Sunday 8 November 2015

20% 'affordable' housing in new Stonebridge development

Artist's impression of the development in Knatchbull Road

A new development by the Hyde Group in Stonebridge will have just 20% 'affordable' housing, in the form of shared ownership, according to officer recommendations going before the next Planning Committee on November 18th. LINK

There will be 109 units (mainly 1 and 2 bedrooms) on the site of the former Craven Park Health centre. A community space is also proposed although planning officers are seeking clarification on the use of such space.

The development is part of the Stonebridge Regeneration Area which included proposals to increase the amount of private housing to provide social 'balance' to the area.

This proposal, taken on its own, fails to meet the recommended proportion of affordable housing but Hyde started with 0%. This was challenged by officers resulting in the 20% figure.

The report notes:
20% affordable housing is proposed as shared ownership, whilst below the policy recommendation the amount is supported by a viability report and the specific tenures proposed are supportive of the aim to diversify the housing supply in Stonebridge.
This is one of the first proposals to come forward to planning Committee since new guidelines on affordable housing were adopted.

Stonebridge councillors have made no comment on the proposal.


Anonymous said...

It is reasonable that this plot is considered in the context of the whole Stonebridge development - as the officer's report makes clear.

It was always the case - from 20 years ago - that the last few plots were going to allow some claw-back of the considerable investment that Hyde Housing has put into social housing on the whole estate generally.

Anonymous said...

Then it is reasonable to consider this development within the wider context of the Labour Party's planning across Brent. Including the Kensal Rise and Willesden Library giveaways.

Unknown said...

It is reasonable to consider this plot in the context of the low quality, thin-walled, small-roomed replacement 'affordable' social housing without the much-needed public amenities like the the Adventure Playground that the community has had to put up with since the redevelopment of Stonebridge began....

Anonymous said...

Stonebridge councillors didn't even comment when the adventure playground was closed. Absolute wastes of oxygen, all of them

mauriceavery said...

I am the new guy