Friday 24 April 2015

Possible sports funding opportunity for Brent charities and community organisations

An evening session with Wembley National Stadium Trust (WNST) will be held on Monday 27th Apr at CVS Brent, with Stewart Goshawk, Chief Executive and a presentation on what to look out for in the application process.

WNST is an independent grant maker, funding charities and community organisations delivering sports activities.

All sports recognised by Sport England are eligible for funding - for a list of recognised sports, click here
The next round is open for Brent charities and community organisations and the deadline is Friday 22nd May (noon). Two awards are available - 
  1. Community Awards (up to £2,500) - ideal for local clubs and groups.
  2. Strategic Awards (usually up to £25,000) - for larger organisations and major capital projects.
Light refreshments will be provided (tea/coffee).

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