GMB to hold Asda protests against Contract 6

London Region are holding a number of demonstrations in September
across London and the East of England in protest against Contract 6.
Asda employees are being faced with the sack if they do not sign the
contract which strips away many of their terms and conditions.
having a 63 pence per hour increase on the original contracts, Contract
6 would leave GMB members on other Asda contracts worse off due to
changes to paid meal breaks, the loss of hours, changes to the night
shift window and a flat rate for bank holiday work.
flexible contract also means the company has the ability to change the
number of staff working days, hours and their department with just
4-week notice.
GMB have undertaken two demonstrations at Asda House, in Leeds, on 1st May and 14th August to make the feelings of GMB members clear that they will continue to fight for better pay, terms and conditions.
The GMB will be demonstrating outside Wembley ASDA tomorrow September 5th 9am-4pm
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