Saturday 16 March 2013

Brent housing crisis strategy meeting on Tuesday March 19th

Overcrowding is one response to high rents

A message from Brent Fightback
Everyone is now aware of the deepening crisis in Housing in LondonWe are aiming to bring together people from across our community for a more united response: individuals (especially those with housing problems), Tenants and Residents Associations, housing and advice workers, community and council representatives, trade unions and political organisations.

We want to hold an initial strategy meeting so we can begin to: 
  • build connections and share ideas/ experiences about the challenges that are hitting residents in Brent,
  • discuss what we can do to raise awareness of what all these changes mean,
  • help people who find themselves struggling to cope; make their voice heard and develop strategies to meet these attacks
  • develop a campaign around policies which would begin to meet real housing needs in the borough

We hope you will be able to attend and publicise this meeting to others who may want to be involved:
6.30pm-8.00pm , Tuesday 19th March 2013,
Brent Mencap offices 379-381 High Road, Willesden, London, NW10 2JR

Contacts: Robin Sivapalan,, 07974 331 053 and Ken Montague,

(some of) what’s happening now:
·         Inflated rents and house prices, huge shortage of social housing, overcrowding…
·         …reduction in the Local Housing Allowance (housing benefit for private accommodation), the Universal Credit benefit cap… Brent will be the worst affected area if the Universal Credit cap is introduced.
·         …’Bedroom Tax’, charging Council Tax on Benefits, “Affordable” rent being defined as 80% of the market rate….
·         ….Cuts to legal aid, advice, support and language services…
·         …Low pay, rogue landlords and mortgages companies, loan sharks…

Brent Fightback is an alliance of workers and service users campaigning against privatisation and cuts to jobs and services.

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