Wednesday 1 April 2015

Election hustings and meetings in Brent in the next fortnight

Hampstead and Kilburn is well ahead in terms of General Election hustings.  If any organisation has details of hustings in Brent Central and Brent North please send them in. Party allegiances aside I think it is important to have as much open and spirited debate as possible ahead of the General Election.

Here are some of the very different hustings happening in the next two weeks. If you know of more or are organising one and want it publicised please send me a jpeg, png or tiff file. I will add them to this posting.

Tjere will be an opportunity to register to vote at the Harlesden Hustings for those withouyt internet access. Please bring your National Insurance number.

Hampstead and Kilburn hustings

9 April - Queen's Park Residents Association (QPARA) - St Anne's on Salusbury Rd - 7:30pm

10 April - St Andrew's church hustings, Finchley Road - 8pm

13 April - Brent Stop the War hustings - Pakistan Community Centre, NW2 4PU - 7:30pm

15 April - WHAT hustings - Hampstead Synagogue, NW6 1AX - 7pm

17 April - Church of the Transfiguration, 1 Wrentham Avenue, NW10 3HT - 8pm

19 April - Brondesbury Park Synagogue

21 April - Camden Federation of Private Tenants - Swiss Cottage Library - 7pm

22 April - Ham & High hustings at JW3, Finchley Road - 8pm

April 15th at 7pm. IHustingswill be held at Tavistock Hall (behind the Methodist church)., Harlesden high Street

You are invited: This event gives you the opportunity to meet the candidates, listen to their manifestos and points of view on decisive electoral issues, and ask them questions before you decide who to vote for. 

All the parliamentary candidates for Brent Central have been invited and the following have confirmed their attendance:

Labour Candidate, Dawn Butler
Conservative candidate, Dr. Alan Mendoza
Green Party candidate, Shahrar Ali
TUSC Candidate, John Boyle
(original notice said Ibrahim Taguri as Independent but he has since stood down)


Trevor said...

I can honestly say that peace is something that will always evade us
simply cause we don't yet realize that we cannot have peace while we allow "anti peace" things such as smoking.
we are regularly told that Treating people with damaged health caused from smoking costs the NHS billions each year
Yet amazingly no government has taken affective action to deal with the problem this "man made problem"
but its not because they cannot deal with it...its because they don't want to deal with it simply cause they use it to their advantage.
we call ourselves "civilized" and we call ourselves "Christians" but look at what we do to build up our country.
look at the choices we make...look at the way our choices affect us.
this is what happens whenever a government is formed and they decide to put money ahead of everything.
and then they decide to give anti peace businesses free reign to spread their anti peace products far and wide
and sadly the public embrace them only to later find they end up hurt all over
and when they turn to the NHS they are increasingly told that the NHS can't afford to treat them.
the public chose to smoke,
but the governments are responsible for making the decision to allow smoking to become the norm in our country.
so they share the greater responsibility for the immense problems plaguing the people and country.
and any government that will allow problems to be created just for the sake of money,
no one should expect them to say no to supplying arms to other nations in return for profit.
after all they opened the door to the worldwide business that has hurt so many people from smoking
so don't expect them to develop a conscience when it comes to arms dealing.
peace can never grow when a nation is ruled by thoroughly corrupt politicians.
or a person that is driving a bus or train carrying loads of passengers and fails to keep their eyes on the road
a crash is inevitable even if it takes a long time.
and Just as a drunk person can barely walk or talk and is not fit for a position of authority
How much more unfit are politicians that are "intoxicated and blinded by greed"!!!!
we have suffered enough to not realize that we are in a hopeless situation.
the "lets vote in the Eton educated people" idea has failed.
the "let's vote for the "on your side party" has failed.
a Green political party was destined to emerge but its too late.
Too much damage has been done after decades of irresponsible so called leadership.
for example we all know now that so called "Thatcherism" has failed.
and we are still suffering the effects of that especially in terms of housing for the poor.
Ukip is another political party that was destined to emerge after the failure of the above.
but if Labour and Thatcherism failed,
Should we really believe that the "new parties" won't?
The world "we suffer in" is the brainchild of successive governments.
while they rightly tell heroin and cocaine dealers not to sell them,
they say to their own "dealers" sell sell sell !!!!!!!!!
and let's divide the blood money between ourselves!!!!!
and then every December 25th we will buy and eat turkey in honor of our creator.
and we will teach everyone to honor our creator every April 5th by getting us to buy and eat Easter eggs and hot cross buns.
and we will continue kidding ourselves that all of that is acceptable to our creator.
we will continue kidding ourselves and believe that our creator can't see through the hypocrisy and double standards.
and we will continue wasting time wondering why we have an abundance of problems and no peace?

Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group said...

Hi, Martin

Thanks for posting these. My review of what I observed at Harlesden to Kilburn Transition Town hustings can be viewed here.

Dude Swheatie of Kwug