Monday 17 December 2012

Central Middx and Northwick Park A&Es overwhelmed

Campaigners lobby Sarah Teather over the closures
The Evening Standard today reports that  Maeve O'Callaghan-Harrington, head of emergency planning at NW London Hospitals Trust, emailed local GPs  last week advising them that the casualty units at Northwick Park and Central Middlesex  were full. 

Northwick Park had 19 patients waiting for beds and patients were also waiting for beds at Central Middlesex. Central Middlesex A&E is already closed overnight and would be closed completely under the 'Shaping a Healthier Future' proposals. Central Middlesex A&E patients will be expected to go to Northwick Park instead and that is also where patients from the Urgent Care Centre would be transferred if the UCC cannot treat them.

The Standard reports Andy Burnham, shadow health secretary as commenting:
As this email shows London A&Es are struggling as it is and it is not at all clear how the Government can close so many without putting lives at risk. The planned closures in northwest London look drastic and the onus is on the NHS and the Government to provide clinical evidence for how they can be justified.
Local NHS campaigners have repeatedly drawn attention to the pressures on Northwick Park even before the closure of Central Middlesex A&E  and the absence of any kind of risk assessment on the possible repercussions for the safety of patients if the closure takes place.


Anonymous said...

Photo caption is dishonest. Or don't you want to admit that most of those campaigners are Labour, including the GLA member? Disingenuous, some might think.

Martin Francis said...

Not guilty Anon. Apart from Navin Shah I think there is only one Labour Party member there. Most are socialists of some description and therefore not likely to be members of the Labour Party!

Anonymous said...

I am in that photo and I have not been a member of the Labour Party since 1992

Trevor said...

it's really amazing.
here we have MP'S all standing up complaining about Cuts and yet I don't hear any of them standing up and openly speaking up and out against smoking.
I mean of what True Benefit is Smoking to a person?
are Lung and Throat cancer things worth paying for?
are such self inflicted preventable diseases that add to the already sky high cost of treating those suffering from the inevitable damaging effects of smoking to the NHS worthwhile?
should a Person who has the job of So called Health Secretary be taken seriously when he/she puts profit Before Principle which then causes public health to suffer immensely and the cost of treating preventable diseases on the NHS to Rise?
isn't such a person comparable to a alcoholic bus or train Driver?
isn't it inevitable that the passengers will suffer no end of harm due to that one careless selfish driver?
likewise you have a current bunch of breathtaking hypocrites at the wheel of government steering the nation in such a way that is causing no end of hardship and suffering and yet those hypocrites steering the nation into hardship and suffering will inevitably say that they are only doing what is right and that they are being Cruel to be kind...but should we buy that?
so they are being tough making all kinds of Cruel insensitive cuts and they will argue that it is due to the failure of the previous hypocrites, some of whom are arguing against the cuts being made at present, to do what was responsible when they had the responsibility in 1997.
the true cuts we need in this country are ones that result in all Crooked MP'S being removed and yet I know that is never going to happen...Labour were once saying that Britain deserved Better...We still MP's are the Jimmy saville's of Britain and that is not a compliment.
The NHS is no safe in your Hands as Christianity is in the hands of Satan the Devil because Like him you are Thoroughly corrupt and wicked and when he is removed then and only then will things change for the better.
I urge People to put your Faith and Trust in God and not in humans that due to greed put profit before principle causing self inflicted preventable diseases to become widespread and then in the meantime close down hospitals all over the country and causing the cost of treating preventable diseases to the NHS to increase each year.
and if you must look to humans for answers then at least insist upon a NHS that operates by means of Christian Principles
after all try to Imagine a Britain and a NHS Built up by means of Christian Principles?
isn't it obvious that things would be different and different in a positive sense?
rather than to continue suffering in a country deteriorating by the year due to the deliberate lack of Christian Principles?