Friday 8 October 2021

Scrutiny's recommendations published following examination of Brent's housing scandal


Older readers mat recall the Tony Hancock sketch 'The Last Page' where he engaged fully with a crime novel with all its plot twists only to be frustrated at the end when he found the last page torn out.

Well, last night's Scrutiny Committee was rather like that with the live feed ended just when the Committee had sent out officers and were about to discuss their recommendations.

This morning the recording of the meeting was published by Brent Council with a minute added when the clerk read out the recommendations for confirmation.  However, the section of the meeting where the Committee discussed their reactions to the officers' answers and their subsequent recommendation was not included in the published recording.

These are the recommendations as read out by the clerk but the wording is likely to be tidied up before they are formally minuted.*

  • For officers to give assurances to the Committee of the commissioning of these contracts.
  • For officers to give assurances to the Committee that the Council has undertaken due diligence for subsidiary bodies including that they are financially sound and the potential reputational risk to the Council.
  • That external written legal and tax advice is sought on the options presenrted and tht all contracts and procurement include a review of past deliveries of any potential contractors.

The Full Recording of the meeting is below and worth viewing for the evasions and unanswered questions.

*The 'tidying up' has been extensive see

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