Saturday 28 March 2015

Brent Advocacy Concerns is looking for new trustees

Are looking for New Trustees
   BAC has been supporting Disabled People in Brent since 1988 and are looking for trustees who can help take us forward in these challenging times.
  We are seeking people who:
·      Feel they can support the aims and objectives of the organisation and the social model of disability.
·      Have a knowledge of disability issues either by personal experience or by close association with disabled people (75% of our trustees should define as disabled)
·      Are able to commit to 6 meetings a year at a mutually agreed time.
·      Feel a connection to our work and will spread the word
·      Would like to help to develop the organisation
·      Could be pro-active in helping to raise funding, sponsorship etc.
·      Could support the organisation with any skills they may have e.g. experience of disability, organising, IT, website design, management or business skills, legal knowledge, accounting, social media etc.
·      Live in the GLA area
We can offer:
·      Disability, equality awareness training
·      Management Committee training and out of pocket expenses
·      The chance to make a difference for disabled people in Brent and surrounding areas.
·      An opportunity to improve skills.
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in joining us please contact John Healy by 3rd April 2015.
020 8459 1493

Brent Advocacy Concerns, Willesden Centre for Health and Care, Robson Avenue, London NW10 3RY. Registered Charity Number 1001369

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is such blatant positive discrimination allowed. Replace 75% of trustees must be disabled with 75% of tenants must be Muslim for example and I think you'd be in serious hot water. It's absolutely disingenuous to suggest a non disabled majority of trustees couldn't advocate to the same standard. I hope no one applies to this blantently biased institution which does nothing but harm the equality the disabled strive for.