Monday 21 November 2022

'Show me your motion, tra-la-la-lah' Will tonight's motions to Brent Council make any beneficial difference to residents if passed? You judge.

 Towards the end of every Full Brent Council Meeting (Item 16 on tonight's agenda) there is a Motions item. By the time they are heard most of the public have stopped watching but it is a ritual where members of the council can enjoy castigating each other and rehearse for their hoped for future in Parliament. The Labour Group have two bites at the cherry, tabling two motions, and an Opposition Group table one.

There are some motions which receive cross-party support and these are usually those that take a principled stand on an issue such as climate change or domestic violence,

The test of a worthwhile motion  is whether:

1. it actually asks for an action which is within the remit of the council 

2. whether that action can be implemented within financial  constraints and 

3. whether it being adopted will actually change any Brent residents' lives for the better.

You can use the same criteria to judge any amendments to the motion.

The Liberal Democracts are proposing a motion on Brent Council's relationship with Housing Associations and Labour has one on the proposed changes to the voting system that  would mean voters having to produce ID to vote,  and another on Adult Social Care.

I have embedded the motions below so that you can judge for yourself.

Holding Housing Associations to Account (Liberal Democrat) 


Our Home Our Vote (Labour) 


Backlog Britain: Waiting for Care (Labour) 

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