Sunday 29 January 2023

Brent bids farewell to school catchment areas and moves children of staff up the priority list

The school catchment area map

 Brent Council will drop school catchment areas as part of the admission criteria for community primary schools. The council says that catchment areas, an area around a school which gives priority for pupil who live there, are of more use at times of high demand. Its abolition will make the admissions criteria simpler. When pupils are 'tied' in terms of meeting the admissions criteria, the place will be awarded on the basis of the nearest pupil to the school measured in a straight line from their home address.

More controversially the children of the school's staff will move up the priority list, ahead of children who already have siblings in the school. 

A further change is that medical and social priority is expanded to those of the parent or carer as well as the pupil.

The criteria for entry will now be:

1. Looked After Children

2. Pupil from a linked infant school

3. Medical or social needs

4. Children of staff 

5. Siblings of pupils including  half or step brothers or sisters (not cousins)

6. All other applicants, including the distance tie break.

The full document cane be read HERE.


Anonymous said...

Some people live near to more than one school, and other live near no schools at all. They will be disadvantaged, so it isn't fair at all.

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t help if you accidentally live nearest to a poor school. They need a better system.

David Walton said...

Difficult to see, but I think this map does show the 3 South Kilburn schools- re Carlton Vale Infants and Kilburn Park Foundation, both are Brent Local Plan 2022 'sites', while St Mary's is next to the new HS2 vent, tunnel fire escape, massive railway electrical sub-station moved south from Kilburn village, a bright or a 'site' future for the third SK school?

Un-place making, as South Kilburn is quintupling population 6,000 to 30,0000 housed car-free, which includes 4 bedroom 'houses in the sky' already, so I guess children will still live here 2041?

Proves Brent's Bad Growth Policy of only priority protecting public owned services facilities and green park open spaces in anti-population growth conservation areas. The rest of Brent taxpayers often car-free housed will all be needlessly set on the move by this regressive bureaucratic anti-social design, begging favour and mercy in world class services conservation areas - the classist non benefit of living high density zoned Brent.

Anonymous said...

This has come 5 years too late. Would have preferred Wembley High as opposed to Preston Manor.

David Walton said...

Brownfield Registered South Kilburn;

43. Granville Community Centre
49. BSESA3/ BSESA 9 Carlton House, playground and Community Centre/ Neville House, Winterleys and green public open space PA 18/4920
56. Kilburn Job Centre Plus PA 20/0881 (to become 19 flats)
87. BSESA1. Austen House/Catholic Church/ Marian Community Centre
88. BSESA2. Blake Court/ green public open space park and playground
89. BSESA4. Carlton Vale Infants School
90. BSESA5. Craik Court and public green spaces
91. BSESA6. Crone and Zangwill and public green public spaces
92. BSESA7. Dickens House and public green spaces
93. BSESA 8/ BSESA11 Hereford and Exeter/ Granville Road Public Open Space
94. BSESA 13. John Ratcliffe House
95. BSESA 14. Saville and Dunbar, green space and community centre
96. BSESA 15. Albanian Muslim Centre
97. BSESA16. OK Club/ Christian Holt House
109. BSESA 34. Kilburn Park Underground Station

167. Chippenham Gardens (52 flats)
171. Peel Precinct

In October 2022 a Brent re-development proposal for Planning Application bundles BSESA2, BSESA 4, BSESA7, BSESA9 Kilburn Park Junior School and BSESA12 Wordsworth House, Maesfield House and South Kilburn Public Open Space together into one land assembly/ mini plan. Phase 1 proposes building on South Kilburn Public Open Space woodland area?

South Kilburn neighbourhood is 45 ha of public owned car-free quintuple population intensive housing being zoned, eight un-plans and green un-mappings now over 22 years ongoing, and many more sites not yet added either.

Should full masterplan account be 2023 taken of high flood risk and public green open spaces total destruction in this zone?

Anonymous said...

Wembley High is an academy school not a community school.