Saturday 3 June 2023

UPDATE:Lorber challenges attendance restriction. Brent Council recommends approval of application to build in Barham Park and restricts attendance at the Planning Committee considering it


The proposed four 3 storey houses in Barham Park

Residents who have made comments on funfair supremo and developer, George Irvin's, controversial application to build four 3 storey houses in  Barham Park, have been surprised to receive letters apparently restricting attendance at the Planning Committee that will decide the application on June 12th.

The letter (below) cites Covid restrictions but these were not in evidence at the Council's Annual General Meeting and currently not in evidence in the public areas of the Civic Centre.

The UK Government website says, 'There are no coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions in the UK.' 

Despite widespread opposition to this proposal the Chief Planner is recommending approval.



Re: 776 & 778, Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2HE 


I refer to the planning application for the above site which proposes:- 


Demolition of 2 existing dwellings and construction of 4x new three storey dwellinghouses, associated cycle and refuse storage, amenity space and boundary treatment 


The application will be formally considered at the meeting of the Planning Committee on 12 June, 2023 starting at 6pm. 


As a result of the current regulations allowing the Council to hold meetings of the Planning Committee remotely coming to an end, the Council is now required to hold this as a socially distanced physical (face to face) meeting. 


This meeting of the Committee has therefore been arranged to take place in the Conference Hall, at the Civic Centre. 


As we are still operating under existing Covid restrictions, capacity within the meeting venue has been strictly limited to ensure compliance with the necessary social distancing guidelines. 


We are therefore encouraging those who wish to observe proceedings to continue doing so via the live webstream which we will continue to make available on the Council’s website 


It is possible to speak at the Committee Meeting, which (in advance of the current restrictions coming to an end) can continue to be undertaken online (including via the telephone) or now, as an alternative, in person at the meeting, subject to the restrictions set out in the Council's Standing Order. These provide for one objector and/or one supporter of the application to speak. The Chair has the discretion to increase this to two people from each side. In doing this, the Chair will give priority to occupiers nearest to the application site or representing a group of people. 


To address the committee you must notify Executive and Member Services by 5 pm on the working day before the committee meeting. Please email or telephone the Executive and Member Services Officer, Mrs Dev Bhanji, on 07786 681276 during office hours. If you would prefer to attend the physical meeting to speak in person then please could you indicate this when notifying us of your request, as attendance will need to be strictly managed on the night. This may involve you having to wait in a separate area outside of the meeting room until you are called to speak.


The Chief Planner's recommendation for this application is to Grant Consent




Following expressions of concern from local residents about the restriction on attendance at the consideration of a very controversial planning application, Sudbury Lib Dem councillor Paul Lorber has written to Brent Council:

This is a very odd letter to be sent to Councillors and residents about a Planning Meeting.

There are no COVID restrictions in place and none were applied at the recent Council AGM.

This has confused resident concerned about this controversial Planning Application and given an impression that residents are being dissuaded from attending and show the strength of local opposition.

Can you please clarify the position and if the letter and references to COVID restrictions were sent in error a new notification sent out and if appropriate the item postponed to a later date.

Paul Lorber




Anonymous said...

Mo & Co have obviously already decided to grant permission to Mr Irvin and no doubt remove the restrictive covenant. It would be completely pointless to attend the Rubber Stamping Planning Committee Meeting and be patronised by Cllr. Keltcher. Presumably the Committee have already met with Mr Irvin under the Council's revised rules for the Planning Committee where they are now allowed to meet and speak to developer, whereas residents get diddly squat and don't even get to meet, nor write to the committee prior to the meeting. Neither do they get the right of reply at the Planning Committee. A fixed one sided system with fixed outcome and overseen by the ruling family, friends and best buddies. And let's not forget Mr Irvin's offer of totally unrelated gifts to councillors.

PS. A previous Planning Application mentioned that the gardens of the two cottages remain Public Open Space and part of the Parkland - however, the Report to Committee this time say it is not POS or Parkland!! Bananas come to mind. Has anyone considered the other parks that previously had homes in them such as Glastone Park? Makes one think what might come next. The Barham Buildings would make a really nice building plot for a 30 storey towerblock.

Anonymous said...

“As we are still operating under existing Covid restrictions, capacity within the meeting venue has been strictly limited to ensure compliance with the necessary social distancing guidelines”

Why are they operating under covid restrictions as they are no longer in effect. This should be challenged.

Anonymous said...

Grasping at straws

Anonymous said...

The consultation on this Planning Application only ended on 9 May 2023.

It must be a record performance by the Brent Planning Service to publish their Report and recommendation by 2 June 2023.

The Brent Planners have clearly decided that building housing in Parks and Open Spaces (despite the Council policy to the contrary) is OK. All reasonable objections are ignored as Planning in Brent becomes a rubber standing exercise and any consultation is just a sham.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Cllr Mo Butt invited Mr Irvin to his son's wedding?

Anonymous said...

The Labour led Council is really a Council controlled by a Leader who uses the Labour label to keep him in power. Not the same thing!

Anonymous said...

They had the application in January and were trying to hide it from us residents - all previous objectors should have been written too then. Once we found out about the application they had to issue consultation letters and extend the deadline to 9th May.

Not that they will listen to our concerns!

Anonymous said...

Frankly, this whole thing stinks to high heaven. It is impossible to have any faith or trust in a council and councillors who serve themselves. What next? A complete redevelopment of all the land and buildings known as Barham Park?

Anonymous said...

He's using his developer buddies to keep himself in power while the numerous labour councillors we never see are backing him to keep themselves in a job at our expense!