Thursday 18 August 2016

We saved the Welsh Harp Environmental Centre - now help conserve its habitats this Sunday

The Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre, loved by generations of Brent children, was saved from closure when Thames 21 took over its running.

The extensive grounds need regular conservation to maximise habitat provision and volunteers are needed this Sunday, August 21st, 10am - 2pm to work on forming glades.

The extensive woodlands around the Centre (red circle)

This is the notice from Thames 21

INTERESTED IN CONSERVATION? Be part of a new Friends of the Welsh Harp group at this first Conservation Day.

This exciting new group will support the activities of the Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre and you will learn how to manage the habitats in the area.

All welcome. Under 16’s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult.   Please bring a packed lunch.  Meeting location will be at the Education Centre.
We are going to be continuing forming glades as we did during the first successful event. Thank you to all of those who made that event a success! A glade is an open area within a woodland. A lot of the glades around the Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre are choked with ivy, as a consequence, biodiversity is not as high as it could be at ground level within the woodland.
If the temperature is a lot cooler, we may tackle some small blackthorn trees intruding on an area which should be wild grassland.
The Centre is at the end of Birchen Grove, off Blackbird Hill, Kingsbury, NW9 8RY Go through the large green gates and it is on the left past the allotments. Buses 182, 245 and 297 to Blackbird Hill get off at Lidl/McDonalds.  83 bus get off at Tudor Gardens.

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