Tuesday 7 October 2014

‘And the Brent Staff Achievement Award 2014 goes to ….ROSEMARIE CLARKE!’

Leader of Council, CEO and Head of HR  celebrate popular public verdict.     
 Guest Blog by  ‘E.Tribunal’
Nice idea? Here’s how to achieve it. Every year London Borough of Brent asks for nominations from the public for staff members who have ‘gone the extra mile’ and deserve recognition for outstanding achievement. The nomination form is here  http://brent.gov.uk/your-council/staff-awards-2014/nomination-form/

I’ve just filled one in as follows:  

DEPT:  HR        ADDRESS EMPLOYEE IS BASED AT:  CIVIC CENTRE                                                                    

I then filled in my name, address and email address. Given the climate of intimidation which exists, some people may find that part problematic. However, everyone has friends and relations who will have heard of Rosemarie’s experiences (or will be happy to learn of them now) and that knowledge will qualify them to vote and will validate their votes in turn.    WM readers will need no reminding that knowledge is power and modern technology presents us with infinite ways of both spreading the knowledge of Brent employees’ achievements and, at the same time, spreading the means by which people can vote on that knowledge.

 One other point: some may wonder whether Rosemarie Clarke, who is actually no longer a Brent employee,  qualifies for nomination; it would hardly reflect well on Brent Council, though, if this were to be raised as an objection given that the recent Watford Employment Tribunal’s verdict made clear that the responsibility for Rosemarie’s constructive dismissal was entirely that of Cara Davani, Christine Gilbert  and the rest of their friends on Brent Council, precisely the people who will most loudly be celebrating the presentation of these awards. Attempting to block nominations would only draw more attention to the Employment Tribunal’s findings.  Spread the word!



Anonymous said...

Just done it and passed it on to all my contacts. Thanks for the opportunity Brent council !!!

Nan Tewari said...

Completing my staff awards nomination form as we speak ......

Rosemarie was an officer who did her job well and understood the purpose and reason for having proper procedures in place and of following them. She herself had been a director of HR elsewhere, prior to taking up the learning and development role in Brent.

Her sense of fairness and of the right way of doing things would have been gravely offended by the shenanigans of the Davani-led troupe. It is difficult to imagine just how isolated she must have felt in the year leading up to her constructive dismissal.

Rosemarie was very committed to Brent having been a resident and having worked in other Brent council departments in the past.

Her trials are by no means at an end with the delivery of the judgement, particularly with Brent council having announced its intention to appeal which drags the matter on even longer. It is very difficult for anyone who has taken a high profile case to an employment tribunal to live that down and be able to secure employment elsewhere however just their case.

I suspect that somewhere the council has a zero tolerance policy towards members of the public who abuse council staff. It is well past time for the council to apply some similar such policy with a view to preventing Davani, Gilbert, Ledden and Partner (bullies extraodinaire to the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Brent since 2012).

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to read something written with such sincere and eloquent clarity when we've become used to the fake, cliché-ridden corporate guff which emanates from people like Butt, Davani , Gilbert and their kind? Thanks, Nan.

Mike Hine

Unknown said...

I've just completed my nomination for Rosemarie.
A memo to Brent Council: If she gets the most votes and does not win due to shenanigans we will know thanks to a Freedom of Information Request. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/

Anonymous said...

Genius idea - just submitted my nomination

Anonymous said...

Lol, love it but guess what, HR has taken over running the Staff awards from people who actually know how to run it hence they are so late with nominations (they haven't got a clue what they are doing) so Rosemarie doesn't stand a chance, even if she was the only 1 nominated. If Davani don't like you , you will not get through. Brent is all about Davani

Anonymous said...

The thing is to get the nominations in. I didn't notice anything on Brent's invitation to nominate which said you could nominate anyone 'subject to the approval of another council employee, Ms C.Davani'. And if a council employee decides to try to block the nomination of a candidate, then surely it's just another instance of discrimination from someone a court has already found guilty of the same thing. If they don't act on the result through discrimination, victimisation or simply incompetence it will all help Rosemarie's cause. Let as many people as possible know the facts and the nomination process.
Spread the word!

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea. Keep it rolling!

Anonymous said...

Well it is decided by a 'panel' no guesses as to who is on the panel

Pete Firmin said...

Done. We need to get as many people as possible to do this. Embarrass them as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Me too done it, I actually genuinely think Rosemarie Clarke actually deserves a award. To go through all of that she needs a medal really. Don't forget she wasn't the only one that went through this, the others cara either paid off through compromise agreements or the others didn't have the stamina to take it further through legal proceedings.

Anonymous said...

Just published my vote great idea. The fact that their getting the nominations in rosemaries favour is good enough for me. These people have been wicked for too long let's see if they can be kind enough to acknowledge their wrong doing and give rosemarie a staff achievement award

Anonymous said...


Alison Hopkins

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter. We'll have a pretty good idea of how many people have voted and Scott Mapesbury Green's suggestion above will verify it. If they had any sense they'd realise now that actually awarding it to Rosemarie was probably their best option.
They might find that doing the right thing is a bit stressful for them though. Breaking the habits of a lifetime and all that .........

Nan said...

Thanks Mike. I couldn't do corporate guff if my life depended on it!

Anonymous said...

By the time the public has finished voting for rosemarie they will have felt haunted!

Anonymous said...

Yes DAVANI will have a influence over the nominations in the same way that she has influence over employee relations case work. But at least she'll have to read it!

Anonymous said...

Hope so, but Hallowe'en's not til the end of the month. Nominations have to be in by the 16th so let's get all our contacts to get their haunting in early!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, gave me a chuckle, to think they will get more nominations for Rosemarie who is no longer staff than they are actually getting for staff themselves. Nobody trust the process anymore and now that it has been taken over by Davani/HR we honestly couldn't care less. Something that gave staff a bit of happiness and helped to show that they were appreciated has now become such a mockery. It has now become not about the staff who actually go the extra mile, it's about who Davani likes. Guess what, they can stick it, Staff awards has now become farcical.

Anonymous said...

I have done mine, not just to embarrass certain individuals within the current brent council hierarchy as I believe that Rosemary will no doubt get the most votes, but more importantly because I know from my own personal experience of Rosemary that she would be a worthy winner.

Nan said...

Did Anonymous 1749 mean 'hunted' - which may account for the Pavey 'spear-heading'.....

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful idea and well done to whoever thought of it. Rosemary won't win, but the sheer number of nominations that will come in for her is fantastic. This is another great way to keep the terrible goings on in the limelight. Keep the pressure on and if anyone can think of a way to get National attention it would be excellent.
If only Davani would do the right thing for once and wave the white flag. She's not respected and her actions are damaging the reputation of the HR department and the Council. There are some very capable HR professionals in Brent and she is making the department look bad.