Wednesday 18 June 2014

Barnet planning email fraud allegation withdrawn

Barnet Today LINK reported yesterday that a woman and her husband had their identities stolen in fake emails sent in support of a planning application for a development by Bespoke Solutions.

The case bears a strong resemblance to the Kensal Rise fraudulent email issue and raises a concern that this may be a more widespread tactic that anyone has realised. It certainly suggests that the police should give a higher priority to the Kensal Rise investigation.

STOP PRESS The report has now been removed so the link above will not work. North London Press said:
 The woman retracted the allegation and requested the story be removed
This is all very strange as the woman's allegation was specific and detailed saying that her address and email had been used in support of the development, as well as the work address of her husband, in submissions that they had not sent.

There's only one thing for it: call Miss Marple


Anonymous said...

FKRL need to urgently issue a statement that "FKRL will not now support the planning application until the police investigation into alleged fraud is concluded."

That is all "we" as the community want and have wanted since FKRL betrayed us.

Anonymous said...

Fully agree

Yes speak up FKRL. We would all be proud if you broke ranks and stood for justice not simply "shortermism" if that is a word.

Anonymous said...

A useful link for Brent officers when fraud of planning system is detected. It should be noted that planning system relies on "Good Faith."

As there are allegations that an attempt was made to sway the original planning application, this can't possibly "immaterial" as it is the same developer apart from his company switch shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

This does not seem encouraging for Councillor Mashari's national ambitions with her previous stance towing the party line.

Constituents want those elected to be accountable for their actions and not simply be a mouth piece.

Repent and you might be forgiven

Anonymous said...

It appears that the Barnet Today piece has been removed from the paper's website - so the link above won't currently work. Awaiting the editor's response as to why.

Anonymous said...

Possibly developer threatening injunction ?

Anonymous said...

Re 'company switch shenanigans' comment above, 19 June 09.46

* all trace of Andrew Gillick's previous firm Platinum Revolver Ltd - in whose name his original application for Kensal Rise Library was lodged - appears to have disappeared from the official Companies House website

** Platinum Revolver was renamed Platinum Land Ltd - according to this non-Companies House link - on 24 Sep 2013


*** a search of previous company names for Platinum Land Ltd brings up not Platinum Revolver but another company, Platinum Land & Property Ltd, which had a name-change - presumably to Platinum Land Ltd - on 28/07/2010

then, hey presto

**** check for 'Dissolved' names of Platinum Land Ltd (still on search for Platinum Revolver) and what appears is once again not Platinum Revolver but Platinum Land & Planning Ltd which was itself dissolved on 27 May 2014...

Perhaps Mr Gillick would like to enlighten Wembley Matters' readers as to what's going on. For my part, I now need a drink...

Anonymous said...

According to North London News, publisher of the Barnet Today piece, 'The woman retracted the allegation and requested the story be removed'. The company named in the piece was UK Bespoke Solutions Ltd. A quick glance at Companies House webpage shows it, too, has a convoluted history -

Its previous name was UK Bess Lee International Co Ltd, incorporated on 12 March 2012, dissolved on 15 October 2013. The present company was incorporated on 26 April 2012.

The mind boggles...

Anonymous said...

See comment below, 14.59. Seems as if complainant might have been got at - her's was a detailed complaint, so very odd to have withdrawn it.

Anonymous said...

This all has to be investigated.

FKRL name quickly springs to mind in previously rectracting such statements.

Given the above seems to follow the same pattern of company shenanigns

Anonymous said...

Seems like Miss Marple's already on the case - above at 14.49.

Anonymous said...

It is not unusual for company names to be changed, or even swapped. I came across it a lot during my career as one of H.M. Inspectors of Taxes, and though it can be "innocent", I often saw it used when tax planning / avoidance / evasion was involved.

The most useful way of identifying a UK company is through its company registration number (sometimes shortened to CRN), which will stay the same from incorporation however many times the name may be changed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Philip. Further search has revealed that Platinum Revolver and Platinum Land Ltd do indeed have the same CRN.