Tuesday 23 November 2021

Brent lead members to supply written answers on key questions on council homes and flood risk

Parody Brent publicity photograph for the Council's Wembley Housing Zone development at Cecil Avenue.

Cllr Shama Tatler, lead member for Regeneration, Property and Planning was unable to attend last night's Council Meeting as she had been close to Brent Council Leader, Muhammed Butt, who had to self-isolate after a positive LFT Covid test.

This meant that she was unable to answer Philip Grant's Supplementary Question on the planned hosuing on the former Copland Hugh School site LINK.

For the record this is the question that should now be answered in written form:

Brent urgently needs more affordable Council homes, and it could be building 250 of these at Cecil Avenue now.

But only 37 of the 250 in your plans will be for affordable rent, while 152 will be for private sale by a developer.

Some of the £111million GLA grant could be used to provide social rent housing there. 

Instead, you plan to use it for infill schemes on existing Council estates, which may be years away.

What justification will you give for these plans, when asked by families who’ll have to wait much longer for a decent home, and existing residents who’ll lose the green spaces on their estates?


Cllr Krupa Sheth, lead member for Environment, was present but was unable to answer my supplementary question on the spot and will supply a written answer in due course:

My question on a review has not been directly answered, fortunately a council officer told Scrutiny on November 10th said that a review of the 2015 Flood Risk Management Strategy is required and context should include real focus around climate change (for example the forecast 59% increase in winter rainfall) as well as the necessary local mitigation.


1.    Can you give us the timetable for the review and the partnership members who will be involved?



2.   Will, as the West London Flood Risk Management Strategic Partnership has recommended, the accumulative impact of developments on flooding and drainage infrastructure systems, be assessed?


Anonymous said...

Cllr. Sheth has not been up to the job as Environment Lead for some time - she only gives answers written for her and shows no understanding of Climate Change or the Climate Emergency. She will not answer any question put to her in debate and all she does is mouth slogans re - the recent 'Lets Talk Climate' and the 'Brent Climate Festival' charades.

She will remain in post however because she is perfectly carrying out the Council's climate policy and that of her leader which is to talk in slogans but not to act on the climate abuse of private developers or in the council's own housing developments.

Anonymous said...

Butt and his Cabinet do love a good publicity photo!!!

Philip Grant said...

I've been advised that I will receive Cllr. Tatler's written response to my supplementary question by Monday 6 December.

I'll ask Martin to share that answer with Wembley Matters readers.