Monday 13 October 2014

All we are saying is 'Give Us Fair Pay' - NHS strikers at Northwick Park Hospital this morning

Nurses and other health workers were in fine spirits despite the rain when I visited this morning and Shahrar Ali, deputy leader of the Green Party also joined them to express Green party solidarity.

This is why they are striking:

The Green Party Trade Union Group sent the following message of solidarity to the strikers:
The Green Party Trade Union group sends solidarity to all those NHS workers who are striking today. It is a disgrace that in one of thericher nations of the world, we are so misgoverned that workers in our health services are not properly paid for their skilled and dedicated work,whilst the government continually seeks to make the provision of healthavailable as a source of profit to the private sector. GPTU and the Green Party stand for a properly resourced health service staffed by properlypaid workers providing health free at the point of need. Victory to the NHS strikers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any sign of any council representatives of the party formed to protect the living standards of workers? (In particular workers who are in jobs where it is difficult for them to take any action and who are therefore vulnerable to heartless ******** like this government, and are not likely to do any better under Labour's austerity-with-a human-face).