Monday 5 November 2012

Brent fight for NHS moves up a gear

The fight to preserve and enhance the NHS in Brent and prevent privatisation took a step forward on Saturday when campaigners met up on the initiative of the 38 Degrees Campaign and planned their next steps.

The 38 Degrees petition asks the Brent Clinical Commissioning Group to protect the NHS from privatisation by including a clause in their constitution affirming that they will commission services from the NHS in preference to private companies. Hackney CCG has already agreed to this

The petition will be presented at the Shadow Brent  CCG at their consultation meeting on 14th November at the Wembley Centre for Health and Care, 116 Chaplin Road, Wembley, HA0 4UZ. The meeting is from 6pm until 8pm.The services currently being commissioned can be found HERE

The meeting will be discussing the Brent Integrated Plan which is a 3 year strategy  that outlines financial planning and details health care services the CCG plans to buy,

On Friday afternoon of this week pressure will be exerted on Sarah Teather, MP for Brent Central, when campaigners present her with a petition against the proposals in 'Shaping a Healthier Future' which includes the closure of Central Middlesex A&E. This petition also opposes privatisation of the NHS. Campaigners will meet at The Nest cafe at Willesden Green Station at 2pm on Friday 9th November and present the petition at Ms Teather's office in Walm Lane at 2.30pm.

When she left her government post Sarah Teather said that she wanted to devote more time to serving her constituents and this meeting will give her the chance to do just that.

On Wednesaday 28th November NHS NWL will be providing feedback on their 'Shaping  Healthier Future' consultation at the Hilton Metrropole in Edgware Road (opposite the tube station) from 5.30-7pm followed by a workshop for the public, patient representatives, clinicians and voluntary sector organisation working in groups on issues raised in the consultation. To attend register HERE

1 comment:

trevor said...

I just can't see the sense in having a government that closes down hospitals as well as privatizes them ( obviously I know they do that to make money for private companies of course)
but at the same time they do these things they continue adding to the debt the country is in by continuing to make money from a health and life destroying thing called cigarettes because we are regularly told that the cost of treating smoking related diseases costs up to £20 billion a year.
now if you have a government in charge that creates physical problems which then causes financial problems how can such people be taken seriously?
it is obvious that they are reckless more than anything else and that people are @ serious risk as long as they remain in the driving seat.
the people of Britain need to recognize that the British government has consistently Betrayed us and because of the serious mess the country is in things will only get worse.
There is no point in gathering up with Sarah Teather to protest against privatization because we should know by now that the Governments of Britain Never Listen to the opinion of the public because they always know best of course...this is why For example they have successfully turned the nation into tobacco addicts for example which has become the number one cause of preventable death in Britain and of course that is a classic example of True Leadership isn't it!!!!!
and to further show themselves up as the wicked reckless hypocrites they are, they oooo and arrrrr over the shameful revelations about Jimmy Saville who Allegedly sexually abused young people for years and yet the tobacco companies who are responsible for the number one cause of preventable death in this country are allowed to continue manipulating and exploiting us for profit and the government does nothing and says nothing.
yet we are meant to believe they are concerned about the people that were sexually abused and yet what about the millions that have been exploited by the tobacco companies with the permission of the government?
how is it the government just introduces a smoking in public places ban which does little or nothing to encourage people to try to quit smoking?
obviously I know why they do that because they rely upon exploiting us as a sleazy way of making money.
they won't give up on tobacco after all they rely on exporting these causes of mass destruction to other if they don't give a monkeys about us...they won't care about giving other nations the means to destroy themselves.
and to think they do all these wicked crooked and sleazy things and yet address each other as honorable men and ladies?
the government of Britain is extremely deluded and I wonder what will successfully serve to wake it up to the horrible reality of it's self?
obviously allowing companies to corrupt us into destroying our own health which then causes it to become the number one cause of death
obviously does not bother the government.
however when their beloved money is under threat they spring into action!!!!
then it's cut cut cut everywhere!!!!
I want to inspire people to seriously think about what you are doing to yourselves every time you light a cigarette or cigar.
does it really make sense to hand over your hand earned money in exchange for something that will do nothing but ruin your health and likely lead to a early and painful death from cancer?
if cancer was something that was sold would you buy it?
of course you wouldn't....well not if you valued your health and life.....recognize the corruptive influence of this system we live in and start treading a new path one that leads to preservation not destruction of health.
don't let the wicked hypocritical politicians seduce you into taking your health for granted.