Sunday, 6 January 2019

Brent Council to adopt new prioritising system for capital projects

Brent Council is set to introduce a permanent pipeline for capital projects with some moved into the main programme when 'strategically and economically advantageous to do so but always subject to the submission of detailed business cases and Cabinet approval where applicable. LINK

The list makes interesting reading with some projects only at early stages of development. Clues to the Council's long-term thinking are apparent in some of the proposals including, for example, Proposal 28 William Dunbar/Saville House (South Kilburn) which hasn't been moved to the main programme at present:
28. William Dunbar/Saville (ERSK) - £10M  
Proposal to bring forward a development in South Kilburn to accelerate delivery of the programme. Build on space around existing buildings, decant tenants, then demolish and build. Will require earlier buy back and a higher level of affordable than envisaged in theMasterplan (as end of programme no decants were expected to this site so more private were due to be built) due to decant requirements. 

Pipeline projects with those moved to main programme highlighted in yellow.(Click lower right corner for full page)

1 comment:

Pete Firmin said...

Apart from the opaqueness of much that is written there, there are several points worth noting."Build on space around existing buildings"-turn SK into one giant block. How about building on the space around Mo Butt's house(s). More loss of what little green space we have. "a higher level of affordable than in the masterplan". Nobody should be under the illusion that that means more social housing. Unless Brent wants words to mean something different,"affordable" is 80% of market rent, i.e. unaffordable. And have residents of William Dunbar been properly consulted about this, or is it yet another example of Brent telling people what they want?