Wednesday 15 November 2023

Brent Council open consultation on new Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) 24/7/365 on its Council Estates - £50 annual fee per permit

 There was an attempt by Brent Council a few years ago to introduce Traffic Management measures that were not popular. Another consultation has been launched. Parking permits will be £50 per year and in the first instance limited to residents. There will be a review regarding visitor permits once the scheme is operation. This was a particular concern for some residents who have a cultural tradition of visiting relatives as an extended family.

The Council warns that parking on estates will have to be suspended for a maximum of two days (weather permitting) while signs and new road markings are installed.

From the consultation website LINK:

We are consulting on estates across Brent regarding the introduction of Traffic Management measures. This will mean that the council can control parking on the estates in the same way that it does on public roads and will make parking safer, fairer and easier.

As a part of this consultation, we will be running a series of workshops where discussions will take place on each of these estates. The estates and the corresponding workshop details can be found below.

To sign up to one of the workshops, please click on each of the workshops (1-5) which will redirect you to an Eventbrite page. Booking through the links below guarantees your entry, however if you are unable to book through these pages, there will availability on the day at the venue if you wish to attend.

For more information on what is being proposed at each state, please click on the name of the estate which will open a plan of the proposals.

(Note the workshop for Summers Close and Saltcroft Close is given as two different vekues on the website and the printed brochure. There may be other mistakes - I have not checked them all.)

Workshop 1 - The Church of the Ascension, The Avenue, Wembley HA9 9QL Time: 7 - 9pm on 21st November 2023

Workshop 2 - Brent River College, 364b Stag Lane, Kingsbury NW9 9AE Time: 7 - 9pm on 21st November 2023

Workshop 3 - Maharastra Mandal London, 306 Dollis Hill Ln, London NW2 6HH Time: 7 - 9pm on 23rd November 2023

Workshop 4 - Christ Church Brondesbury, Brondesbury NW6 7BJ Time: 7 - 9pm on 28th November 2023

Workshop 5 - Brent Indian Association, 116 Ealing Rd, Wembley HA0 4TH Time: 7 - 9pm on 29th November 2023

If you would like to have your say on our proposals, please follow a link to our survey here (, or click on the 'Have your say' button on the top of the page. Survey closes at 23:59 on 13 December 2023.

Why do we need to make these changes?

Vehicles parking in an unsafe and inconsiderate way blocks roads and pavements, and are making it difficult and unsafe for residents to move around their estates, as well as hindering access for the Council’s refuse collection vehicles. Residents on the estates are also finding it more and more difficult to find a space to park their car. More seriously, unsafe parking can prevent fire engines and ambulances from getting to the estates for emergencies.

How do the new controls work differently to the current ones?

Under the current system, Wing Parking (enforcement agents) are not legally allowed to access DVLA information, meaning they can only ever enforce against estates residents, not those parking there without permission. The new system will make it easier for the Council to enforce against vehicles parked poorly or inconsiderately which cause problems in the estates. These stricter controls have been proven to deter nuisance estate parking when used by other London authorities.

What are the benefits of these changes?

  • Residents should find it easier to access a suitable parking space.
  • There should be less disruption to emergency service vehicles, allowing them to respond more rapidly to issues on the estates.
  • Unauthorised vehicles will be deterred from entering the estates and parking in resident bays, which will increase parking availability for estate residents.
  • Unobstructed footways will improve parking accessibility and safety for pedestrians, the mobility impaired and pedestrians with pushchairs.
  • There should be an improvement in access for Council services, including a reduction in missed waste collections.


Anonymous said...

If B~ent are going to impose the parking charges, why don't they just get on with it instead of pretending to listen to residents. Once the vehicles are moved off site due to the charge there will be more room for more rabbit hutches.

Anonymous said...

It says above "There will be a review regarding visitor permits once the scheme is operation. This was a particular concern for some residents who have a cultural tradition of visiting relatives as an extended family" - what is meant by 'cultural tradition'? We know people of all cultures, nationalities, religions etc, who have very large families who like to gather for family events it is not just a 'cultural' thing.

Perhaps the visitors can be encouraged to use public transport or car share?

Pete Firmin said...
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Pete Firmin said...

The proposals weren't universally disliked. Some estates had been promised a review of parking for about 15 years. Many of us welcomed the fact that the introduction of this scheme brought an end to rogue parking with cars everywhere. Double yellow lines were obviously seen as pretty street decoration, because the old scheme did not allow serious sanction, if any. The problem may be that, as so often, Brent adopts a `one size fits all' approach to problems rather than any flexibility taking account of local situations.