Sunday 7 January 2018

How Long Does It Take To Repair A Light In Brent?

Guest posting by a South Kilburn resident
It could be a retelling of that old joke "how many people does it change a light bulb in....", but sometimes the joke wears a bit thin.

This light (photo) was first reported to Catalyst and Brent Housing as broken nearly 7 months ago. All that's happened since is that it has deteriorated.

It is one of a row  installed alongside a new path   next to Kilburn Park tube station during regeneration and the building of new flats in the vicinity. There seems to be a desire to give things silly names as part of regeneration and this short path is apparently a `boulevard'. When the path was first created it was (not) lit by a series of lights at ground level. You wouldn't be able to see them in the photo because they are completely overgrown. 

After months of complaining that the original lights were useless and a dark path had been created, they were eventually replaced by these better ones.

The broken light was first reported to Brent and Catalyst Housing Association in April 2017. Catalyst created the path and Brent tell us they should be responsible for repairing the light. Both have been repeatedly chased on the issue, including by a local Councillor.

Forget big schemes, better housing etc, we can't even get a light repaired.


Anonymous said...

Describes Brent completely!!!!

Sandro said...

On a slightly different note but still on the subject of lights I must commend Brent Council (something which I normally never do!) for changing the lights in my street to the new LED style ones. On top of being more eco-friendly they are far brighter & give a real bright white light which shines down on the street on a far wider radius as opposed to the old style orange dim street lights. Well done the Council for this.