Monday 1 September 2014

Preston Library Fundraising Quiz Tonight

From Preston Library Campaign

We are now working hard on plans for a new library in Carlton Avenue East: these quizzes are currently our main source of funds, and we need your support more than ever. We hope to see lots of you this evening.

Midday today deadline for addressing Brent's Full Council Meeting on September 8th

Brent Council sent out a tweet on Friday advertising the 5 minute slot at Full Council meetings where the public can address the Council:

 ·  Aug 29
Speak out to the whole council. Ask for a five-min slot (a deputation) @ full council. For 8 Sept email by noon Mon.

The deputations are made under Standing Order 39:
.    (a)  Deputations may be made by members of the public. Each deputation shall last not more than 5 minutes and there shall be a maximum of 3 deputations at any one council meeting on different subject matters. There shall be no more than one deputation made by the same person or organisation in a 6 month period and no repetition of the subject.
.    (b)  Any deputation must directly concern a matter affecting the borough and relate to a Council function. Deputations shall not relate to legal proceedings or be a matter which is or has been the subject of a complaint under the Council’s complaints processes. Nor should a deputation be frivolous, vexatious, or defamatory. The Director of Legal and Procurement shall have discretion to decide whether the deputation is for any other reason inappropriate and cannot proceed.
.    (c)  Any person wishing to make a deputation shall give written notice to the Director of Legal and Procurement of the title and summary of the content of the deputation not less than 5 days before the date of the meeting.
.    (d)  If more than three deputations are received a ballot will take place three days before the Council meeting to select the deputations to be presented before the Council.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Councillors' allowances to be increased at next Council meeting plus who will Labour appoint as Tory leader?

There will be a Full Brent Council meeting on September 8th, only the second since the elections in May.  The first proved controversial with constitutional changes voted through and then later backbench concern about what had been agreed - especially the reduction in Scrutiny committees.

The meeting was noteworthy also for the public split in the Conservative opposition with the three Tories in Brondesbury Park declaring independence from those in Kenton.

That issue will rear its head again when the Council (56 Labour, 6 Tories and one Lib Dem) vote to decide which of the two Tory factions should be the Principal Opposition Group for the purposes of allowances. Perhaps Central Office will mediate before they expose themselves to ridicule.

Fiona Ledden's paper on allowances that will be put before the Council includes increases in allowances but Ledden claims that they remain some of the lowest in London and below those recommended by an independent review.

The recommendations (previous allowance in brackets) include:
The basic allowance for all 63 councillors £10,000  (£7,974)

Additional Allowances

Following the replacement of the Executive by the smaller Cabinet, the two allowances saved will be shared amongst the Cabinet members £18,711 (£14,969)

The Leader of the Council £38,964 (£35,222)

Deputy Leader £28, 397 (£24,655)

Chief Whip majority party £5,473 (no change)

Two additional Deputy whips for the majority party are proposed £2,113 where their majority exceeds 50%.   Previously there were whip allowances of £5,473 for the other two parties. They appear to have been abolished.

Group leader of the Principal Opposition  £12,658 (no change but no deputy principal oppositon group leader allowance.)

Principal Opposition  Group Allowance £2,113 (n/a)
There are a number of other allowances, many of which remain unchanged,  that can be found on the Council website HERE

There are clearly debatable issues such as the additional whips for the Labour group but as someone who has been  a trade unionist since the age of 16 I am not going to fulminate against these proposals. It is right that people should get the rate for the job and carried out properly these are very responsible positions.

However, as an electorate we know that there is varying performance by councillors in terms of the effectiveness of their casework, including basic tasks such as responding to correspondence and attending surgeries, as well as issues around Cabinet and Committee members making sure they have read and understood the relevant papers thoroughly.

Furthermore there have been problems around attendance records at Council meetings in the past and we deserve our councillors' full-time commitment to their job.

Most workers go through appraisal procedures and teachers are now subjected to performance related pay. Perhaps councillors should be accountable to an annual ward citizens' panel between elections to ensure that they are giving value for money?

That is why the Recall proposal of the Make Willesden Green Campaign in the local elections, which the Green Party alone of the parties contesting the election supported, was so important. 

Above views and any responses to comments are in a personal capacity. The Brent Green Party has not yet discussed these proposals. 

Walkers get active in Fryent Country Park via Streetlife

It has been great to see local people organising various walking groups in Fryent Country Park  on Streetlife this week. One group is walking in the park as I write this. LINK

Since I made the above video celebrating the park's Green Flag Award, Brent Council has withdrawn from the award and has privatised parks maintenance in the borough. Veolia has taken over the role as part of the Public Realm contract.

I hope that these two decisions do not signal any deterioration in the care of our park.  We are lucky to have the volunteer work of the Barn Hill Conservation Group who are out in the park most weekends clearing litter, maintaining footpaths and enhancing its unique landscape.

Fryent is a wonderful resource and deserves to be better known. With the pressure on green spaces for development it is vital that it is used and valued by local people.

I run nature walks and activities in the park for Brent School Without Walls LINK and many parents accompanying school groups are amazed to discover it for the first time.

On Saturday September 6th Willesden Harvesters, Kensal and Kilburn Fruit Pickers, Mapesbury Pickers the Conservation Group are joinign together to harvest fruit from the 900 or so small trees in the park.

If you are interested in joining them contact:

The challenge of inequality in education - a timely offer

I don't normally allow advertising on this website but I think the offer below is worthwhile for teachers, governors and others involved in education if Brent.  The message comes from Robin Richardson of Insted LINK who was a far-sighted and progressive Chief Inspector of Schools in Brent.

“Politicians in all four of the UK’s education systems are faced, as you know all too well, by both short-term and long-term challenges. It was always thus, of course … The long-term challenges are about the capacity of schools to grapple with the impact of technology on education; increasing inequality combined with decreasing social mobility; preparation for work at a time of phenomenal change in labour markets; and literacy and numeracy amongst the lowest attaining 20 per cent of young people.

… Against the backdrop of short-term and long-term challenges such as these, we urge you to take seriously your legal and moral responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. This is not, we emphasise, an add-on matter – it’s not additional to the other challenges. On the contrary, you simply cannot deal effectively with the other challenges unless you start with the Equality Act, and put and keep it at the very heart of all you do.”

Thus begins the editorial introduction to the next issue of Race Equality Teaching (RET). The issue is about the whole equalities agenda in education, not about race equality alone. Normally RET is only available through an annual subscription of £39.  But this issue is available for only £5 if orders are placed before printing begins on 8 September. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, please click on this link and follow the instructions by clicking then on ‘Add to basket’ at the top of the page:

There are nine articles in this special issue and all are written by specialists in the topic they are concerned with. The authors and titles are as follows:

Sameena Choudry: Watching and checking on progress

Artemi Sakellariadis: Issuing a ticket but keeping the door locked

Catherine McNamara and Jay Stewart: One person’s journey at one school

Karamat Iqbal: Working out what to do with us immigrants

Gilroy Brown and Maurice Irfan Coles: Our children should know themselves

Mark Jennett: Pink is for girls and jobs are for boys

Sue Sanders and Arthur Sullivan: The long shadow of Section 28

Lizz Bennett and Laura Pidcock: Critical thinking and safe spaces

Sarah Soyei, Kate Hollinshead and Yvette Thomas: Identity-based bullying

Personalised copies of the issue will be sent to political leaders, and to bodies such as Ofsted and the EHRC.

There will be a follow-up special issue of RET later in the year, similarly about the whole equalities agenda and similarly available at a vastly reduced price. It will include articles on the pupil premium grant; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; and religion and belief equality in the light of the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham in summer 2014. Also there will be a round-up of recent resources, reports and materials and, based on both issues, a set of recommendations to the government and Ofsted. More information at

Saturday 30 August 2014

Cricklewood sees off pitiable South East Alliance fantasists

Happy in our diversity
Muhammed Butt, leader of Brent Council, other councillors and residents
The Brent community today came out once again in all its diversity to tell the extreme right South East Alliance that their attempts to spread division and discord in our streets was not welcome. Much to the irritation and annoyance of residents and shopkeepers the Alliance had come to Cricklewood for the fourth time to protest against what they are determined to call Muslim Brotherhood offices above a shop in Cricklewood Broadway. It isn't, and never was, such offices and the HQ is in Austria. Never mind, the SEA meandered their way to Cricklewood, fuelled by pub stops, huddled outside an undertakers and at great public expense, in the form of police overtime, shouted a few inaudible slogans.

In their delusion they will represent this as an enormous victory, complete with Star Wars style soundtrack, on a YouTube video.  It wasn't - it was just a tad pathetic.

20 or so South East Alliance outside the undertakers
They are a tiresome group and North West London  United hope they won't come again - but if they do they will be opposed.

A local resident speaks to the SEA

Friday 29 August 2014

Wembley needs affordable housing - not markets galore

Following my recent blog on questions around the delivery of social housing at Quintain's Wembley it is interesting to see that Quintain are applying to Brent Council for a number of the sites around the stadium (above)  to be used for markets and other temporary events.

The Wembley Sunday Market on the 'Green' parking site has only recently closed. That market aroused controversy over the sale of counterfeit goods although it also enjoyed a great deal of support.

A new 250 stall Sunday market is due to open  on October 5th with the operators, Market Place, signing a code of pracice with Brent and Harrow Trading Services.

However, the new application goes much further in terms of market provision with uo to 500 stalls at any of several sites and will not be limited to Sundays.

Quintain is at pains to establish a more upmarket image to complement the London Designer Outlet and of course markets add colour and activity to derelict areas - but some of the spaces at least should be busy scenes of building the affordable housing so badly needed. The proposals may be 'meanwhile' projects to make a return for the developer and liven up the area but also seem to assume, and even embed, further delays.

This is the land included in the planning application:
Wembly Arena Square, Yellow Car Park, Green Car Park, Interim Red Car Park, Land North of Wembley Stadium Station, Land Adjacent to Red House, Land opposite Hilton, Land opposite Red Car Park, Olympic Way, Wembley Park Boulevard, Wembley

Some of the spaces around the stadium
Quintain's bid states: (Full application to be decided no earlier than September 17th LINK)
This planning application proposes the use of various areas of public realm within the Wembley Regeneration Area for markets and other temporary events. A variety of markets will be brought forward over time establishing a regular offer, which will bring repeat visitors, so the markets will complement and add to the retail attractions in Wembley. The markets will offer food and non-food items, including general products, clothing, arts/crafts, retro goods, etc. 

It is envisaged that no more than 40% of the total offer over time will comprise food, of which a lesser proportion will be for immediate consumption. Themed markets are envisaged, featuring European and other overseas products, and seasonal markets will offer products for annual festivals, including Christmas, and to complement activity elsewhere on the Wembley Park estate, such as a parade for Diwali. Markets selling a variety of food and drink products, such as a French food market, would be located within an area currently designated under Wembley Park estates’ premises licenses. 

Markets will not be hosted on Stadium Event Days without the prior written agreement of the Council. Some flexibility may be necessary to support seasonal markets, such as the Christmas Market, which are anticipated to be in place over a number of consecutive days. In any event, key routes to the Stadium, including Station Square, Olympic Way and Stadium car parks will be free of markets on Event Days. Any such coincidence would be discussed fully at the relevant Safety Advisory Group meeting in advance of the Event. 

Markets will also be co-ordinated with large events at the Arena and Hilton and elsewhere across the estate; and it is also generally anticipated that only one market will be hosted on site at a time although complementary opportunities may arise on occasion. In any event, the maximum number of stalls on site at any one time will not exceed 500. Quality of all goods will be assured through the Real Deal charter between Retail Alternatives and Brent and Harrow Trading Standards. 
The hours of operation of the various temporary events and markets will be reflective of the type of event being held. It is unlikely, however, that they would be operated before 08.00 am or after 00.00 am. The setup and breakdown, however, could be outside of these hours. There are currently no residential buildings close to the proposed sites, but there are some hotels on Olympic Way, Wembley Park Boulevard and South Way. Stall holders will be made aware of the locations of the hotels and considerate working will be required of them through management, including no shouting, engines not left to idle during set up, minimal movement of metal stall frames, etc. Erection of stalls close to the hotels would not generally begin before 07.00 am. Generators are not anticipated to be required close to them. 

Stalls may be established in groups or individually in the various areas identified. Market stalls will generally be a maximum of 3m x 3m including the serving and storage area for the stall holder. Aisles of no less than 4m will be maintained between the faces of stalls. Emergency services routes will be a minimum of 4m wide. Whilst there are trees in some of the areas within the location plan, the stalls will be positioned so as not to affect the trees in any way. 

Electrical power points are established in the majority of the areas. Where these are absent, such as in the car parks, generators will be utilised. These will be sited away from public thoroughfares and all cabling in public areas will be fixed above head height, or other, to avoid trip hazards. All refuse generated by the market will be stored well away from generators during market operation and will be cleared away at the end of the market / event and the areas cleaned, as currently, by the Wembley Park Estate team. 

Market stalls will not be stored within the sites themselves in between markets since the spaces are used for other events and to support events at the Arena and Stadium. From time to time markets will be held over a number of consecutive days and in these instances the stalls will remain on the sites protected by patrolling site security. All market stalls and equipment will be cleared away from the market locations at the end of the run of each market and stored under cover elsewhere on the Wembley estate, such as within one of the empty retail warehouse units on Wembley Retail Park. 

The markets will serve both the local community and those visiting from further afield. Visitors and stall holders will park in the existing Wembley car parks which are controlled by ANPR cameras. The Wembley Park estate is managed with the aid of CCTV and ANPR cameras. The markets and other events will be managed by Retail Alternatives in close liaison with the Quintain Wembley Park team. All events will be licensed, as appropriate.

Brent Council checking that Michaela will be safe for children to start on September 15th

Michaela site yesterday

Michaela Free School, opening at the former Arena House in Wembley Park, has assured Brent Council officers that it will be opening as planned to Year 7 pupils on September 15th, two weeks after most other local schools.

However the council will also ensure that the site itself is safe and suitable for children as building work will continue on other floors of the building, and in the grounds of the school, while the 11-12 year olds start their secondary education. 

As you can see from the pictures above the site is cramped with a very small footprint and presents quite a challenge.