Friday 7 February 2020

Celebrating the architecture of Ernest Trobridge in Kingsbury

Many thanks to Philip Grant for this fascinating Guest Post

In February 1920, Ernest Trobridge displayed his design for a “home fit for heroes” as a show house at the Ideal Home Exhibition. In a leaflet he claimed that ‘this type of house is the most progressive step yet made towards meeting the present urgent demand for houses.’ It would provide ‘maximum convenience, comfort, and life of structure; minimum expenditure of costs and time for erection.’ LINK  Trobridge’s new design of house would be made from green elm wood, with a thatched roof! 

Trobridge’s planned Ferndene Estate, from his February 1920 leaflet. [Source: Brent Archives]

Trobridge had moved to Kingsbury in 1915, and developed his ideas while growing food on a smallholding in Hay Lane, to feed his vegetarian family during the First World War. He had already bought a small field, at the corner of Kingsbury Road and Slough Lane, ready to build his houses. Some of them are still there today, as Grade II listed buildings. The centenary of his Ferndene Estate, coinciding with Brent’s year as London Borough of Culture, seemed an ideal time to celebrate this architect’s remarkable work.

Ernest Trobridge had strong New Church beliefs, and could probably be described as a Christian Socialist. He wanted to provide beautiful and comfortable homes that ordinary people could afford. He planned for some of the homes to be sold to ex-servicemen and their families, and employed and trained disabled ex-servicemen to use the construction method he had developed and patented. He always paid his workers at trade union rates.
The certificate awarded to Ernest Trobridge  for employing disabled ex-servicemen.
                                                                         [Source: Brent Archives]      

Unfortunately, Trobridge’s plans for the Ferndene Estate did not go smoothly. The field he bought had been the paddock of a Victorian mansion, and there was opposition from the owners of neighbouring mansions to the style and density of the homes he wanted to build:

 ‘I do not consider that the type of cottage proposed is at all in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood. On the contrary, the value of my property would be seriously depreciated if cottages such as these were to be erected.’

The local Council delayed planning approval, because of density and fire risk concerns. In addition to this, the promised government subsidies, which should have made his homes affordable, were blocked by the House of Lords. In the end, he was only able to build ten detached timber homes on the estate, costing at least £600 each, rather than twenty-four at £300 each. 

The “failure” of Trobridge’s first Kingsbury development led to him being made bankrupt, but he pressed on with plans for the Elmwood Estate (at the corner of Hay Lane and Stag Lane) in 1922, financed by a wealthy New Church backer. A group of four thatched timber houses from this estate still survives.
3 & 5 Buck Lane, designed by Trobridge in 1925.

Highfort Court, Buck Lane, designed by Trobridge in 1935.
Trobridge continued to live and work in Kingsbury until his death in 1942, designing homes for private clients, and for the Kingsbury Cross Co-Partnership, which he helped to set up in 1929. Every one of his buildings was individually designed, and very different from the work of other architects of his time. His “castle” blocks of flats gave a sense of protection, as well as many useful practical features. That desire to protect produced some remarkable plans in 1938, for homes with built-in air raid shelters, even though they were never built! LINK

There are more than 200 homes in Kingsbury that Trobridge designed, which are still lived in today. One of the aims of the exhibition is to encourage you to go and look at some of his extraordinary architecture (while remembering that these buildings are peoples’ homes, so respecting their privacy).

Please make time, between now and 26th July, to visit Kingsbury Library, see the exhibition, and pick up a free self-guided walk leaflet (or two), so that you can go out and enjoy Trobridge’s beautiful designs for yourself. Kingsbury is easy to get to, either on the Jubilee Line, or a number of different bus routes (79, 183, 204, 303 or 324). It used to be a separate Urban District, before becoming part of Wembley in 1934, and is now very much part of Brent, the Borough of Culture(s).

Philip Grant.


Philip Grant said...

After weeks of trying, I have finally managed to get information about this LBOC exhibition onto the Brent2020 website:

If you go there, you can now download illustrated colour versions of the four self-guided Trobridge Walks onto you 'phone or tablet, to go out and enjoy seeing some of Trobridge's beautiful and remarkable designed homes, whenever it suits you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Wembley Matters, Hello Philip, I wondered if the exhibition will be extended, I didn't make it before the shutdown and see the library may open in August? I have contacted the council but haven't heard anything yet, any info appreciated. Many Thanks, Ross

Philip Grant said...

Dear Ross,

Thank you for your enquiry, which Martin kindly brought to my attention.

I did raise this point with Brent Museum back in March, and asked that, in view of the "lockdown" being likely to last for a few months, they would extend my Trobridge exhibition at Kingsbury Library until the end of 2020.

The reply then was that they could keep it in place until the end of August, but that the display case would need to be used for something else after that.

I haven't heard anything further about it since then, so I hope that if Kingsbury Library does reopen next month, you will have the chance to enjoy the exhibition during August.

Philip Grant said...


I have just heard from Brent Museum that the "Ernest Trobridge - Kingsbury's Extraordinary Architect" exhibition will be retained at Kingsbury Library until December 2020 (exact date unsure at the moment).

I hope that this will give more people the chance to see and enjoy the display, and to pick up self-guided walk sheets (if these are allowed under the Covid-19 restrictions).

Depending on safety guidelines, especially over "social gatherings", and when it is safe to lift these restrictions, there is still a possibility that I may be able to give my illustrated talk (originally scheduled for June) before the exhibition ends.

Anonymous said...

Phillip i wonder if you have any pictures of the 3 cottages that burnt down on guy fawkes night in 64

Philip Grant said...

Dear Anonymous (18 May 2023 at 10:01),

Thank you for your query. I do have a photograph showing numbers 1 & 3 Hay Lane after the fire in November 1964.

I'm not sure what number the third cottage was, but I do have several other photographs which show some of the nearby cottages.

If you want to contact me direct about these, please email Martin the editor (see address under "GUEST BLOGS" in the right-hand column), and he will forward your email on to me.

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon.

I used to own/live at 43 Buck Lane. The reason for it occupying such a large plot was that there had been another cottage between 43 and the thatched cottage next door, which had burnt down when its owner left an iron on an ironing board before going out shopping. The elderly woman I bought from and the owner of the next door bought the land and divided it up between them. On 43's side, we had the fireplace and hearth.