Wednesday 29 November 2017

Can any WM readers offer Brent Advocacy Concerns any advice? Councillors, Brent CCG, Brent CVS, Brent Healthwatch not responding.

From Brent Advocacy Concerns

Dear Martin,

I was informed today that our office (in Willesden Centre for Health and Care) has been designated as 'a clinical waste dispersal site'.  The building work to convert it is due to begin on the 2nd Jan. 2018.

I have contacted Brent CCG, councillors, Brent Healthwatch & Brent CVS, so far no one has replied.  We have not been informed about any of this but it looks like we will be evicted before Christmas.

Could you ask your readers if that is the way to treat a disability charity that has been providing services for free, for the last 30 years in Brent. 

Just today I had to turn down a business from NW10 who had asked us to represent one of their clients in an ESA benefit appeal next week.  They wanted to know who would be able to help them but there is no one.  I did suggest Brent CAB but they normally require a lot of notice, whereas we could have helped them now.


The background to this distressing issue can be found HERE


Scott said...

This is such a shame.
The options I can think of:
1) Contact the local voluntary / community run libraries & ask if they'd consider your organisation setting up a drop in clinic on rotation across the sites.
2) It really should be for the Council to step in and offer you space - given you are fulfilling civic duty. I'm aware a comment was that you challenge the council therefore would be concerned at operating within it or near it - however the council building is OURS - we pay for it FOR the people of Brent. They were having problems filling space for ages - so why not you?
3) Does Brent Mencap or Brent Carers have any suggestions / space were you could work alongside them? As a one stop shop?
4) I'm going to email my councillors & I hope that other readers do.
Scott Bartle.

Anonymous said...

Contact the Kilburn Times. This is another dodgy episode that should be on there front page!!!

Martin Francis said...

They read Wembley Matters and sometimes follow up stories.
Unfortunately they have few resources for investigative journalism following job cuts.