Monday 27 November 2023

Green Party launches petition for more affordable public transport in London



The London Green Party has launched a petition for more affordable public transport in London:


The cost of public transport in London is higher than any other global major city.


We need the Mayor of London and Transport for London to urgently focus on reducing the cost of getting around our city. 


In the run up to the next Transport for London budget, we are asking the Mayor to prioritise measures to reduce costs of travel to help all Londoners with the cost of living.


We are calling on the mayor to:

  • Freeze fares at current levels.
  • Extend free bus travel to under-22s
  • Make free travel available 24 hours a day for Freedom Pass holders.
  • Offer free travel to all emergency services staff.
  • Provide free bus travel for people seeking asylum




Anonymous said...

How will all of this be funded?

Anonymous said...

What should under 22year olds get free bus travel? Did a 20 year old write it and decided to elevate themselves to the level of “emergency services staff”?

If emergency services didn’t rely in part on cars, they wouldn’t make it to work

Anonymous said...

Would rather public transport was improved for all than see more people getting free public transport.

We cannot afford to see more cuts in transport services, especially as so many local people had to give up their cars because of ULEZ.

Martin Francis said...

Anon 27th Nov 19.48, I asked on your behalf and this is the answer provided.

Greens are proposing a freeze on bus fares, not lower fares across the board.

TfL is due to run a surplus this year based on a significant underestimation on traveller numbers in the last business plan. So, some will come from that and the knock on consequences. Greens also feel that if freezing fares increases passenger numbers it will also increase revenue.

Anonymous said...

To increase passenger numbers you need to ensure a proper service - how many times do we hear a station is shut or trains can't run due to staff shortages?

What about upgrades to trains, lines and stations? Surely some of that profit needs to be spent on these improvements.