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Cara Davani |
Many commenting on this blog have called for sackings as a consequence of the findings. Others have raised the question of the cost of an appeal if Brent Council goes ahead with one and who should pay for it. There is also the question of who decides on whether to mount an appeal - officers or the political leadership?
I have had to edit or delete some of the comments such are the strong feelings aroused by the case. I am at a conference today but will try and keep up with comments during the day.
This issue and others where kept relatively silent from the people prior to Brent Labours victory.
The election result may not have been so victorious if this issue and others had been more widely circulated.
Brent electorate you got what you deserve, if Davani remains in post.
Brent council employed a racist bully. The question is what does this mean for all those staff across the hr community that lost their jobs through her implementation of restructures that were not genuine redundancies? Many people were subject to reapplying for their roles unnecessarily only to be replaced with people that she wanted in the business. A number of these people were from minority ethnic backgrounds with experience and excellent track records for delivering key hr services.
Managers were forced to manipulate appraisal outcomes when Cara was brought in so that she could justify a need for restructuring teams. Prior to her leadership, hr teams were being treated fairly and with respect.
There may well be claim for pursuing Brent council for Damages against those staff that were made compulsory redundant where there were no need for genuine redundancies. Those affected should look into this.
Adding to the above surely all disciplinary, capability and grievance hearings which have taken place during her reign of terror must be looked at again.
I agree. A full review of all her decisions including non genuine redundancies, grievances, disciplinarians
To be honest there will be a lot to unravel. The issue is bigger than the treatment hr as a community has faced. The issue goes as far as her instructions to the hr managers, senior hr advisors and hr officers in the way that they handle employee relations cases. The had to make decisions that did not sit right with them, decisions that were made by Cara not by themselves. Behind closed doors integrity was lost bad is still lost in the hr practices.
Martin Francis you shouldn't edit some of the comments bring posted. The fact is that DAVANI has had a profound impact directly and indirectly on people's lives and careers in a very negative way. The public need to know how people feel about this matter. This issue is real, really really and really tuff for those people on the inside and outside of Brent. Remember some people still have to work with her until they find alternative roles. There is no scope to vent In house otherwise you'll be subject to disciplinary proceedings. There is no trust and confidence with any of the leadership team so basically this is the only forum for which people can express themselves openly. The impact is REAL.
So MR BUTT what you going to do now? Think before you act and make sure you act with integrity. Do the right thing. No more cover up and underhand meetings to save Brent's face. The reputation of the council is the Pitts it's damaged, so please do the right thing to build back confidence in your hr department and leadership team. 1 action I would recommend is to dismiss cara DAVANI with immediate effect. It's pivotal to repairing the damage.
I try and publish as much as possible but am responsible for content & have to be aware of potential legal action against me. I have been threatened with such action on several occasions. Some comments submitted have contained further accusations and highly personal insults. It would be helpful if commenters stick to factual information & comments on the issues arising from the ET.
'Managers were forced to manipulate appraisal outcomes when Cara was brought in so that she could justify a need for restructuring teams'.
Legal? Conspiracy? Better consult an HR expert:
'Hello? Is that Ms Devani?'
Be fair, anon. No one could ever accuse Martin and this blog of not sticking his/its neck out.
Mike Hine
This is positive news that the employment tribunal has been won. However when your dealing with the type of people such as Cara and her crew your dealing with the mafia. Nonetheless our join efforts to publically expose them and keep this real damage active in tax payers mind is important towards our efforts to see a better Brent council instead of a bent Brent council.
Absolutely she cara DAVANI MUST GO ! It's not even negotiable, she should be escorted of the building in the same fashion they handled the likes of others. But that will not happen by her friends such as Fiona leddon, Christine Gilbert and her boyfriend certainly will not encourage it. So it's down to mr butt to get some guts
Martin we totally appreciate that you have to manage thus site responsibly no one us accusing you. All people are saying is that the issue with CARA DAVANI is so raw it generates so much emotions people are just happy they have this forum to air their views and just hope that you can publish the majority of views without compromising your position. Thank you so much. Your efforts are appreciated more than you realise.
Nan Tewari raised this issue on Wembley Matters back in May and the Harrow Observer (via GetWestLondon.co.uk also covered it). Wider coverage had been sought but ran into difficulties as (for obvious reasons) many personal experiences were written about anonymously. This also prevented unions taking up the issue. It is for this reason that I question Brent Council;s assertion that their whistle blowing policy is fit for purpose.
That's a valid point actually, as Brent recruited this racist harassing bully, those staff that were dismissed through compulsory redundancies that were not genuine ( but instead replaced them with new staff) should check if legal action can be taken against the London borough of Brent. Even more so if you are from one if the protected characteristics.
Institutionalised racism
Thank you for your understanding. As the only person who sees all the comments I can tell you that there is incredible anger and a lot of personal animosity over this out there in the community and particularly among the people who work for the Council and have been at the receiving end. That is why the Brent Green Party called for an INDEPENDENT public inquiry into these issues. There is clearly a lack of confidence in Brent Council's ability to manage the situation.
The public fully support an independent public inquiry into these issues
Yes I concur that a lot of strategic corruption was implemented internally to achieve Caras outcomes. I know as I was one of the managers that had to put up and shut up until she decided to put my job at risk too.
All the HR staff dismissed or forced out of Brent Council under Cara Davani's rein should be should be paid damages and reinstated in their roles as all the roles still exists. Fiona Ledden, Sue Harper, Andy Donald and Cara Davani's partner Andy Potts should be suspended immediately and an investigation conducted immediately.
Martin can you get attention from the local newspapers on this matter so that they can see the comments being put up on this blog? More people need to know what's going on.
COLON INTERAGATION AND CLEANSING is a fantastic description. The whole leadership team having read the employment tribunal judgement surely proves they have toxins and the leadership team needs flushing out! Well put.
I'm not sure about the audit and investigations team, don't know if they've been brain washed, can't really comment. Not sure how they would handle a whistle blowing situation against the racist bully. Not sure!
Independent inquiry all the way all the way! By hook or by crook!
Expose them yes
Fire the lot of them or Brent face external examination
Comment edited to protect individuals: Unions will not tackle the issue there are only about 2 union members in Brent council that are objective. The unions sit on the same floor as hr services. One of Caras key manipulators is frightened of her, doesn't challenge her because he can't. The 2 union officials that do the right thing for employees in Brent, if Cara had her own way she would get rid of them too.
Not to mention Gilbert and Butt - Clean house please
Some staff are so mistrusting of the unions at Brent Council, because they are Brent's puppets, they are meant to be representing staff.
The place is corrupt and the policies are made without any consultation with staff or unions it do as I say or go !
No you can't trust the unions at Brent. Some of them are colluders we all know that.
What further action can the public take Martin to further influence a independent inquiry? Can can we support this? Is there a petition out there? If not we need one in the public interest
All of the leadership team MUST GO including Butt.
It's worth enquiring perhaps the independent inquiry could assess this for those staff that were dismissed unnessarily?
It's wonderful to see light and fresh air finally being allowed onto this whole rancid area. What's needed now is some means by which all the evidence that's clearly out there can be collected in a manner which guarantees the safeguarding of witnesses and victims.
Mike Hine
A&I can investigate the minions but the leadership team are untouchable. No point wondering what they wld do re whistle blowing against Davani as Davani would throw it out anyway.
the council's reputation cannot be repaired under Butts leadership - it's all corrupt
If you wish to contact Eric in his role as Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government please email him at eric.pickles@communities.gsi.gov.uk
If you wish to contact Eric in his role as Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government please email him at eric.pickles@communities.gsi.gov.uk
This whole situation is very similar to what happened at Copland Community School when Davies was dipping his mitts in the till. The teacher whistleblowers were set up for the sack by Davies and their cases were ultimately to be judged by the chair of governors I.P.Patel who was part of the scam. He was backed up by Brent council as he had influence, 'status in the community' and had handed out freebies to various influential local parties. Brent council only moved against the corruption when a brave union rep and staff action created enough publicity that Brent were forced to choose between the crooks they'd cosied up with or the prospect of the whole story coming out and revealing how far down the corruption road they'd gone.
The situation with this bunch of bullies will need the same publicity if it's to be resolved satisfactorily. How to do it? Maximum active participation by as many of the people involved as possible. Maximum use of media. A Facebook page? Is there one yet? Write-ins, online petitions, pickets, demonstrations.
A great start has already been achieved on Wembley Matters. The momentum must be kept up.
God, we're really desperate when we need Pickles as an ally.
What able if you want to do it anonymously? I would prefer to contact him anonymously
This is an absolutely fantastic forum, but we also need to be mindfull of Martin's position and I echo the comments of thanks.
One thing that we must also be weary of is that these issues were all brought to light in previous blogs. Davani, Ledden, Gilbert, Potts, Butt, Phillips etc etc etc etc.
Nothing had been done by the council then apart fromt the issuing of another weak statement if I remember!
On observation, this judgement was sent to parties (I'm not clued up on this area, however I assume that this means the claimant and the respondent) on the 4th Sept.
Guess what, it is now the 20th Sept. and nothing has been done - Davani, Ledden, Gilbert, Potts, Butt etc etc etc etc. are all still there wielding their power of control, fear, intimidation and what we now have as confirmed racist bullying.
This leads me to believe that they will still be there on Monday, Tuesday and the days, months and probably years after that.
Let's look at the facts, the council's leadership have not done an absolute thing nor are they going to do anything as they have sat on this for 2 weeks!
In addition to using this blog, contact Eric Pickles at ericpickles.com or if you wish to contact him in his role as Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government email him at eric.pickles@communities.gsi.gov.uk
This goes deeper than the sacking of those who think that they are the untouchables....
Contact the press: Evening Standard as well as more local papers like the Brent and Kilburn Times, and Get West London - publicity is fundamental for accountability and continued democratic development. Open a Twitter account and tweet to the press, your local councillors, Cllr Butt. This is probably the most effective networking social medium.
Reading the judgment point 176 it would seem Ms Gilbert is directly implicated in this whole matter.
Looks like Councillor Butt is exactly the same as Davani in using fear, so no Councillor speaks up and calls for her resignation.
Brent voters you can now be the judge of your elected Council representatives. If they do nothing and sit around like a bunch of lemons is this what you really want when the top are squandering all the money.
Don't forget partner of Ms Gilbert is Tony McNulty caught out in expense scandal.
Edited comment: Cara came in a rewrote all the hr policies she used her influence and got X clearly to support her dirty work. HR was far from consulted on the new policies but were expected to implement them as soon as they realised it was published on the intranet. That was the first time hr knew that new policies exist. Caras new policies were so called "streamlined" much shorter and had ample scope to be manipulated and positioned in the fashion that she found favourable. This was to support her in getting her own way in employee relations cases. She changed the organisational change policy too so that it would be easier for her to restructure the respective hr teams. Learning and development staff at operational level got a lucky escape as the policy was not finalised fully at the point of consultation. However all other teams in hr were subject to the full force of Cara new policy. That was how she managed to get so many hr staff out the business. It was a strategy. The matching process was manipulated in favour of easily scoping people out of the business
Very accurate. Along with a culture of fear and victimisation. Competent, experienced HR staff found themselves not being able to make the most basic decisions without clearing them first with Davani. Those same staff would advise managers only for Davani to overturn what they said. Outcomes of hearings became predictable and were never in favour of the employee. Shouting at staff at meetings became the norm (Rosemarie isn't the only one this has happened to). No point looking to Butt or Gilbert to take action as they are all in it together. The have and will continue to allow it to happen.
...less not forget the BBC....I would think that this would sit nicely on their shelves next to the Panorama programme on benefits!
I don't know whether Martin has been in touch with the local newspapers, but I have, sending them links to this "blog".
It is important for local democracy that our local newspapers cover stories critical about the goings-on at the Civic Centre, as well as the positive stories pushed out by the Council's over-large PR machine. I hope that, this time, they will take up this matter, which the comments on this "blog" by Council employees and others are given the circulation they deserve.
Philip Grant.
It seems ever more clear that the attempt to gag Martin Francis from speaking at the recent full Brent 'listening' council meeting - cf Rotherham Council 'Where Everyone Matters' (http://www.rotherham.gov.uk/) - about the role of chief executive was an attempt to stifle any discussion which might have arisen about Christine Gilbert's relationships with Ledden, Davani, Butt...
Butt will not dismiss her and Davani will never resign why? because she knows her HR career is finished outside of Brent, as it was before this judgement. With her reputation in ruins she will cling onto power with her last breath.
This is the first time in a long time that I've been looking forward to coming into work!
I suspect that, like before they will all be in....going on like nothing has happend. I suggest that all staff make use of the council's policy on hot desking and all move to work on the floors of this shameful bunch! Show them that we are no longer fearful or willing to be victims. We haven't even mentioned willing to work for a publicly confirmed racist bully.
I'm sure that they will take legal advice - but it'll take 2 weeks before they get their act together and tell staff. As demonstrated by their finger on the pulse newly appointed and highly skilled communications department.
All in all, let's face it Brent Council staff they aren't going to sack anyone - you can be a racist bully, work for the most diverse borough, write the very policy that you have been found to breach....and still not be sanctioned! What must people think.
Move to work on their floor....I'm sure that there must be some legislation on the council's duty of care to staff...HR advice please....oh, that's Davani - then again, no thanks I'll take my chances and make it up or ask a bunch of 3 year olds!
You can see why Brent Council at the time of the election was heavily recruiting comms people, as after the election everything was likely to come to light somehow or other.
Everything is now being exposed and I bet there is loads more to come.
Better get the bailiffs in then. Oh and don't forget to add to the list those that are still there who have suffered and are still suffering. Mo owes them one too.
Good comparison. What I don't understand is how, bearing in mind her record and methods, she's never appeared in the New Year Honours list. Dame Cara anyone?
To anon 18:44, you only have to look at the oyster card misuse to see what happens when concern is raised re Davani. A report that's still in draft and no further action taken. But hey everything happens for a reason as it served its purpose in Rosemarie's case.
Publicity! Publicity! Publicity! If everyone who contributes or has already contributed to this blog emails the content to lorraine.king@archant.co.uk and john.shammas@trinitymirror.com I'm sure both would be very grateful. Create a dedicated email account for the purpose for added anonymity.
Shine a light!
Anon at 14.35, you don't need an intern tomorrow, do you?
Response to anon 17:37 ring ring...... hello yes its Cara Davani speaking yes im available for £750 per day plus travel expenses. My specialities include restructuring, reducing, redundancies, reshaping basically getting rid of staff by any means necessary. I can start immediately.
Day 12 in the Big Brent Household.........
It's made it to the Brent times
Comments in their comments section, please.
.........or is it 'I'm a Liability, Get Me Out of Here' ?
Aren't most of his councillors new and malleable, weren't the labour councillors who knew what they were doing de-selected? Questions questions. I know a resident that he promised he would look into her housing situation got her to bring him all her paperworks when he knew he couldn't do anything as regulations are set by Westminister. Residents need to know what is going on so they can make responsible decisions about who looks after their welfare.
clearly isn't popular!!!
I can only Imagine How she must feel?
It needs to go on people management news and updates, their constantly looking for information like this. Maybe someone should email people management magazine it's a dedicated human resources magazine editorial@peoplemanagement.co.uk
Martin can you inform and raise the alarm with the CIPD People management magazine. They run stories and publish it weekly on similar cases and debate from ET cases. It's another tool in the toolbox. Thank you. Email address below:
It needs to make it to the CIPD PEOPLE MANAGEMENT NEWS TOO. I'm sure she wouldn't like that.
Who cares how she's feeling! Do you think she cared about how Rosemarie was feeling when she relentlessly harassed her? NO
To Trevor, if you knew her the thought wouldn't even cross your mind - believe me!
email CIPD yourselves.
Well it's now day 7 and counting since the news broke, let's see how long they're going keep fronting and laughing behind staffs' backs, disgusting and disrespectful bunch.
Bring back Ann John and Gareth Daniel, typical of Butt get rid of people with some integrity, get them to clean the place up - get the dirt out.
I agree they all have to go:
Butt, Moher, Gilbert, Davani, Ledden, Phillips just to name a few ......
Many comments are from those under the reign of terror who cannot email CIPD or People Management.
That's why they need protection. People Management covered her dog hobby, so they should cover this. At least the factual tribunal findings.
Who is there to protect those staff still suffering?
Now there's the million dollar question.
Not really. No one is there to protect them. To believe this is happening in 2014 really beggars belief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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