ago, and has undergone internal alterations several times since then, Lichfields argue that the building is ‘much altered’, and therefore only worth 1/3. But the alterations had already been taken into account when Brent scored it 2 out of 3. It is the authentic Victorian outside appearance of the villa, in its setting with the similarly styled 2 Morland Gardens, which has hardly changed since they were built, which makes them so valuable and significant. Just compare the two views above, taken 115 years apart!

If you agree that the Victorian villa at 1 Morland Gardens has a high significance, not a low one, and that it still has value to this and future generations, then I hope you will help to persuade Brent Council that it should not be demolished. The planning application, 20/0345, is open for public consultation again, and you can submit your comments (hopefully objecting to the plans to demolish “Altamira”) on the planning website

Significance is significant. We can try to ensure that the true significance of this building is what decides the planning application, not the false appraisal of it presented in the Heritage Impact Assessment!

Philip Grant.


Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Alperton Bridgewater Road high-rise development approved

Cllr Anton Georgiou (Lib Dem, Alperton ward) told the planning committee that the proposed high-rise development on the Saab showroom site on Bridgewater Road LINK was felt by residents to be 'unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary.'

He said that the 'mini-city' developing around Alperton station was changing the character of the area. The Bridgewater Road proposal was in an area where the majorrity of housing was two storey homes. There were developing problems of traffic levels and the application would contribute to further congestion.  He asked if the £4.4m CIL money raised by the development would actually be spent in the area.

He reported a young resident who had told him,  'Alperton is a place to sleep - not to live.'

Georgiou echoed Paul Lorber's call LINK for the suspension of high-rise development until links with Alperton's high Covid19 rates had been established, including the role of communal areas in high rise blocks in the transmission of the virus.

Cllr Trupti Sangani (Labour, Alperton) said she had seen no improvement in Alperton via CIL spending and called for step free access at Alperton station. The Transport Officer said that this single development was not enough to trigger such a demand as increased footfall following approval would be neglible. Improvements were being sought for nearby bus routes.

It appeared from the developer's response that Alperton School had not been directly consulted about the development which will partially over-shadow the school's site.

There was a discussion regarding how each development on its own would not have an impact but it was the cumulative impact of all the high-rise blocks that was important.  Officers referred to the Alperton Growth Area Policy but it was unclear whether the need for station and train frequency improvements would only happen late in the day, when the new housing was already occupied.

The  Growth Area plans included public spacse, canal improvments new play areas, a new nursery, community spaces and road and junction improvements.

Cllr Sangani referred to problems of anti-social behaviour along the canal side in Alperton and said officers should be raising these issues when they spoke to developers. She was told that things would improve when there was natural surveilliance from the blocks overlooking the can and when the link between all the developments in a wide canal side path had been completed.

The Canals and Rivers Trust could apply to the Council for CIL money to make improvements.

So far the Alperton developments had gained over £14m CIL money for Brent Council, 15% (about £2m) was allocated for Neighbourhood CIL. Chair of Planning Committee, Cllr James Denselow, said that this raised the wider issue of whether CIL money should be spent in the area from which it was raised, or across the borough. This was not a decision for the Planning Commitee nut for the Executive.

The main selling points put forward by the developer was what they claimed was 100% affordable housing and the creation of 120-150 new jobs in the industrial component od the scheme. They stressed their close working relationship with the Council developed through their other schemes in the area.

Councillors were told that their decisions had to be on the merits of the application and they could not make the deision on wider issues and pre-existing local conditions.  Cllr  Denselow, told members of the committee that it was 'tricky' as to an extent they had to take their ward councillor hat off when making decisions.

Officers warned that if they made decisions beyond strictly planning issues they could open the Council to appeals and financial penalties.

Cllr Michael Maurice voted against the application on grounds of his opposition to high rise and was reminde by Cllr Denselow about the danger of pre-determining applications. Maurice was also concerned about the transport implications, Cllr Sangani abstained.

Join Saturday's London Renters Union Day of Action - Brent branch of the LRU soon?

Saturday 27th June sees a Day of Action organised by The London Renter's Union aimed at highlighting  the plight of renters during the Covid19 crisis.

Is your rent too high? You’re not alone. Londoners face the highest rents in Europe. Many of us live with the threat of eviction or in unsafe housing.

Many have lost all or part of their income yet renters have received no help during the crisis.
For too long, our housing system has prioritised private profits of landlords over the needs of the rest of us, leading to unaffordable rents, increased insecurity, and the decimation of public housing. A housing system rigged in the interests of landlords and investors is now deepening the problems caused by the Corona virus pandemic.

By coming together and organising we can support each other, stand up to landlords and win lower rents, longer tenancies and better housing for everyone.The London Renters Union is already successfully organising with renters in Newham & Leytonstone, Hackney and Lewisham with branches planned in other boroughs including Brent, which has a high percentage of private renters. Estimates are for that to rise to 40% by 2025.

We need your help to become a city-wide union that can tackle the housing crisis.

By working together we can achieve our aims.

What can you as an individual do?

Join the London Renter's Union 

Follow us across social media

Take part in Saturday's Day of Action by staying safe and

  • hanging a banner from your window 
  • taking a photo of yourself with a placard/poster and share it on your social media
  • email your MP using the tool from our website
  • Lewisham are doing a bike parade,  events are also taking place in Hackney and in Newham
  • Holding an open meeting for people who haven't yet set up a branch such as in Brent encouraging them to get together with people they know in the local area to do something (e.g. a banner drop/hold a banner in a prominent place) and post on social media

Aim + Focus of this month’s day of action 
  • The aim is to make people aware of the campaign and to sign up to The London Renter's Union. 
  • We want the focus to be on racism in housing and to highlight that the issues we’re seeing disproportionately impact the BAME community and how borders in housing interconnect with our other demands. The way people can fight back against racism in housing is by signing up to resist evictions .
  • Let The Government know you situation  - via your MP and social media

Call for Brent Council to review policy on high-density high-rise developments in view of Brent's high Covid19 death rate

Paul Lorber of Brent Liberal Democrats has written to Brent Council CEO regarding the new development that is planned for the Bridgewater Road site near Alperton station. LINK

The application is due to be heard at  Planning Committee tonight and Alperton Cllr Anton Georgiou will be speaking against it.

The meeting is being livestreamed 6pm tonight VIEW HERE

Paul Lorber writes:
Has Brent Council undertaken a study why the Alperton area has one of the highest death rates during the current Covid 19 emergency?

Overcrowding, lack of open spaces, overdevelopment, congested roads, low incomes, poor diet etc etc may be some of the reasons.

Brent Council cannot be responsible or be able to control all of these.

Brent Council should however stop and study evidence and listen to advice to stop making the situation worse and to mitigate the impact of future outbreaks - which may be just a few weeks away.

The first step Brent Council should do is to revise its Planning Policies and stop any more massive tower blocks with no amenity open space until such time as the Council has answers to some of the questions.

There is a 26 storey block being built in Ealing Road opposite the bus garage. A massive block is coming on the opposite side by the Canal. There is talk of another massive development on the side of the Bus Garage - this on top of everything that has been built already.

Tonight the Planning Committee is considering a development including a 19 storey block at the back of the Alperton Garage around the corner in Bridgewater Road. This is another over development with no car parking with as much being squeezed in as possible to help the developer and  boost the Council's CIL and new homes bonus pot. I think the death toll in Alperton should now be a factor which should influence the Council thinking as to whether these types of highrise monsters are a good or safe option for the future.

At times like these there is a need for decisive leadership. I think you should now recommend to the Council that the policy of massive highrise and excessive densities of new build needs to be reviewed in view of the Covid 19 crises and the excessive number of deaths in parts of Brent. 

I trust that you will take action before it is too late.

I am copying the chair and vice chair of Planning as I think they should consider deferring the Alperton Planning application before them this evening.

UPDATED WITH BRENT COUNCIL STATEMENT: Dismay over 'ugly' lockdown 5G mast installations

Church Lane, Kingsbury
Multiple cabinet on Fryent Way
Mast on Fryent Way
Residents have been in contact over installations of 5G masts and associated cabinets over the lockdown period.

The government is determined to be in the forefront of  5G installation ('world beating'?) and relaxed planning constraints.  At locations where masts already exist the default position is to allow the new installation.

The phone companies can give notice of proposed installation under Permitted Development Rights to the planning authority and if the authority does not respond within 56 days they can go ahead as 'Deemed Consent' is assumed.

Given the fact that councils are busy with coping with Covid19 the 56 days can elapse before a  response is made.  Sheffield City Council had to issue an apology LINK.
Councillor Bob Johnson, Cabinet Member for Transport and Sustainability at Sheffield City Council, said: “The Council apologises for this mistake but hope people will understand we are operating in extraordinary circumstances which have led to these oversights occurring. We understand residents’ depth of feeling about the location of these masts and we are sorry that they were not properly determined within the time limit.'
Were the phone companies taking advantage of local councils' correctly prioritising the protection of residents as a result of the Covid19 crisis?

The cabinets that are installed at the base of the masts reflect the different competing companies and makes one wonder about one positive by-product of nationalisation in that the number would be reduced!

Apart from it being an 'eye sore' local residents in Church Lane have pointed out the collision danger posed to local residents by the extensive installation.   The Fryent Way installation is only 200 yards from the already extensive set of masts and cabinets at the Salmon Street/Fryent Way roundabout and is on the border of the Country Park.

Did Brent Council give planning permission for these installations and were alternative sites considered?

Other Brent residents as they get out and about after lockdown may see other recent installations - do let us know what you think.

UPDATE June 30th

A Brent Council spokesperson said:

“Planning permission was sought for both installations last year. Consultation was undertaken, with letters sent out and site notices put up.  The potential impacts of the installations were considered and planning permission granted. Government policy supports the expansion of electronic communications networks, including next generation mobile technology (such as 5G) and full fibre broadband connections. Legislation also allows for small scale apparatus to be installed as part of a deemed approval process. Under these rules the Council has limited control and must decide the case within a fixed time period. If the latter is not met this defaults to an automatic consent.”

Monday, 22 June 2020

Campaigners' frustration as Brent misses out on recent tranch of Active Travel cash

Social media has been buzzing with environmental campaigners' frustration as Brent seems to be missing out on funding that would enable provision of some walking and cycling friendly change on our streets as we emerge from Covid19 restrictions and seek to maintain some of the clear air and traffic reduction benefits of lockdown.

Way back on May 31st Cllr Shama Taylor, had written to fellow councillors with an update on Active Travel Measures.  She told councillors that although London was awarded £25m over the rest of the financial year the Council had only got confirmation  the previous Thursday and the deadline for applications for the first tranch of funding was June 5th.  She asked councillors to think of areas or roads in their wards or Brent Connect areas that would benefit from Active Travel infrastructure or routes - cycling, walking and low traffic areas. This gave councillors just 5 days to speak to their residents and come up with ideas.

She told her colleagues that Council officers were working 'flat out' to put in an application.

 Some council had already put measures in place ahead of any funding - Brent Council's action appeared to be limited to some pavement widening.

When the funding allocations were announced and Brent was missing from the list this was the reaction:

In response Cllr Tatler urged patience saying that officers had been working 'flat out' and said that we should hear this week whether the bid based on Brent Council's travel plan had been accepted:

The document below gives details of the  schemes other boroughs have had funded:

Meanwhile the petition calling on Brent Council to 'build back better' post Covid has been gaining support.  Sign the petition  HERE.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Alperton high rise city's onward march up Bridgewater Road

The emerging high rise city
The former Saab showroom, 2A Bridgewater Road, part of the development site
The site marked with red pin - note the 2 storey suburban housing to the right of image
Wednesday's Planning Committee will be asked to following officers' recommendation and approve a 4-19 storey development to replace the low rise former Saab showroom at 2A Bridgewater Road, Alperton.

The application continues the expansion of high rise in the area as can be seen from the top image take from the application.  The blocks are set back near the Piccadilly underground line, which offers say mitigate their height, with an industrial unit on the street frontage. 

The housing comprises 124 units:

Affordable Housing – comprising 47 affordable rent units at London Affordable Rent levels and 77 shared ownership units in line with the household income cap and eligibility criteria for intermediate products set out in the London Plan and draft London Plan
It has less family housing than guidance suggests but officers say that is offset by its '100% affordability.'

Apart from some disabled parking it will be a car free but officers suggest the case for a local CPZ will be strengthened by the development.

Regarding the development's closeness to traditional 2 storey surburban housing, the report states:
The proposal would respond well to the constraints and opportunities of development in this area of transition between the dense urban fabric around Alperton Station and the more traditional housing to the northwest.