Saturday 17 February 2018

Free English classes in Brent

 Free, open to all, no papers needed, drop-in ok
For more information call Robin 07974 331 053.

Intermediate Classes:
Sundays 11am -1pm
Apollo Club, 375 Willesden High Road, NW10 2JR
Enrolment: 18 February
Start: 25 February
Finish: 22 April

Monday 6pm -7.30pm:
Kilburn Library, 42 Salusbury Road, NW6 6NN
Enrolment: 26 February
Start: 5 March
Finish: 26 April

Tuesday 10am - 12pm
Apollo Club, 375 Willesden High Road, NW10 2JR
Enrolment: 20 February
Start: 27 February
Finish: 24 April

Wednesday 1pm - 3pm
CVS Brent Training room, 7 Rutherford Way, Wembley, HA9 0BP
Started already, new people welcome
Finish: 28 April

Beginner Classes:
Thursdays 7pm - 9pm
Harlesden Salvation Army, 32 Manor Park Road, NW10 4JJ
Enrolment: 22 February
Start: 1 March
Finish: 19 April


Unknown said...

This is a very welcome initiative well worth supporting. We run 'english conversation' sessions at Barham Community Library and know how beneficial helping people to learn to speak English is in helping them to get on and settle in a new area.

Paul Lorber said...

This is a very worth while initiative deserving everyones support. We hold English Conversation sessions at Barham Community Library and know who importnat they are in building confidence and helping people to improve their English speaking when settling in a new area.

Anonymous said...

When the next session going to start?