Sunday 16 December 2012

Battle lines drawn on Barn Hill over access

Access road in the distance (centre) from Barn Hill
Residents on Barn Hill are challenging Brent Council's intention to draw double yellow lines on a dead-end slip road off Beverley Gardens, which they claim was intended to give access to the open space for the old and infirm.

The slip road - new houses are behind the green gates at the end
The new houses behind their gates
John Woods, Chair of Barn Hill Residents Association said:
Local residents are not in favour of this proposal because this road is used to drop off many old and invalid people who are unable to walk up to Barn Hill open space to enjoy the environment.
Residents strongly believe that Brent Council has been approached by a local developer, who  built the two houses that use this road,  to install these double yellow lines.
Woods added that he found it hard to belive that this order was passed on the strength of information given by an absentee landlord and one favourable response from a resident.

Clr Michael Pavey, Labour,  Barnhill, told me:
I am completely opposed to these yellow lines. I'll be working with residents to make sure the proposal is rejected.
Consultation on the issue expires on 20th December with a decision likely in mid-January 2013.

Observations can be sent to 

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