Saturday 19 August 2017

The sad decline of King Edward VII park in Wembley

On the day that Brent planning officers issued final approval for Tottenham Hotspurs' increase in full capacity events at the Stadium LINK I had sight of several emails from residents about the deterioration of King Edward VII Park on Park Lane.

As emissions from heavy vehicles, noise and dust pervade the area because of all the demolition and building work in the area King Eddies has become more important as a peaceful haven.

However budget cuts mean that the park itself is no longer regularly patrolled by wardens, waste paper bins are not emptied, graffiti has appeared on benches, and late night social drinking has increased with associated littering.

The long running drainage problem LINK remains and may have been worsened by the paving over of back gardens in houses bordering the park.  The Council is trying to persuade Thames Water to renew the main pipe.

One resident wrote:
  1. Drug dealing - we have an ongoing problem with Drug Dealers dealing in the Park from approx 12.00 noon till late evening.  Despite numerous and consistent efforts by our local SNT the problem is ongoing.   They have no qualms about dealing in full view of the public, smoking around the children's play area.  The Police do not have the resources to be there everyday to deter and disrupt these youths.
  2. Anti-Social Behaviour - there are still a hardcore group of drinkers who visit the park daily, especially early evening and remain long after the park is supposedly locked at night.  No only do they smash bottles and leave cans and cigarette butts all around, the are not averse to using anywhere as a public toilet.  It has been noted on many occasions that some are so drunk they think nothing of exposing themselves in broad daylight urinating in full view of park users.  This has to be stopped immediately.
  3. In recent years we have had 4 stabbings in King Eddies, numerous Robbery's of phones and gold jewellery from young Asian mums who have been threatened with violence against their children in pushchairs to give up their possessions, again totally unacceptable, many of which now avoid the park at all costs. 
Although there are currently no funds for it one suggestion coming from residents is the refurbishment of the pavilion to include toilets. Having no toilet facilities available is a disincentive to use of the sports pitches,

King Edward VII Park was formerly a Green Flag winner but Brent Council withdrew from that scheme when it out-sourced parks maintenance to Veolia - it would not merit the ward at the moment.

Surely with millions being spent on the Quintain redevelopment sime CIL funds could be found to bring the park up to standard?


Anonymous said...

Particularly when Quintain under the name of Wembley Park recently ran an advert extolling people to come and live at Wembley Park and relax in the wonderful local parks detailing King Eddies and its history and Barham Park...I think Quintain should cough up some money towards their maintenance.

Unknown said...

Considering this park is supposedly protected by Fields In Trust, for perpetuity courtesy of Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee, it is unbelievable that they can allow these things to happen. I would like to see King Eddies get it's Green Flag award back and Brent Council and Veolia should be doing everything they can to ensure this. The amount of money Brent Council now has slushing around their coffers surely they could re-instate a Park Warden to preserve the only green space left in Wembley Central.

David Naisle said...

What a shame. If I'm not mistaken, this is the park where British-born DARPA scientist Clarke Richards (or Redgers?) claimed in 2007 he "landed" following a time travel experiment. I think he said he arrived there in 1981 in a phone box-sized capsule in one corner of the park, couldn't get it back to 2007 so had to stay there for 26 years until he could go back to his DARPA office in the US.