Tuesday 14 October 2014


Brent Council resorting to dirty tricks as embarrassment looms?
Guest blog by E.Tribunal

The prospect of seeing  Rosemarie Clarke being presented with the Brent Staff Achievement Award 2014 by her colleagues Cara Davani and Christine Gilbert  is one which has moved a large number of people to register their knowledge and appreciation of this strong and resolute lady by nominating her here LINK
It’s crucial that this momentum is kept up in the last 2 days before nominations close, however. So could I ask everyone who hasn’t already done so to nominate Rosemarie and for as many people as possible to urge others to nominate her before the deadline of October 16th?
We need the maximum nomination for Rosemarie as we can expect some dirty tricks from Butt/Gilbert/Davani/Ledden  as they attempt to wriggle out of the inevitable popular result. Following the example of Jed Bush ( Bush’s  brother in Florida who fiddled the vote to make him president), they may claim that only either ‘Rosemarie’ with an ‘ie’ or with a ‘y’ should count.  Nonsense.  We know and they know who we’re nominating.  
They may claim that she resigned from Brent Council and is no longer eligible.  Nonsense.  As the Tribunal judge established, their bullying, victimisation and racial discrimination amounted to constructive dismissal, so their illegal treatment of Rosemarie forced her resignation. ( A point they inadvertently acknowledged by insisting on continuing their disciplinary even after forcing her resignation).
There are rumours that they have organised a counter-campaign by selecting their own nominee and getting people to vote for him/her  in order to outvote Rosemarie. This is always possible. It’s also possible, I suppose, that the nominee they’ve chosen to select is Ms Davani herself. Could it be (see Martin’s post today) that this is why it’s been announced that she is now actually on the Brent payroll, in order to make her eligible? 
Will they be able to find enough people to support their plan? Or is  Brent Council about to receive hundreds of nomination forms for Ms Davani with only a paw-mark where the nominator’s name should be?
Will it be noticed that the majority of these votes come from the same addresses, addresses which do not tally with the official register of the names of dogs residing at that address and where the actual resident mutt  has no knowledge that their identity has been fraudulently used?
Will the police again  show no interest in getting involved in a blatant case of identity theft ?  

Whatever the truth, we can all be confident that Wembley Matters will get it to us first.


Anonymous said...

Anyone know when the results are supposed to be announced?

Anonymous said...

I found this and think it adequately describes Bent Brent right now


"In badly run workplaces, bullying is the way that inadequate, incompetent and aggressive managers keep their jobs and obtain promotion.

Bullies run dysfunctional and inefficient organisations.

One way to conceal bullying is to have allies and political pawns that can be promoted to positions of influence.

The bully (CD) is often given support while the target (RC) is shut out and eventually forced to leave, usually under a cloud, freeing the bully to attend to their next target.

It helps if the bully's superiors and peers are also bullies


•Do not ignore it

•Get support. Use HR professionals (DIFFICULT WHEN IT'S THE HR DIRECTOR).

Use external specialists if your environment might restrict the freedom of an internal person to objectively assess the situation (LBB ARE YOU TAKING NOTE)

•Be prepared to dismiss an employee that bullies others. (LBB AGAIN TAKE NOTE)

•Leave no doubt in your employees' minds that it is always safe to speak out. (CLEARLY THAT ISN'T HAPPENING AT BRENT)

•Put your employees' health before anything else (LBB DID YOU DO THIS WITH RC)

•Be 100% fair and reasonable (THE TRIBUNAL DIDNT BELIEVE YOU WERE LBB)

•If bullying is occurring, do not make excuses for it - it will happen again and be worse next time (LBB DEAL WITH THE BULLYING AND NOT POLICES AND PROCEDURES)

Anonymous said...

Have you been reading a pre-publication copy of Racist Bullying for Dummies by Gilbert Davani ( Brent Press, 2014) ? It would be typical of this bunch of chancers to see their current embarrassment as a business opportunity. This could be the first move in their plan to set up (another) HR consultancy specialising in how to fight racist bullying and victimisation in the workplace, using their extensive expertise and experience of best practice in the subject to inform their strategies.
Onward and upward, C-Dav !

Mike Hine

Anonymous said...

Lol. No I haven't Mike. Just thought it was worth highlighting some of the things that would happen in corruption free organisations and clearly Bent Brent isn't one of the them.

Anonymous said...

Brent Council was known as Bent Council a few years ago for obvious reasons. It seems that the good old days (or bad) are here again!