Wednesday 30 July 2014

Will Brent Scrutiny Committee have sufficient time to consider far-reaching changes in health provision in the borough?

The Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday August 6th will discuss two key issues relating to health in the borough.

They will receive a report from the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the closure of Central Middlesex Accident and Emergency. The report is available here: LINK
The committee is recommended to question representatives of the CCG on the robustness of their assurance plans and the timescale for their implementation, as well as on what contingency plans are in place in case any of the proposals turn out not to be possible or feasible.
The A&E Department is due to close on September 10th and David McVittie, Cheif Executive of NW London Hospitals NHS Trust this week admitted that there could be problems initially LINK    It is  hard to see what additional safeguards could be demanded by the Commitee if they are not satisfied, just 4 weeks before the closure.

The second report to be considered, also from the CCG,  outlines three 'transformational' strategies to reduce the costs of healthcare in the borough whilst at the same time improving outcomes. The full report is available HERE
The committee is recommended to question representatives on the viability of these transformation plans, the timescale for their implementation, as well as on what contingency plans are in place in case any of the proposals turn out not to be possible or feasible. In particular the committee is asked to consider the adequacy of proposals to expand capacity within primary care services.
These are clearly complex issues with huge implications for Brent residents.  It does raise the issue of whether the decision to have one Scrutiny Committee rather than several specialist ones was wise. There used to be a Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, now this Committee will also be considering the 'Garden Tax' call-in, proposals for a Budget Scrutiny Commitee and the Committee's Forward Plan. LINK 

Will the crowded agenda allow for the full examination and  discussion required?


Emma Tait said...

What competency does the Scrutiny Committee have to challenge (and change) the CCG's proposed health changes for people in Brent? How robust is the Scrutiny Committee eg what resources (including research) is the Scrutiny Committee able to call on? Is Scrutiny, like consultation, merely window-dressing ie pretending to be meaningful, and implying a democratic process is in operation? Excuse me if I am cynical in thinking the Scrutiny Committee will be meaningful only if it causes a real stink - as the Brent Health Council did many decades ago.

Anonymous said...

Who scrutinises the scrutinisers?

Martin Francis said...

I think the short answer is the press and public, and eventually the electorate, but that means turning up at the meetings to try and ascertain what is really going on. That is easier if papers are readily available and if councillors speak up so we can actually hear what they are saying!

See you there on Wednesday?