Wednesday 16 November 2022

Resident promises legal action if Minterne Road planning application approved tonight


A planning application to demolish six garages in Minterne Road, Kenton, and replace with a 4 bedroom house will be heard at Planning Committee tonight. A supplementary report has been published today reporting a further submission by a local resident. The report is published below

A local resident has objected to the proposal re-iterating their concerns that the plan is not feasible and will destroy the neighbourhood and severely impact their privacy as the proposal would overlook their garden and side of their house. 

They requested that the Planning Committee make a site visit to further understand the impacts. The objector has also specified that they would take legal action against council if the proposal is approved.

The concerns raised about (sic) in terms of impact on the character of the neighbourhood, privacy and overlooking to neighbouring properties have been discussed within the committee report. 

Members of the Planning Committee do make themselves familiar with the site and the surrounding context prior to considering the application at the committee meeting. A formal Planning Committee site visit was not considered necessary in this instance as it is possible to understand the proposal, the site and its context from the information available to members.

Recommendation: Remains to Grant Consent subject to conditions as set out within the draft decision notice.


Anonymous said...

Watching the Planning Committee tonight, has the Chair, Cllr. Keltcher taken a PHD in being patronising? What a dreadful way to speak to other committee members and residents. Disgusting performance yet again.

Anonymous said...

I'll second that, what an ....

Anonymous said...

How did this get passed, it does not comply with so many policies. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Brent Labour Cllrs will do what they wish regardless of legality