Sunday 20 November 2022

Call for staffed public toilet on Kilburn High Road to end the toilet crisis

Yesterday was World Toilet Day and campaigners were out on Kilburn High Road  questioning why this busy shopping road, nearly one mile long, has had no public toilet since  2004. 

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange (KOVE) in a leaflet distributed to shoppers said:

Toilets cost a lot to run, but this is a major town centre. There are only four publicly accessible facilities on the street. One is run by Transport for London. The other three are part of Camden's Community Toilet Scheme (business allow us access in return for the annual maintenance fee).

We don't think many people know where these facilities are.

Many of us remember the toilets that have been closed - in Willesden Lane, Kilburn Grange Park and Victoria Road, Marks and Spencer.

This lack of toilets is an issue for all of us. It's a matter of public and environmental health. Disabled visitors and older shoppers stay away. Local residents report high levels of fouling. The situation should not continue.

Surely this is affecting business and sociability and recreation.

What could be done? We've started with a survey of all the local provision.

There could be better toilets on any of the Transport for London sites.

The two boroughs - Brent and Camden - could improve the Community Toilet Scheme.

We believe it's time for something ambitious - a staffed accessible public toilet that reflects the human need for relief, decenecy, hospitality and care,

The Greater London Authority is investigating London's public toilet crisis. They could help bring everyone together - public bodieswith business and community representatives - to come up with an innovative proposal.

Let's make Kilburn High Road a place to be proud of!

Keep in touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't believe there are no toilets my mum can no longer go to kilburn