In view of the intense interest in the proposed move of Islamia Primary School to a site in Strathcona Road, Preston ward, I thought it might be useful to publish the minutes of the Cabinet Meeting of September 12 that set the process in motion:
This report details a proposal regarding the relocation of Islamia Primary School and seeks approval to the associated capital project business case and statutory consultation process.
Cabinet NOTED the comments by Sofia Moussaoui, representing the Governing Body of Islamia Primary School, who had requested to speak on the report in relation to the future of Islamia Primary School.
In commenting on the proposals within the report she advised that the main aim of the Governing Body moving forward was to secure the future of Islamia Primary School. As such she advised the Governing Body remained committed to ensure that the necessary funding and a suitable, viable alternative site was secured for the school. This recognised the advice from the Council that the South Kilburn site identified as the preferred alternative by the parents who had signed the petition was not a viable option given the timing of its availability and allocated use.
In advance of the report being considered, Councillor Butt again assured the petitioners about the formal consultation that would need to be undertaken by the Governing Body, should the recommendations be agreed, along with the work being undertaken with the School and Governing Board in order to maintain and secure the schools future provision on the basis of the proposals identified.
Having noted the report, including the exempt information within the appendix, and the comments raised by the petitioners and Governing Body representatives at the meeting Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the historical context and background set out in the report.
(2) To note that the Yusuf Islam Foundation has issued eviction notices to its Voluntary Aided Islamia Primary School and that the future options for the school were for the school to either relocate or close.
(3) To note the proposal to relocate Islamia Primary School to the Strathcona site as a 2FE school and agree to allocate up to £8.0m capital towards the total project costs of £10.0m, noting that the preferred option was estimated to cost £9.11m.
(4) To approve the delegation of authority to agree pre-tender considerations, procure and award the necessary works contracts valued in excess of £5m to the Corporate Director Finances and Resources, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools and Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Reform.
To note that if the school relocated to the Strathcona school site,
the site could be transferred into the name of the Yusuf Islam
Foundation who would be required to hold the site for the benefit
of the Islamia Primary School. Further details in terms of
ownership would be set out in a Trust Deed. This would ensure that
the primary school would be protected from eviction in future. (My emphasis)
(6) To note that a statutory consultation process to allow the relocation of Islamia Primary School as a 2FE Primary School to the Strathcona site would need to be undertaken and that the Governing Board would be responsible for making this proposal through statutory consultation.
(7) To acknowledge that, should the Strathcona site be used for Islamia Primary School, then an alternative site would be required to deliver Post-16 SEND provision.
Following on from consideration of the petition relating to Islamia Primary School, Councillor Muhammed Butt (Leader of the Council) advised that he had accepted a request to speak on the report from Sofia Moussaoui, representing the Governing Body at Islamia Primary School. In commenting on the proposals within the report, Sofia Moussaoui advised that the main aim of the Governing Body moving forward was to secure the future of Islamia Primary School. As such she advised the Governing Body remained committed to ensure that the necessary funding and a suitable, viable alternative site was secured for future provision of the school. This recognised the advice from the Council that the South Kilburn site identified as the preferred alternative by the parents who had signed the petition was not a viable option given the timing of its availability and allocated use.
In advance of the report being considered, Councillor Muhammed Butt again assured the petitioners about the formal consultation that would need to be undertaken by the Governing Body, should the recommendations in the report be agreed, along with the work being undertaken with the School and Governing Board in order to maintain and secure the schools future provision on the basis of the proposals identified.
Councillor Gwen Grahl (Cabinet member for Children, Young People and Schools) then introduced the report which set out proposals for the relocation of Islamia Primary School. In considering the report Cabinet noted the outline of options reviewed along with the capital project requirements and business case supporting the option to develop the former Strathcona school site as a two form entry site for the School. The report also set out the statutory consultation requirements that would be required in order to deliver the project. In thanking the petitioners and representatives of the school Governing Body for their comments, Councillor Grahl advised that she acknowledged the concerns and frustrations raised but, at the same time, felt it important to recognise the limited options available in relation to the availability of alternative sites to secure future provision of the school. In terms of reference to the new school site within South Kilburn, confirmation was provided that this had already been allocated for use as a replacement for Carlton Vale Infant and Kilburn Park Junior School as part of the wider South Kilburn regeneration masterplan with the new school also not available until September 2026. Members noted it would also not therefore be available as a viable option on the basis of the timing, given Islamia Primary School were required to vacate their current site by the end of July 2024.
Taking this into account, members were advised of the significant effort which had gone into development of the Strathcona site as a viable alternative for the school along with the assurance of the Council’s continued commitment to work with the school and parents in order to ensure a smooth transition, should the proposal be approved, including on how best to facilitate travel and access particularly for more vulnerable pupils.
In recognising that the preference identified by the petitioners for allocation of the new school site in South Kilburn was not a viable option, members supported the efforts being made to safeguard the long term future of the school working with the Governing Body and Trust in terms of the provision of a suitable permanent site that could be developed to accommodate the school and on which it would be possible for parents to contribute and outline their views as part of the statutory consultation process.
Having considered the report, including the exempt information within Appendix A, and the comments raised by the petitioners and Governing Body representatives at the meeting Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the historical context and background set out in the report.
(2) To note that the Yusuf Islam Foundation has issued eviction notices to its Voluntary Aided Islamia Primary School and that the future options for the school were for the school to either relocate or close.
(3) To note the proposal to relocate Islamia Primary School to the Strathcona site as a 2FE school and agree to allocate up to £8.0m capital towards the total project costs of £10.0m, noting that the preferred option was estimated to cost £9.11m.
(4) To approve the delegation of authority to agree pre-tender considerations, procure and award the necessary works contracts valued in excess of £5m to the Corporate Director Finances and Resources, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools and Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Reform.
(5) To note that if the school relocated to the Strathcona school site, the site could be transferred into the name of the Yusuf Islam Foundation who would be required to hold the site for the benefit of the Islamia Primary School. Further details in terms of ownership would be set out in a Trust Deed. This would ensure that the primary school would be protected from eviction in future.
(6) To note that a statutory consultation process to allow the relocation of Islamia Primary School as a 2FE Primary School to the Strathcona site would need to be undertaken and that the Governing Board would be responsible for making this proposal through statutory consultation.
(7) To acknowledge that, should the Strathcona site be used for Islamia Primary School, then an alternative site would be required to deliver Post-16 SEND provision.
Supporting documents:
07. Future of Islamia Primary School.docx, item 8.
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1 comment:
At that meeting Cllr Butt said that the site in South Kilburn couid not be considered because the school was being evicted in 2024 and the new site would not be ready until 2026.
The petition highlighted the fact that the two schools earmarked for the new building are struggling with numbers and same goes for most schools in that area. The only oversubscribed one being Islamia.
Now representatives of IPS GB expressed that Yusuf Islam Foundation would withdraw eviction until the new site is ready of there os a formal offer.
So is Brent Council going to reconsider the allocation of the school and make a better use of taxpayers' money? Neighbouring schools do not need the competion of a brand new school. There are enough spaces available. Islamia is oversubscribed and at risk of shutting dow. Stop politics and rehouse permanently and locally those children.
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