Monday 5 April 2021

Climate Emergency a focus at Tuesday's Cabinet meeting

There are three items at Tuesday's 10am Cabinet meeting relating to the Climate Emergency. (The meeting can be viewed live HERE).

In an unusual move the campaign group Divest Brent is presenting a petition calling on the Brent Council Pension Fund to divest from fossil fuels.

The Cabinet  will also be considering the approval of the Brent Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy 2021-2030 that has gone through some changes as the result of consultation and submissions.

Unfortunately the Strategy does not include specific targets and milestones. The Council explain:

Due to the long-term nature of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy the current financial situation facing all councils following the Covid-19 pandemic the detailed document does not contain a detailed action plan or route map for the next ten years.

The overall aim is to achieve carbon netrality by 2030. Readers unsure of the difference between carbon neutrality and zero carbon can read more HERE.

The Strategy is arranged around 5 themes:

1. Consumption, Resources and Waste

2. Transport

3. Homes, Buildings and the Built Environment

4. Nature and Green Spaces

5. Supporting Communities

I have embedded the document below (Click bottom right to enlarge)


The third item is a £3.234 grant to improve the energy efficiency of some Brent Council owned buildings. The grant is fro  the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme managed by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. I was struck by how many of the buildings chosen are comparatively new or recently refurbished.


The officers' report provides examples of decarbonisation measures for 10 of the buildings:


1 comment:

Paul Lorber said...

I see that a number of projects have been listed for the Barham Park Complex. I mentioned solar panels on the roof at least two years ago and again recently. The response was luke warm and there does not seem to be a plan. Six different project ideas are shown in one of the tables in the report for Barham Park Complex. All the parts of the Complex are are occupied by tenants and our Community Library is one of them - yet no one has approached us or talked to us about any of this which is rather surprising as without the tenants active involvement very little what is shown on paper is likely to be achieved.