Sunday 27 November 2022

LETTER: The Minterne Road development will be an eyesore and infringe our privacy


Dear Editor,


I hope you are keeping well.


I wish to raise the granting of planning permission by Brent Council for a 4 bed house at Minterne Road, Harrow, HA3 9TA  in your publication Wembley Matters.


Planning Reference: 22/1386


All the neighbours of adjoining properties have raised objections on two occasions with Brent Council and in total there are 8 objections. In spite of this Brent Council has made a one-sided decision to proceed with this development as it suits their interests and without giving any consideration to the objections of residents in the area.


I had also participated in the Brent Planning Committee meeting in person on 16th November 2022 plus this objection was also raised in March 2022 with MP Barry Gardiner and Cllr Eleanor Southood but unfortunately there was no response.


This development is an eyesore and will affect the neighbour’s privacy, overlooking into their garden, kitchen, dining and bedrooms. None of the houses on Dorchester way have such a development overshadowing more than half of the immediate neighbours’ gardens so it is naturally out of character for the area.


DK (address provided)


Marc Etukudo said...

Having attended Wednesday 16th planning committee meeting as a neutral, I sat in the gallery right through the whole proceedings. I wanted to get a feel for how these meetings work as my neighbours and I are fighting yet another ‘infill’ proposal in Newland Court where we reside. I also watched the full council meeting on Monday at 6pm where I discovered even more about Labour run Brent.
From what I saw it seemed like this was a one sided biased system which would always result in one outcome. The Labour councillors on the committee seemed to be all voting together and of course a majority outcome always in their favour. As Cllr Michael Maurice said at Monday’s full Council meeting, ‘Time and time again the planning committee approve private developments which fall short of social housing, unaffordable housing and don’t comply in regards to amenity space. And if Labour cabinet members don’t vote in favour with their other members, then they get thrown out’.
And then even Cllr Matt Kelcher who is the chair of the planning committee reiterates about the shortage of social housing and Brent Council’s target of building 2,500 council homes a year. So my question is whether like the leader of Brent Muhhammed Butt said in defence of his Labour planning committee members ‘Every labour planning committee member will have read all the paperwork and make their decisions on the facts and evidence put forward to them’.
Well, I’m not too sure about that because from what I have already seen and experienced with those Councillors involved in all these new development proposals, Brent seem to have made up their minds about fast tracking all these ‘infills’ at any cost. At the detriment of their own existing residents who voted them in, including me.

Anonymous said...

Vote Labour out next time!

Remember that local politics is not the same as national politics.

At the local elections you should vote for the people who will represent you on local issues no matter what party they represent.

Anonymous said...

Butt's personal party has hijacked the Labour Party name to get in power and stay in power.