Wednesday 3 April 2024

Have you attended any of Brent Council's Building Safety Residents' Engagement Meetings? Any comments?

 I asked Brent Council abour progress on a Residents Engagement Strategy which is part of the post-Grenfell Building Safety Act, much of which came into force on April 1st 2024.

This is their response:

I can confirm that last October the Council launched its Building Safety Engagement Strategy with all those living in a high-risk buildings. To do this, the Council followed the Government Guidance for developing a strategy consulting with those living in these blocks and providing a copy to every household.


We are pleased to report that since October 2023 we have been hosting the first series of Building Safety Engagement meetings.

The 1st April deadline is not specific to the Engagement Strategy (please see the section within the Act,  but a requirement for implementing the Building Safety Act (2022) such as registering high-risk buildings.


For your information, our working strategy can be found here[buildingsafetyact.


A review following 6 months of piloting the strategy is scheduled and will go to Cabinet as part of a wider update on the Council’s overarching approach to engaging with Council Tenant and Leaseholders.

My conclusion from  this response is that the Strategy is being consulted on but is not yet in place. I would be interested in comments from anyone who has attended these consultation meetinsg and the number of residents in attendance verus the number eligible to attend.

Monday 1 April 2024

Luxury 'Wedding Hotel' for Wembley on Brent Council site


Rooftop 'Wedding garden'

 Cash-strapped Brent Council is set to approve a partnership with Rhapsody Hotels of Singapore to build a luxury hotel on the site of its Wedding Garden.  The Garden replaced the much-loved garden at the old Brent Town Hall which now forms part of the grounds of the Lycee.

The current garden is built alongside the Civic Centre and hired at additional cost for Civic weddings. With high rises all around it is somewhat dwarfed and not the ideal setting. However, the site itself is quite generous and of considerable value if itself converted into a high rise block.

The Marriage  (Ceremonial) Garden

In  the multimillion deal Brent would sell the site to Rhapsody but would retain the rooftop and two floors of the 26 storey block for a marriage roof garden and large halls accommodating up to 500 wedding guests. Brent Council as registrar would retain the ceremonial fees and other charges with separate charges for use of the roof garden.  The report to Bretn Council suggests that with the new luxury provision fees could be considerable increased and the facility would attract national and international couples as well as locals.

Currennt fees

The roof top garden would provide the iconic backdrop of the stadium and view across London for rooftop wedding photographs and enhanced versions of the current ceremonial garden facilities:

·       selfie frame

·       flower wall and Love Lights

·       disability access

·       Fairy Lights

·       heaters

·       toilets

·       Wi-Fi

 The hotel itself would cater for weddings, civil partnership and other ceremonies with provision of honeymoon suites and luxury accommodation for ceremony guests with spa facilities including sauna, jacuzzi and beauty parlours and first class restaurants and banqueting halls.

Officers argue that a 'wedding package' would benefit both the hotel and the Council as well as providing custom for all the eating and entertainment facilities around Wembley Park including the LDO:

With so many wedding and civil partnerships going to Paris, Berlin or Prague for their ceremonies this is a chance to make Wembley the wedding capital of the UK attracting people from all over the world for what will be a unique and memorable offer,

Mr Yuv Binhad of Rhapsody Hotels said:

This is fantastic news for our shareholders. We have long admired Wembley Park as a 'Little Singapore' and we are pleased to become partners with such a forward thinking, and if I may I say so... romantic council.

Friday 29 March 2024

The loss of a magnificent willow tree in Wembley Park comes as a sad shock

The magnificent willow next to 6 Greenhill Way, Wembley Park - as it was

Wembley Park has a considerable number of willow trees that give the name to Forty Willows GP Surgery and The Willows Children's Centre in Chalkhill amongst the willow=related place names.  A lovely specimen that was in the grounds of the former Brent Town Hall was removed by the Lycee, in 2017 possibly after storm damage:


After removal

Today, having been away for a month I was shocked to see ttoday hat the wonderful willow in Greenhill Way Top photograph) was a shadow of its former self. I believe it might had had a TPO (Tree Preservation Order) but the jagged edges at the end of the branches seem to indicate storm damage but I would be grateful for any information from neighbours. This was a real landmark tree and it is  sad to see it gone.

Further afield there are willows in the Open Space in Monks Park near the River Brent and another in Neasden Lane on the Chancel House site is to be preserved when the North Brent Secondary School is built.


Chancel House willow, Neasden Lane


The willow maze in the woods

Close by in Fryent Country Park (behind the Salmon Street houses) there is a little known willow tree maze planted by the Barn Hill Conservation Group  decades ago. Now nicely mature I have lost a few primary classes and teachers on its leafy paths over the years. 

Barry Gardiner calls for Byron Court to be given 6 months to demonstrate improvement via a reinspection



In a letter to Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education, Barry Gardiner MP for Brent North, calls for Byron Court to be given a chance to improve with the assistance of govrnors and  the Rapid Improvement Group that is now in place. He suggests a period of six months, two of which are holidays, before an Ofsted reinspection takes place. If successful this could mean that Byron Court remains a community school rather than face the disruption and turmoil of academisation.

Gardiner cites the rapid expansion of the school to 5 form entry (opposed by the local community) that made it bigger than some secondary schools and the absence of the headteacher through sickness as contributing to the problems of the school. A falling school roll, after the expansion, put additional pressure on the school as it attempted to manage a much bigger school estate.

Quoting the NEU's criticism of the Ofsted inspection process and its impact on the staff's wellbeing, Gardiner says that if the inspection had taken place under the new guidance issued after the death of Ruth Perry, the inspection would not have found as it did.


The arguments against the expansion of Byron Court into a 'mega-primary' were reported on Wembley Matters in 2016 HERE.


Brent’s Council Housing – A Tale of Two Sites. The reality behind Brent Council press releases

 Guest post by Philip Grant in a personal capacity

From the Brent Council website home page, 18 March 2024.


Two news items about Council housing on Brent’s website caught my eye this month. Before I look at these schemes individually, let’s have a recap about their targets for affordable homes.


When Brent’s New Council Homes Programme was launched five years ago, the aim was for 5,000 affordable homes to be built in the borough between April 2019 and March 2024 inclusive. As part of that aim, the Council set itself ‘a strategic target of delivering 1,000 new council homes at genuinely affordable rent by 31 March 2024.’


Promise’s “promise”, from the Spring 2024 edition of “Your Brent” magazine.


Having failed to meet those targets by next Sunday, the Council is doing its best to ignore that fact, and to publicise their new target instead. The ‘5,000 affordable homes in total within Brent’ is given an extra four years, and although an extra 700 new Council homes is added to the target to be achieved by 2028, rather than March 2024, they are no longer promised to be at genuinely affordable rent.


The Brent news release banner, from the Council’s website on 15 March 2024.


The first housing scheme that a Brent news release celebrated this month was the start of construction on the Neville and Winterleys site in South Kilburn. Among the white hard hat “crowd” in this Council publicity photograph are “the usual suspects” from Brent’s Cabinet, including the Council Leader with a spade (as in the Watling Gardens “groundbreaking” photo last October). But who are the others in this “flash mob”? Are they local residents waiting to be rehoused, celebrating that something is actually happening, or workers from a nearby site operated by the same contractor? Please add a comment below if you know the answer.


Brent applied for planning permission for this development in December 2018 (application 18/4920), and these were the details of the homes, and split between Social Rented and Private Sale, approved by Brent’s Planning Committee on 18 February 2020 (more than four years ago!):


Extract from the Final Officer Report to the 18 February 2020 Planning Committee meeting.


After minor changes to the design, the number of flats to be built here has been increased from 219 to 225, but the number of Council homes has gone down from 112 to 95. Despite this, Brent’s Lead Member for Regeneration can still put a positive “spin” on the numbers:


Extract from Brent’s 15 March 2024 news release.


The “almost half” is actually 42.2% of the new homes, and these will all be for existing Council tenants in South Kilburn, being decanted from other blocks that will be demolished as part of the troubled South Kilburn Regeneration Project. None of the ‘more than 200 much-needed homes’ will go to provide housing at genuinely affordable rents for local families on the Council’s waiting list, even though the 95 for existing tenants will be counted as ‘new Council homes’. 


Despite Brent celebrating the start of construction now, those homes may not be built in time for the 2028 target, as the news release says: ‘The scheme will be delivered by Countryside Partnerships (part of Vistry Group) and is due for completion by 2029.’ [I may add a comment below later about Vistry Group.]


Another Brent news release banner, again picturing some of “the usual suspects”, on 18 March 2024.


The second housing scheme that Brent issued a news release for this month is the former Euro House site in Wembley Park, now known as Fulton and Fifth. The development initially received planning consent in December 2020 for a total of 493 homes, which was increased to 759 (of which 218 would be “affordable”) under a second application to Planning Committee in November 2021 (with one Labour member, since removed from the committee, voting against approval). From the news release, it seems that the final figure is 876 homes, with 294 of them as new “affordable” Council homes.


It's amazing how many homes you can squeeze onto a site of 1.29 hectares, which used to be a two-storey warehouse. And the five towers have gone up quickly, as you can see on the left in this photograph, which I took earlier this month, while looking at what had happened to parts of the British Empire Exhibition grounds of 100 years ago (when there was a coal mine here!):


The Fulton and Fifth site, with its tower cranes, seen across Engineers Way from Canada Gardens.


It is very good news that all 294 ‘will go to council tenants on the council’s housing waiting list.’ But, as they say, ‘the devil is in the detail’, and these are homes that the Council is buying, on long leases, from a private developer, not Council homes that Brent is building itself.


In the 2021 proposals, there would only have been 80 homes for London Affordable Rent (“LAR”), with 62 “affordable” at no more than Local Housing Allowance (“LHA”) rent level and 76 for Shared Ownership. I explained LHA and Shared Ownership in detail, in a November 2022 guest post


The press release says that now ‘118 will be at London Living Rent, and 176 homes will be rented at London Affordable Rent.’ 176 homes at the “genuinely affordable” LAR rent level will be very welcome (although that rent level does not include a cap on the level of service charges). But 176 is slightly less than the 181 which will be sold privately, or as Shared Ownership, on Brent Council’s own development at Cecil Avenue in Wembley, with only 56 of the 237 being built at that site for rent to Council tenants at LAR level!


You may not be familiar with London Living Rent (“LLR”), so I will take this opportunity to explain what it means. It was introduced by the Mayor of London, and the GLA website says: ‘London Living Rent is a type of intermediate affordable housing for middle-income Londoners who want to build up savings to buy a home. … it is designed to help people transition from renting to shared ownership.’


To qualify for an LLR home, you need to live or work in London, be in housing need, but not be able to afford to buy a home (even a Shared Ownership one!) and have a household income of no more than £60k a year. Your tenancy, if you get an LLR home, will be for a minimum of three years, and up to ten years. During that time, you will be expected to save, so that you can buy a share of your home through Shared Ownership.


London Living Rent levels from 1 January 2024 for each Brent Council Ward. (From a GLA spreadsheet)


LLR rent levels are based on one third of average local household incomes, on a Ward-by-Ward basis across the capital, and are recalculated each year. Currently, the monthly LLR rent level for a 1-bedroom flat in Wembley Park would be £1080, rising to £1320 for a 3-bedroom home. For 2024, there is a cap of £1400 a month for LLR rents.


Extract from Brent’s 18 March 2024 news release.


What the LLR rent levels for Wembley Park will be in 2026, if the promised homes are ready in ‘just two years from now’, will depend on figures for household incomes in that area. Given the large number of new Quintain Living (and other private) apartments being let, and the rents that people have to pay for them, “local household incomes” are likely to rise, with the LLR rents rising as well.


Quintain Living advert, photographed on a Jubilee Line train in March 2024.


As an example of what is currently charged by Quintain Living, the advert above says that you can rent a studio apartment from £1703 a month. That’s more than £20,400 a year for a home only big enough for one or two people, so not affordable for most local people in housing need. (You have to look very closely for the “small print” on ‘one month rent free’, as it’s printed in white on a light background – it only applies to selected unfurnished apartments with a minimum 12-month tenancy.)


One final point on Brent’s affordable housing at the Regal London Fulton Road development. 294 homes is only 33.5% of the total being built there. Brent’s own planning policies say that at least 70% of the affordable housing provided on large developments should be “genuinely affordable”, but the Council’s 176 LAR homes are just under 60%, while the 118 “intermediate” LLR homes account for just over 40%. Not even following their own rules!


I hope you have found my latest look at Brent’s Council housing of interest. I’m sure it is more informative than Brent Council’s press releases!


Philip Grant.





Meanwhile MYLONDON reports on private renting:


The average cost of renting privately in one North West London borough has exploded over the past 12 months. Since February last year, tenants in Brent have seen their housing costs increase sharper than anywhere else in the country, leaving some residents feeling like life has become about nothing more than simply working to afford the extortionate prices.


The cost of renting the average private home in Brent is 20 per cent more expensive than it was in February 2023, according to data from the government’s Housing Market Indices Team. This increase is five per cent more than the next worst affected London borough, and more than double the national average.




In case anyone is wondering how the 759 home scheme approved by Brent's Planning Committee was magically increased to an 876 home development, here is the answer.

Among the many further planning applications arising from conditions set out in the November 2021 planning consent was application 22/3123, seeking variations of (among others) 'conditions 2 (approved drawings/documents), 3 (residential units)'.

One of the variations was to add an additional floor within the buildings, making the tallest 24 storeys rather than the 23 approved, but to do so without raising the consented height of the building.

How do you do that? By reducing the ceiling height of the flats on each floor! The ceiling height would now be 2.5 metres, which is still acceptable for housing standards. One of the two blocks where this reduction would be made was block E, with 176 homes - and it is no coincidence that 176 is the number of homes for LAR which Brent Council tenants will be offered!

This planning application did not go to Brent's Planning Committee. It was approved by a Delegated Team Manager, and signed off by Brent's Head of Planning on 9 June 2023.

This was despite the Report on the application saying: 'It is acknowledged that the proposal would continue to be in excess of the indicative site capacity of the whole site allocation,' - squeezing them in, as my article points out!

The Report also says: 'Of the 876 units, 122 of these would be 3-bed (13.9%). Under the extant consent, 79 out of the 759 units were approved to be 3-bed (10.4%). While there is an uplift of 3-bed units, these still fall short of the requirement for 1 in 4 dwellings within a development to be 3 bedrooms or more, sought by the Local Plan Policy BH6.' So, a big shortfall in the family-sized homes which Brent desperately needs.

The 3-bed flats which Brent Council will receive are shown to be 56 for LAR in block E
and 36 for LLR in block D. (That's 56 family-sized homes for "genuinely affordable" rent in a development of 876 homes!).

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Give Byron Court the chance to demonstrate progress with a re-inspection by Ofsted leading to revoking of the Academy Order


Barry Gardiner MP at the community demonstration against academisation

 Parents and staff opposing the forced academisation of Byron Court Primary School after a poor Ofsted will be cheered by support from the London Region of the National Education Union.

The union is critical of the conduct of the Ofsted inspection and distress that it caused to staff and challenges some of the judgements made. The timing of the inspection meant that staff were not protected by Ofsted guidance on the wellbeing of staff that was later introduced.

The union supports the view that the school has begun to address the issues raised by Ofsted and has shown that it is capable of demonstrating that it can offer the high quality education that all children deserve without recourse to forced academisation.  They call for a re-inspection by Ofsted to assess this claim and if proved correct to revoke the Academy Order. This has happened in the case of 22 schools.

More than 1,000 people have signed the petition opposing academisation and a takeover by the Harris Federation while NEU members at the school have voted to progress to industrial action over their potential transfer to a new employer.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Learn how to pick fruit in your neighbourhood and save it from rotting Tuesday April 23rd St Raphael's Edible Garden


There are so many gardens with apple and pear trees where the fruit just falls and rots. Learn how to shake it off the tree into a tarpaulin and what's involved in starting a group to put fruit to good use with foodbanks etc.

Sufra launch Ramadan Appeal 'Seeking Sanctuary - Finding Hope' - your donation will be match funded, Help the homeless and the hungry



 Thanks to the Islam Channel for the video

 Message from Sufra Foodbanks and Community Kitchen

Whilst many of our team observe fasting during this month of Ramadan, it’s sad and distressing that a growing number of our guests don’t even have enough food to break their fast.


Youssef, a young Sudanese refugee, is just one of many of our guests in this situation.


Youssef came to our food bank this week in desperate need of hope. He had been sleeping on the streets for weeks, with no food or adequate provisions to keep warm. He had lost faith in getting the support he needs over Ramadan.


As we do with a growing number of refugees and people seeking asylum who have been made homeless, we are making sure Youssef now has a nourishing Iftar every day.


Meanwhile, we are paying for emergency accommodation to keep Youssef warm, dry and safe – whilst fighting for his right to a decent roof over his head.


With record levels of demand for food aid at Sufra, and homelessness reaching new highs across London, we can’t do this without your help.  



At a recent Advice drop-in, Ahmed (a refugee from North Africa) turned up in complete despair. Despite his physical disability, he was evicted from his Home Office accommodation without any support, and left to fend for himself on the cold streets of London.  


Using our Samaritan Fund, our Advice Team arranged emergency accommodation in a hotel that met his medical needs. We provided food aid and support with his benefits, whilst working to secure his right to a decent roof over his head. 


This Ramadan, Sufra’s thoughts are with people like Ahmed, who have been forcibly displaced and are bravely establishing new lives in London. Those who have fled war, abuse and life under threat. Those forced to leave their families and seek sanctuary in a foreign land. 


Donate Now to Help Sufra Support People Like Ahmed  


Sadly, when a person seeking asylum reaches the UK, their basic human rights are ignored and they are often treated like second class citizens. Every day our advice workers are faced with some of the most inhumane and heart-wrenching cases, and it isn’t the situations they are fleeing but the ones they are facing here. 


As soon as a person seeking asylum receives the right to remain in the UK, they are served an eviction notice and have as little as seven days to leave their Home Office accommodation. Many of them are left homeless and hungry whilst trying to find a place they can afford – an almost impossible task. 

When guests come to Sufra, we make them feel at home by sharing a meal and listening to their struggles. We treat everyone with dignity and respect to rekindle their hope and sense of community – all whilst fighting for their basic right to food and shelter.  


Please support our ‘Seeking Sanctuary, Finding Hope’ Appeal to help uscontinue to provide food and shelter this Ramadan. 


35,000 Meals This Ramadan 


During the holy month of Ramadan, our Community Kitchens will be serving free Iftars, four days a week. People of all faiths or no faith are welcome to attend and sample Chef Jas' delicious global cuisine.  


Through our network of Food Banks and Community Kitchens, we aim to provide 35,000 meals to those most in need.


If you would like to be part of our mission this Ramadan, please donate HERE


Double Your Donations with Beta Charitable Trust (BCT)


We are very grateful to have £10,000 of initial match funding for our Ramadan Appeal from our gracious, long-term partner BCT. This means every penny you give will automatically be doubled and have twice the impact for our guests.


Donation amounts: 

  • £5 will provide one of our guests with a hot and freshly cooked 3-course meal.   
  • £40 will provide a family with a week’s worth of food and essentials. 
  • £100 will cover the cost of emergency accommodation for a guest who has been made homeless. 
  • £250 will sponsor one of our homeless food drives.
  • £1250 will sponsor a week’s Community Kitchen service. 


Zakat al-Mal and Zakat al-Fitr 


Sufra NW London can distribute Zakat al-Mal and Zakat al-Fitr on behalf of observant Muslims to needy individuals and families living in Northwest London. 


All Zakat funds are restricted to providing emergency aid (including food, clothing and hostel accommodation). No zakat funds are used for the general running costs of the organisation. 


You can find our Zakat Policy here. 


To pay Zakat al-Mal (2.5% of annual savings – restricted to emergency aid) use this link

To pay Fidya, Kaffarah or Zakat al-Fitr (£5/person – 100% restricted to food) use this link


Other Ways to Help 


Many mosques, community centres and school are running food drives during the month to help keep our shelves stocked, if you would like to organise a collection please get in touch and we can provide you with one of our iconic yellow bins and shopping lists to distribute in your local community. 

Alternatively, you could also take part in our Ramadan Giving Calendar which is a great way for children to learn about the importance of giving (and adults too!)