Friday 25 January 2019

UPDATE: Big changes planned for Number 1 Olympic Way, Wembley

1 Olympic Way from Bridge Road
Backview  of 1 Olympic Way, with Wealdstone Brook from North End Road
The entire current building from, North End Road, current vehicle access
The proposed building with additions to the floors and new build
A revised planning application is being prepared for No 1 Olympic Way, currently an office building that is the first you view from the bridge on Bridge Road, Wembley Park and well-known local landmark.

The agents for Stadium Holdings said:
On behalf of Stadium Holdings Ltd, we are currently preparing a planning application for submission to Brent Council for the part-3, part-5 and part-7 storey rooftop extension to the existing office building (1 Olympic Way), as well as 13 storey block to the rear. This will provide an additional 119 flats, alongside the 227  flats previously approved at the site through conversion of the existing building (Ref. No. 17/4538).

The accommodation will provide a mix of residential sizes, including 1-bed, 2-bed and 3-bed accommodation, each with access to private amenity space. Given proximity to sustainable modes of transport, the residential flats subject of this application will be "car-free".

The exterior of the existing building shall be cleaned and refurbished, with the proposed extension purposely designed to appear as a seamless addition.
Clearly this will be a significant change to the original prior permission granted.  It is not clear yet what this will mean in terms of office space and a potential decline in the number of jobs available on the site. Nor are there any details yet on whether the accommodation will be to rent or buy,

Access would be via North End Road with emergency vehicle access from Olympic Way.  The current steps and ramps on Olympic Way which connect to North End Road (next to Michaela School) and Bridge Road will go when Brent Council reconnects North End Road to Bridge Road. This will allow through traffic around the stadium and will be served by local buses on event days.
Residents of Danes Court and Empire Court are already seeing substantial change with the new build taking place in the area.

UPDATE: In response to my questions re above Pegasus Group said:

  1. The development will provide a mix of private flats for sale and affordable housing (London Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership), subject to agreement with LB Brent.
  2. The application proposal will provide residential accommodation through a new building within the car park, and extensions above the existing office building (which is to be converted to residential under an existing permission). There is no additional office accommodation to be provided.

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