Tuesday 25 May 2021

High rise blocks in Brent keep going up but so do the numbers of homeless families - zoom meeting May 27th


High-rise blocks keep going up but so do the numbers of homeless families.

About this event

  • What is happening to Brent’s housing supply?
  • Why are all the new housing developments making the housing crisis worse not better?
  • What can be done about it?
  • High-rise blocks keep going up but so do the numbers of homeless families
  • What is happening to Brent’s housing supply?
  • Why are all the new housing developments making the housing crisis worse not better?
  • What can be done about it?

Housing development in London is driven by frantic corporate and wealth investment activity.

In Brent, new high-rise blocks have been springing up but these are overwhelmingly private and often contain empty and under occupied flats.

Meanwhile, one in three Brent households live in expensive and often poor quality private rented housing, and more than 2,000 homeless families are stuck in temporary accommodation with no control over their future.

Why is it so hard for people to access Council homes which are decent, affordable and secure, a firm base to bring up families, work or study and realise aspirations in life?

Brent residents are among those who’ve been hardest hit by the pandemic. Now it’s time to put some meaning behind the phrase BUILD BACK BETTER by looking at the radical changes needed to ensure that everyone can access a decent home that they can afford.

FAIRER HOUSING – Partners for Change is working with ACTION ON EMPTY HOMES to bring about those changes. We want to see more resources for local Councils to build rented homes; we want private developers to build the right kind of homes; and we want empty homes to be put to good use.

  • Chair: Sahra Jama, Stream Skills Advancement
  • Speakers: Nimo Askar, L'Oreal Williams, Brent Residents
  • Councillor Margaret McLennan, Deputy Leader, Brent
  • Will McMahon, Director, Action of Empty Homes
  • Jacky Peacock, Advice for Renters


Millennium Business Centre application deferred. South Kilburn vent approved.

 Brent Planning Committee last night deferred a decision on a planning application for a new warehouse building at the rear of the Millennium Business Centre site in Humber Road NW2.

Alison Hopkins representing local people described the Centre as 'bad neighbours' and shared a number of examples of their detrimental impact on the area and fears that the new facility would worsen the situation. 

A speaker from Henfield who presently run a warehouse on the site opposed the application and described the state of the premises and the problems of parking and the blocking of fire exits if the plans went ahead. He thought it might be better to demolish the lot and rebuild or re-develop.

The agent for Millennium Business Centre said that they recognised that the 'type of tenant'  they'd had was 'not conducive' to the area and that they had 'got rid of them.' He accused Henfield of wanting to purchase the site themselves.

Challenged on the traffic survey Brent Highways said that it had been conducted before the introduction of LTNs and to some incredulou social media comments suggested that overall traffic on Humber Road would be reduced.

It was revealed that the applicant had not submitted a compliant D012 Fire Report and that this was still required.  Cllr Dixon was not reassured that traffic issues that had led to previous applications being rejected had been addressed and was concerned that vehicles would get stuck in the narrow road. The Highways officer remarked that the road was 'not ideal' for an industrial site but 'It is what it is.'

His words did not appear to persuade councillors who rejected the application with only two for the application. Initially they were ready to reject it outright but were persuaded by their chair, Cllr Kelcher, and intervention by officers , who cautioned againt going against officers; recommendation, to defer the decision to allow the applicants to come back with further information. Cllr Dixon was initially not happy to defer rather than reject.

Councillors cited traffic generation, highway safety, HGV problems, parking problems, inmpact on the wider local road network and lack of information as reasons to defer. In  addition there was the lack of a compliant Fire Report.  

The chair suggested a site visit and the Highways officer said he would request a Travel Plan from the applicant.

The HS2 South Kilburn vent application was dealt with quickly as there was little the Committee could do about it. A suggested that the block should have green growing walls was not possible because the vent had a slatted exterior. HS2 made much of the triangle of green space they were providing between the site and St Mary's Primary School and the 'learning opportunities' it would offer pupils. They would offer road safety and skills training to the school to ensure safety during construction. A Schedule 17 lorry route would be in place during construction and traffic, once the vent was in operation, would be minimal.

Monday 24 May 2021

Brent Council release details of wards for surge testing following increase in Covid-19 variants

 From Brent Council



North-west London boroughs, including Brent, are seeing a rise in the rates of new COVID-19 variants.

As a result, surge testing has been turned on in the following areas:

  • St Raphaels
  • Stonebridge
  • Wembley North
  • Wembley West
  • Alperton West
  • Tokyngton
  • Kensal Green

We will shortly be delivering leaflets with information about vaccines and testing to homes in these wards.

 If you live or work in one of these areas, please do get tested by calling 020 8937 4440 or booking online at www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Get vaccinated

The best way to protect yourself, your friends and your family is to get vaccinated.

Anyone over the age of 32 can now book their first jab on the NHS website or walk-in to a vaccination centre. The age criteria for getting a vaccine changes regularly, please check the NHS website for the latest advice.

GPs are sending invites, and we will be working with the NHS to promote further vaccine bus dates, as well as pop-up vaccination events in areas with low uptake.

Most mass vaccination centres across North West London are providing a walk-in service for first doses and are open from 9am to 7pm. The large vaccination centre in Brent, which is now giving out the Pfizer vaccine, is at Wembley Vaccination Centre: Olympic Office Centre, 8 Fulton Rd, Wembley, London, HA9 0NU.

Walk-ins should bring ID and their NHS number if they have it (although this is not essential).

Those who have had their first dose via a walk-in will be able to book their second vaccine at 8 weeks, 48 hours later using www.nhs.uk

Test twice a week

Surge testing has been turned on in affected areas. We strongly encourage everyone to get tested for coronavirus twice a week, even if they don’t have any symptoms.

By using PCR testing, positive results can be sent for genomic sequencing at specialist laboratories, helping us to identify variants.

Order at-home tests at www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test or visit a testing site. All London sites will now test people who do not have symptoms.

Those with symptoms should get tested by calling 020 8937 4440 or booking online at www.brent.gov.uk/testing

Those who test positive may be eligible for a £500 support payment if they are on a lower income and cannot go to work because they are self-isolating. www.brent.gov.uk/selfisolationsupport

Staying safe

We are urging everyone to continue to follow social distance guidelines – remember, Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air.


AT Medics re Operose and Centene takeover: 'We can't see how we can get this wrong'


NHS North West London CCG: W2U3Z (former CCGs: NHS Brent CCG, NHS Central London (Westminster) CCG, NHS Ealing CCG, NHS Hammersmith and Fulham CCG, NHS Harrow CCG, NHS Hillingdon CCG, NHS Hounslow CCG and NHS West London CCG) last week so that patients groups, councillors and the public could ask about the recent takeover of Burnley and Wembley GP practices by Operose Health and Centene.

Much of the meeting was taken up by a slide show from Operose and AT Medics.  The meeting was told that AT Medics had been started by 6 GPs who were all from a 'deprived background' and wished to 'give something back.' They had started with one practice but through 'process design' had grown to 47 practices across London. They run 6 vaccination sites across London which focus on hard to reach groups.

Answering questions from Brent Patient Voice they gave assurances that they did not share data for marketing purposes or without the permission of patients (caveats around care home patients  and medical emergencies),  They said that they could not extend Burnley Practice opening hours because they were  limited by their contract with the NHS, addressed criticism of health questions being asked by non-medically qualified staff at triage, promised improvements in patient access via IT when the surgery is closed and the ordering of prescriptions via the surgery App.

Robin Sharp of  got down to the nitty gritty to ask why AT Medics had approached Operose as a partner. He was told that the GPs were not business people and needed support for management  and governance and access to resources. The model they had been working with was not sustainable at the scale they had reached. They needed the skills, leadership and resources that 'like-minded' Operose offered.

AT Medics said that it was early days of the new arrangement, a honeymoon period, and doubtless there would be bumps in the road, but they were getting on well.

Cllr Gaynor Lloyd wanted more information on the claimed advantages of Centene's international links and the dependence of Operose on Centene's income. Operose itself  was loss-making and had AT Medics looked at Centene's exit from practices not making a profit? 

Mohammed Tahir replying said that there were multiple aspects to the issue. They had engaged with Centene and found them very different: 'We believe in them. We are successful and we can't see how we can get this wrong. We just needed the organisational back-up. All contracts were won on a competitive basis. As long as we are the people concerned we will be part of the NHS culture.'

On consultation with patients, AT Medics said no formal consultation was required as there was no change in the service offered but there had been a dialogue. On services that had closed Camden Road building lease had expired and no replacement building was available and a Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service provision had been found to be unustainable. 

AT Medics said that they were regulated by the Clinical Commissioning Group and like all NHS services were free at the point of delivery and were committed to increasing public access. They would always work with strategic NHS objectives and prioritised working with Primary Care Network. 

Robin Sharp felt some of the answers had been inadequate and people were still interested in why the takeover had taken place and wanted to know what Centene's intentions were.

Cllr Lloyd wanted to know about Population Health Management and if Operose was a joint data operator with AT Medic - if so could data be sent to the US?  AT Medics replied giving the example of data on diabetes checks where analysis was used to see how many patients had not had the 8 checks required and needed following up. They trained staff in how to use Population Health management as an approach.

Cllr Johnson asked AT Medics how many other providers they had approached but was told that the information was commercially sensitive and confidential.

Brent TUC Events this week: Take the Knee - Willesden Green May 25th, Stop GP Privatisation May 26th

 From Brent Trades Union Council

25th May is the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd and the start of the Black Lives Matter protests.


This year, the TUC and Stand Up To Racism started a week of action on May 17 to mark the  anniversary of the murder of George Floyd with on-line meetings, 'Take the Knee' events and also requests for Town Halls and other public buildings to be lit on the 25th May.




Also, in line with many other places, we will be holding a socially distanced and covid secure event of 'Taking the Knee', outside WILLESDEN GREEN STATION on Tuesday, 25 May. AT 5.30pm.


We hope Black Lives Matter West London will  support the event and deliver a short speech.


Other speakers welcome.


 26 th May 

Stop our GP practices being sold off to Centene USA



Johnbosco Lwongo from We Own It and Jonathan Fluxman from Doctors in Unite will outline next steps in building a Brent Campaign. Your contribution to this discussion will be valued.

                               Join Zoom Meeting HERE


Man charged with the murder of missing Agnes Akom


 Agnes (Dora) Akom

From Metropolitan Police

20-year-old Agnes Akom, who was also known as Dora and who moved to London from Hungary three years ago, was last seen in Cricklewood Broadway on Sunday, 9 May.

She was reported missing two days later and an investigation was launched.

Neculai Paizan, 63 (11.11.57) was arrested on Tuesday, 18May in connection with Agnes’ disappearance.

On the evening of Sunday, 23 May, he was charged with her murder.

He will appear at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on Monday, 24 May.

Agnes’ body has not yet been found. Detectives are still pursuing all possible lines of enquiry and are appealing for the public to come forward if they see or have seen anything suspicious that they feel may be relevant.

Sunday 23 May 2021

HS2 vent next to South Kilburn primary school at Planning Committee tomorrow but its powers are limited


The development site outlined in red, school grounds in green and Canterbury House and Carlton House

A battle started about 6 years ago when Brent Council asked HS2 to site a proposed vent site for the high speed rail running underground at this point at a site next to a primary school in South Kilburn rather than one adjacent to Queens Park station.

In a  message to constituents, March 23rd 2016,  Tulip Siddiq MP said:

Today in Parliament, I voted against the High Speed Rail 2 (HS2) Bill that will devastate areas of Camden and Brent.

I have campaigned against HS2 for the past seven years as I believe it is an ill-thought out scheme that will lead to bedlam on our roads, disruption to the education of school children and a compromised local environment. (my emphasis)

Further, these plans will cost taxpayers billions of pounds. I believe this money could instead be spent on projects that will actually bring real improvements to living standards across the country.

Having spoken against this Bill at the Select Committee, and again in today’s debate, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank residents who engaged with the lengthy and costly petition process. Though the Bill received support from across Parliament, it is your voice that will force HS2 to fulfil its assurances to compensate and mitigate the worst of the impacts.

My first priority as the MP for Hampstead and Kilburn is to protect residents in Camden and Brent. Therefore, I am proud to have voted against High Speed Rail 2 today in Parliament.

The scheme have now been granted permission by parliament, but I will keep fighting for mitigation for constituents.

Of course HS2 has gone ahead costing billions of pounds more than first suggested but for South Kilburn residents the question is still whether on South Kilburn the proposed vent will 'lead to bedlam on our roads, disruption to the education of school children and a compromised local environment.'

Unfortunately as officers note the legislation gives HS2 enormous powers and limits that of the Planning Committee:

The above mentioned approvals have been carefully defined to provide an appropriate level of local planning control over the works while not unduly delaying or adding cost to the project. As such the legislation states that planning authorities should not through the exercise of the Schedule seek to revisit matters settled through the parliamentary process, seek to extend or alter the scope of the project, modify or replicate controls already in place, either specific to HS2 Phase One such as the EnvironmentalMinimum Requirements, or existing legislation such as the Control of Pollution Act or the regulatory requirements that apply to railways.


For residents the immediate issue will be noise from the site and associated vehicle movements with extensive ground works required. These issues are not the subject of the report:

Mitigation includes a small strip of grass to be made available to St Mary's Primary School, walls and fencing around the perimeter of the site and  the widening of the cross-over with Canterbury Road from 3 metres to 6 metres.

There is only one objection recorded on the Brent Council Planning Portal froma resident of Canterbury House:

The current design is radically different from the original proposal. There are more buildings and the design height is much greater; the original proposal included the extraction fans installed underground but the revised plans are far more intrusive on residents neighbouring the development. The current proposed height of the headhouse building will have a major impact on natural light and views available to the properties at the rear of Canterbury House. Residents of Canterbury House bought their properties with knowledge of the original plans but there are deep concerns that the revised plans could significantly deter potential future buyers. If the first plan to construct the vents at Queens Park was withdrawn due to resident objections, why has the design at Canterbury Works revised in such a way that the impact on nearby residents will be significant and possibly more so than what was proposed at Queens Park. 

Planning officers say:

The committee report states at paragraph 16 that there would be no breach of the 30 degree rule when considered in relation to Canterbury Terrace. However, there would be a slight breach of the 30-degree rule from two of the ground floor units due to the greater height of the ventilation stacks which sit adjacent these homes. However, given the separation distance (approximately 18 m) and the fact that a daylight/sunlight report has been submitted to demonstrate that there would be no harmful loss of light, the breach is considered acceptable in this instance. It is also important to note that the Design and Access Statement confirms that the vertical ventilation stacks have been reduced in size to the minimum required in both plan dimensions and height. Therefore when having regard to the fact that the LPA are required to given consideration to whether the works 'ought to or could reasonably' be modified to protect local amenity, given the information provided the arrangement is considered acceptable.

A supplementary report responds to a late comment:

Since the publication of the agenda one further comment has been received in relation to the application. This comment raises concerns about a lack of mitigation or compensation for protecting or safeguarding South Kilburn's residents' quality of life. It also makes reference to the new tree planting HS2 are doing in the Chilterns and the lack of any similar mitigation for Brent. The potential impacts on surrounding properties is discussed within the committee report.

Firstly, it is important to note that HS2 works in South Kilburn and the Chilterns are very different. It is also important to note that the character of the areas differ greatly with South Kilburn being a far more urban environment. As this is not a planning application, the Local Planning Authority are unable to seek obligations to secure funding for tree planting in the area.

However, whilst the committee report focuses on the works for approval, the submission does include a number of 'For information' drawings to show future intentions of the site. As stated in the committee report a follow up application for 'Bringing into use' is required to be submitted, whereby HS2 are required to demonstrate that the impact of the development has been mitigated as far as possible. This is expected to include a detailed landscaping and tree planting scheme on site and the provision of a 'pocket park' to provide educational opportunities to neighbouring St Mary's PrimarySchool. However, it important to note that these works are not for approval under this application.




Brent among 4 NW London areas targeted for PCR testing for B.1.6172.2 (Indian) Covid-19 variant, Government announces, following confirmed cases

 From Government Website

Additional coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR testing is to begin in the coming days in targeted settings and postcodes within Harrow, Ealing, Hillingdon and Brent.


Surge testing will start from today (Saturday 22 May) in some areas following the identification of confirmed cases of the B.1.617.2 variant, first identified in India. 


The cases have been instructed to self-isolate and their contacts are being identified.


Working in partnership with the local authorities, NHS Test and Trace is providing additional testing and genomic sequencing in education settings and targeted areas across the 4 boroughs. Testing will be deployed in different ways in each borough in order to meet local needs. Local authorities will shortly confirm the areas where additional testing will be offered in their boroughs, and reach out directly to residents to ensure people come forward for testing to stop the spread of the virus.


Everyone who lives, works or studies in the targeted areas and settings, including children, are being strongly encouraged to take a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, whether they are showing symptoms or not. By using PCR testing, positive results can be sent for genomic sequencing at specialist laboratories, helping us to identify variant of concern (VOC) cases and their spread.


If you have symptoms you should book a free test online or by phone so you can be tested at a testing site or have a testing kit sent to your home. If you have no symptoms, you should visit your local council’s website for more information.


In tandem with increased testing, enhanced contact tracing will be used for individuals testing positive with a VOC. This is where contact tracers look back over an extended period to determine the route of transmission.


People across the country are encouraged to take up the offer of twice-weekly free rapid testing, alongside the PCR test as part of surge testing.


The government and its scientific experts are monitoring the evolving situation and rates of variants closely, and will not hesitate to take additional action as necessary.


Appointments for a second COVID-19 vaccine dose will be brought forward from 12 to 8 weeks for the remaining people in the top 9 priority groups who have yet to receive their second dose. This is to ensure people across the UK have the strongest possible protection from the virus at an earlier opportunity.


The move follows updated advice from the independent experts at the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which has considered the latest available evidence and has recommended reducing the dosing interval.