Friday 22 July 2022

Climate change means extreme storms will produce significant London flooding in the future, Independent Review concludes- even if all its recommendations are implemented

 The Stage 4 report of the Independent London Flood Review, commissioned by Thames Water, has now been published.


After reporting on its recommendations (see below) it is noteworthy that it concludes:


An important finding of the Review is that, even if all of our recommendations were taken up by the relevant organisations, we would still predict significant flooding when this type of extreme storm events occur, and due to climate change these events are predicted to become more frequent. As a result, the various organisations that have responsibility for managing flood risk will need to plan, work and invest together to reduce the impacts of flooding in the future.


As Kilburn was hit by the double whammy of surface water and sewer water lfooding, and there are other potential flood areas in the borough as posts on Wembley Matters have indicated, it is imperative that Brent Council Scrutiny investigates the issue further in the light of the Review's recommendations


Non-technical summary  (Full Report HERE)


Paul Lorber said...

On Monday I objected to and voted against a "Stopping Up" order for a piece of green land which has been a grass verge area near the Neasden Roundabout on the busy section of main road next to the Quinton Street housing area which leads to Blackbird Hill. While local residents were consulted about the planning application they were NOT consulted about the loss of green space.

A planning permission for a block of 9 flats on this piece of land had already been approved earlier as part of the Labour run Brent Council's drive for infill developments.

I was concerned both about the air pollution impact of the residents that will move into this block right on top of this busy and congested section of the road and the environmental impact generally of losing these type of pieces of land as Labour Councillors push for the building of more blocks on every available piece of land.

Needless to say I was the only person raising concerns and the only Councillor to vote against the loss of this small green space. All the Labour Councillors present, the same Councillors who declared a Climate Emergency in Brent recently, and who posture and pay lip services to environmental issues all voted in favour of this piece of green land to be sacrificed to more concrete. The green land will get a the block of flats, service roads and car parking with just a tiny amenity space left.

Needless to say as so often happens the warning signs are ignored and the same Labour Councillors making these decisions will shed crocodile tears when it will be too late.

Martin Francis said...

One of our Green Party members has been active on this. Wembley Matters covered last year = it was TfL land apparently.

Paul Lorber said...

As we know Tfl is under control of Sadiq Khan who as a Labour of Mayor of London is pushing for more massive Tower Blocks as in the case of the recent Alperton Bus Garage site where 3 towers are coming on top of all the other 30 storey monsters either already built or on the drawing board.

I would not mind them pushing for more housing if at least they had the honesty to admit that building on every spare piece of green land (including small grass verges) is contributing to the environmental crisis heading our way. If they are such supporters of more concrete fine but at least do not try to posture and give the impression that you actually care about air pollution and the environment. Their hypocrisy stinks!