Sunday 16 February 2020

Development Report lays bare South Kilburn gentrification assumptions

Source report from p94 (LINK) from Brent Planning Portal (not the Planning Committee Agenda.) The scheme will be considered at Brent Planning Committee on Tuesday February 18th.

Wembley Matters has carried several critical commentaries on the South Kilburn regeneration - a regeneration heralded by Brent Council as a model for others.

The inclusion of private development in the regeneration of council estates is justified on the grounds that it enables rebuild or refurbishment of council accommodation to take place and helps create a more socially diverse community/

Certainly the profiles above are far removed from those of the average South Kilburn council resident.  The 'professionals' joint income of £150,000 - £250,000, contrasts with a median household income in Brent of £27,364. The average houseprice:income ratio in London is 14.1 compared with a UK average of 7.4.

In 2018 there were 3,498 households on Brent Council's housing waiting list.  There will be others on housing association waiting lists and of course many were removed from the list a few years as not qualifying for council help.  LINK

The housing crisis is of course much wider than Brent  and Labour councillors will argue that they have done as much as they can within current constraints but they would be wise not to hail the building of 'homes' for rich parents or overseas investors as a cause for celebration.

We need good quality homes for families on median household incomes. Nothing less.


Anonymous said...

Whilst I was flying in the clouds over Cuckoo land, I passed some flying pigs and as I descended I glided low over a field full of Cows and thought to myself. At least I know good Bullshit when I see it. LOOOL.

Pete Firmin said...

I would love to see a comment here from all those lead members for regeneration who have repeatedly justified their policies in South Kilburn. Their policies have not provided any additional social (let alone council) housing in South Kilburn, but provided this housing for the wealthy. According to Brent's own statistics, 40% of households in the borough cannot afford social rents, but we build this stuff. And that's before you even get on to the issue of quality. Even residents in newly built properties for the market are finding these properties are substandard. Cause for celebration? No, cause for shame.

Unknown said...

Can someone, Pete? Martin? give us a little more detail about this report...written by Strutt and Parker? discuss with councillors. What is Strutt and Parker's role?

Martin Francis said...

Extract from website: At Strutt & Parker we work as professional partners and advisors to our development clients, to help them capitalise on their property development opportunities. We recognise the importance of understanding our clients' overall goals and objectives in order to successfully deliver the best results. We believe that listening and understanding is critical to both building an effective working relationship and implementing the best solutions. We strive to deliver a service that we would wish to receive ourselves. We are particularly proud that many clients return to us, repeatedly, and recommend our work to others.

Martin Francis said...

I presume they are acting for the developers rather than the Council marketing the private section of the Phase 4 development: