Thursday 30 November 2017

Thames still investigating who blocked the main sewer on Wembley High Road

A Thames Water spokesman said today regarding the sewer works on Wembley High Road:
The removal of the concrete in the sewer is more complicated than first thought, and we’ve had to extend our finish date to allow us to remove it entirely. We’re still investigating the cause of the blockage and who poured it down there, and we’ll be taking further action once we know who it is.
The spokesman confirmed that Thames have extended their permit for the sewer works on the High Road until December 22nd.


Sandro said...

Typical! It's like having builders at home, whatever time frame they give you for completion of the work just make sure you automatically add another month onto it before they even start!

Unknown said...

You know, I know and so does the majority of Residents affected by the road closures. Henley Homes are the only constructor who has undertaken groundworks in this area, piling and pumping down concrete to build the 13 storey x 5 blocks as per planning permission. It does not take a genius to figure out who caused the problem. HH knows, albeit they will not admit, and Thames Water know. It took 14 days to dig down to the sewer, so its very optimistic to think that it will be done in the next 22 days, if I were a betting person and could run a book I would think 10th January 2018 for everything to return to normal. Shit happen's as they say, we have to deal with it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Just sort it out, and sue the culprits, that's all. Henley Homes made a mistake and now they have to pay. Cheap labour, poor investigation, don't give a care attitude results in major mistakes and big problems for intrastructure, local business's facing major losses. All because major developer dont give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Funny that it's the old Brent House, lord have mercy upon my soul. You reap what you sow.
Watch our Labour Councillors, this may come to bite you on the as....s

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of things that happen when wise residents are treated like dirt by Senior Council people when it is the long-standing residents and people who have long standing association with the area who have the knowledge of the area and where underground water sources and courses and structures lie. We are just ignored and treated as fools and so failures occur. The same is likely to happen at Minavil House.
Let's hope that the culprit responsible for this blockage gets such a hefty fine it breaks them.

francis said...

i hope they have extended the parking restrictions on Park Lane too

Alison Hopkins said...

The only consolation is that Thames Water has good lawyers. ;)