Thursday 3 November 2011

Many characters in search of a library - March on Saturday

Preston Library campaigners are staging a protest march on Saturday to draw attention to the distance residents will have to travel to their nearest library now that Preston has been closed.

The march will begin at South Kenton station at 1.30pm and go to the 'Wall of Shame' at the boarded up library to arrive around 1.50pm. It will then proceed to Kingsbury Library. 

The campaign says:
We’re going to walk to our "nearest library" - Kingsbury.  Join us and show the politicians just how close it really is. Everyone is invited - come dressed as your favourite book. there will be water stations and helpers along the way. See how far you get!

Show Jeremy Hunt why Brent’s 21st Century library service is miles out.
Kenton, Preston and Barn Hill ward councillors have been invited – let’s hope they join us and show where they stand/walk!
Campaigners have been infuriated by the chutzpah of Brent Council's statement in the current magazine that every resident lives within 1.5 miles of a library.  It is a measurement that only seems to apply to bats, birds and Brent councillors.

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